I am using frame work Joomla1.5. I am not able to submit form with multiple uploaded files having each file size more than 3mb. i tried to set post_max_size, upload_max_size parameters in layout default.php(views/tmpl/default.php) as
ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '5M');
ini_set('post_max_size', '15M');
but that parameters still showing default sizes only.
can you please tell me where/how to set value in joomla
Thanks in advance
You can set the maximum upload size in joomla from admin panel. You have to go site -> Global configuration -> System->Maximum Size (in bytes).
Find the php.ini file that your server uses and change the 'upload_max_filesize' value to a higher number and restart the server.
I have a simple form with just a field to upload a file on a Drupal 8 site using the Webform module 6.0.1. If I test the form using webforms test tool, the file gets uploaded fine, it displays the loading icon for couple seconds and its ready to upload, but if I try the same in a page with the form embedded as a block, I can not upload the file it will always show me the following message if I try to submit the form, no matter how long I wait.
"File upload in progress. Uploaded file may be lost. Do you want to
Just for testing, I increased the max upload file to 2GB and the file I'm uploading is just 5kb.
All the .js libraries I can think of are on my template.info.yml file. (core/drupal, core/jquery, core/drupal.ajax)
The private folder has been set up in my settings.php and has the permissions set correctly the .htaccess file is also set as recommended for Drupal.
I have try to upload the files in the public folder just as desperation but I get the same error
Any help will be appreciate.
I know this is more than a year old but JIC anyone else had this problem:
There are four files where you might have to make changes to raise the memory limit on uploads. The first are two separate php.ini files. One is your server's php.ini and the other is the Drupal installation's php.ini in the Drupal root folder. The server's php.ini will apply the settings to all Drupal installs (and anything using PHP) on the server, while the Drupal root php.ini file will only apply to that Drupal installation. Make changes in the php.ini file(s) under memory_limit, upload_max_filesize, post_max_size. You can often edit the server's php.ini file through cPanel's MultiPHP INI Editor.
The next file is the .htacess file where you would change the value under php_value memory_limit. Changing this only affects the Drupal install the .htaccess file belongs to. This file can be found in the Drupal root directory but is sometimes hard to find because it is a hidden file. The FTP client Forklift has the option to show hidden files under View > Show View Options > Show Hidden Files. Your FTP client of choice may also have an option to show hidden files.
The last file is the settings.php file (sites/default/settings.php) and the value to change can be found under ini_set('memory_limit', ''). For example: ini_set('memory_limit', '64M'); Again, this only affects the Drupal install the settings.php file belongs to.
memory_limit This sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate. This helps prevent poorly written scripts for eating up all available memory on a server. Note that to have no memory limit, set this directive to -1.
post_max_size Sets max size of post data allowed. This setting also affects file upload. To upload large files, this value must be larger than upload_max_filesize. Generally speaking, memory_limit should be larger than post_max_size.
upload_max_filesize The maximum size of an uploaded file.
Error : Image type and information need to be specified for each store view.
I have tried cache clearing and it doesn't help for me.
I am using magento 1.8
just do below step as per link
Also try this
Try adding a php.ini file in your magento root directory and see whether it works:-
magic_quotes_gpc = off
short_open_tag = on
hope this will help you
I resolved this issue in 1.9.x using "Dull uploader" which removed the smart flash uploader in favor of a plain browser based file upload.
Image type and information need to be specified for each store view:
Go to File structure root/media/ dhl
Cut or delete the “dhl” folder from there.
Clear cache from Admin Panel and now do upload the images
Hope, Its working good.
We are trying to upload files to a joomla instance which are aproximately are 10 MB. Strangely the upload fails with:
This file is too large to upload.
We have full access for custom php.ini settings (SuPHP) and also full access to the root server, settings:
output_buffering = off
post_max_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 50M
memory_limit = 256M
max_execution_time = 250
max_input_time = 250
These settings are honoured by Joomla! as shown in the System Information within the administrative backend.
An Apache restart has been performed after changing values in php.ini.
Uploading files up to 2MB is possible (whereas even in the global php.ini the limit is set to 8MB).
Where is the sweet spot? Do we have to move to jquery solutions? Any help is appreciated.
If you're referring to the Media Manager, in that component's configuration is a field to set an upload size limit. Adjust that accordingly.
Adding to the suggestion from #Michael , if you are using an editor like JCE, there's a similar setting in JCE Editor > profiles > profile > plugin parameters > file browser
(for JCE v
Good luck!
I have just a had the same problem with a Joomla 2.5.28 installation using the Tiny MCE Editor. After several hours of trying to solve the problem, I decided to install the JCE Editor and this seems to have cured my problem.
Worth trying if you have same problem.
When I click on "Payment Methods" tab .i.e. System -> Configuration -> Payment Methods (from left tab under sales), It load the page as seen in the image and shows loading status forever.
I did notice one more thing, that only on this page, footer also don't show up. I tried by disabling all extensions from app/etc/modules folder but no luck.
I turn ON the path hints for admin and compared files with the my local running magento but these were identical.
Are you having any other problems in the admin panel? I had some problems displaying contents on certain pages due to the memory limit for php being set too low. You may want to try increasing it in your php.ini.
You may want to set developer mode to true in .htaccess and uncomment the php debugging line in index.php to get more info on your problem.
htaccess add the following:
index.php uncomment the following (line 77?):
#ini_set('display_errors', 1);
EDIT:Without permission to change .htaccess, refer to the line above at around 74 that says
You can add this just below the uncommented line to activate developer mode regardless of the environment variable being set.
If your memory is too low you'll probably see an error message indicating that situation when you go back to the page.
If your server config supports it, you can adjust the memory limit in the htaccess file. I use these values personally.
php_value memory_limit 256M
php_value max_execution_time 18000
Good luck.
As half the page content is displayed to trouble shoot do the following:
1) check what all admin permissions given if all is ok here then.
Magento logs few things for developers( Your log should be set to on)
1. Go to var/log folder and check if there is any exception log or system log generated.
2. Also in var/reports folder check it any report there.
If in Magento log nothing is found then check site level error log.
If this too is ok then you need to check things at code level or check for .xml file in app/etc/ folder path
After digging every which way to rectify this issue, I did find at least a work-around. I stripped the app/core/Paypal/etc/system.xml of everything inside the tag.
Is it recommended? No. Will it get you out of your jam if you don't need PayPal? Yes.
As far as the issue itself, memory limit is at 512, timeout is over 1,000. Still get the error (or lack there of). Page loads just timeout at seemingly random amounts of the page. Only seems to happen on this page. Can't explain it, but have run out of time to debug it.
I have created my own theme for magento, and I am trying to edit the logo and am having difficulty.
I have created my own local/Mage/Page/etc/config.xml file, and specified within the config the following:
I created a custom layout in the file as well. I can see the custom layout file in the CMS, but my changes to the logo do absolutely nothing. I have even tried changing the original core config.xml, it still stays the same.
On multiple websites, I have been told to go to System > Configuration > Design > Header, but I do not have the header option?
Help please!
The value you're changing (mostly likely, hard to tell without more context) in the configuration file is the default value for a the logo_src System Config variable. This is not want you want to do.
The people who've told to change the value in System -> Configuration -> Design -> Header are correct. If you don't have a header options there it's eitehr because
The person who setup your admin account didn't give you access (ask them)
You have the wrong configuration scope set (look in the upper left hand corner for the scope selector)
Someone tried to customize your Magento store and accidentally killed the header configuration
If you're desperate you could always search through your codebase for calls to getLogoSrc
and replace them with a hard coded image.
Save image at the below location
Login to the admin section
System > Configuration > General > Design > Header > Logo Image Src
-- Replace the images/logo.gif to images/your_image_name.png
Your default magneto front-end header logo will be changed to your custom logo.
I was only able to make my logo show (in Magento Community 1.9) after I placed the file in this directory: /skin/frontend/base/default/images/logo_YCZ.jpg