How to use telerik controls in - telerik

I am new for telerik controls, and i am too much confused about these controls how to use these controls in my site.

Assuming that you already have a licensed verison of the controls, this should get you started: RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Step-by-Step tutorial.
Also, Telerik (in addition to StackOverflow) has a terrific community that will help answer questions on their forum.
Don't forget to check out their Documentation and Tutorials page.

You will have to download telerik kit, from its website, it will give you trial version for short period. You will have to then install that kit, and then add its dll file in the toolbox through choose items, and its control will then appear in the toolbox, you might have to close visual studio and again restart it ,contorls to appear in toolbox. and then just drag and drop the control you want. If you want full version, you will have to buy kit of telerik, then you will get licensed telerik controls.

the above answers as true, but as a simple soultion one u have purchased the telerik licence you can just
1) Reference the Telerik.Web.UI, Telerik.Web.UI.Skins and Telerik.Web.Desgin in your project and thats it ,( that's exactly what I'm doing in my current Project) ,
2)after you added those references now you have to register the telerik library in your page like this:
<%# Register TagPrefix="telerik" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" %>
3) add telerik controls using tags like this example:
<telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="pnlControlsall" runat="server" EnableAJAX="true" EnableAjaxSkinRendering="true" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" >
thanks and I hope this helps as I have transferred my real working procedure to you here

It is very easy , don't be confuse of telerik components..
Two basic things to keep in mind are ,
- add references of telerik dll's in your application.
- and use events of telerik controls accoring to need , for e.g. radtree view has various events like nodeNeeded, MouseDoubleClick etc.
Telerik components are fun ! Enjoy..


Do Open Source Package of Kendo UI supports Kendo charts/graph

I just started with Kendo UI and I am using Open Source package of Kendo UI. SO in the package I am not able to see any javascript files which contains name chart. I want to display some charts . So I am doubt that is open source package of kendo ui is supporting charts.
Anyway I have added following Kendo.core.min.js and to the page and called to chart function. But it's throwing error.
Any guidance would be very really helpful .
Charts are not contained in the open source version of Kendo UI Core product. They are available in the professional version but this has a cost associated with it ($699). If you take a look at the following link:
Kendo UI Core vs Kendo UI Professional
If you require charting needs and do not wish to page for the Chart features then give HighCharts a look. They are free to use in a non-commercial setting and are generally considered one of the the better solutions out there.
Hopefully this answers your question adequately.
Please check the below URL , It will help you to find out which all features are available in which all versions.
There are too many open source, jquery based charts are available. See this list:

Ajax toolkit add extender is not working

I am new bee to ajax control toolkit. I am currently using .NET framework 2.0. I downloaded and installed ajax control extensions and I added the dll to the toolbox. Then I dragged nad dropped the script manager from the ajax extensions and then a dropdownlist control. I tried to map this dropdownlist control with ajax dropdown extender. But that option is not displayed. I addeed my screenshot here.
I referred to this link
Any one please help me to do this.
It may be your installation issue. Uninstall your ajax and try re-installing it.
Hope this will work !!

ASP.NET Membership controls (can I see inside?)

I am looking at ASP.NET membership controls (2008) and have been dropping them onto web pages to see how it all works. In some ASP.NET starter kit web site examples that I downloaded, I notice that between the asp:control tags I can see all the tags of the constituent parts like the textboxes, labels and buttons etc. However with the membership control that I am using in 2008 I do not see these other tags. Is this because the starter kit examples are from an older version or is it possible to expose these inner tags? It seems that this would make it possible to customize the controls. Thanks
Let's say if you have added a login control to your project's page, if you click on the smart-tag at top right corner of the control, you will find an option convert to template that will allow you to see the same things that you can see in the starter kit project
i hope this helps

How to AJAXify ASP:Wizard Control

Happy Friday All,
I have an 2.0 website that I'm updating to .Net 3.5. The site uses a master page and I've placed asp:UpdatePanel in it.
One of the pages has a 3-step wizard control that I'd like to "Ajaxify" in some way. Are there better controls in the AJAX control toolkit that provide an improved user experience over the asp:Wizard control?
Please share with me your efforts to improve upon the asp:Wizard control. Did you move to a different control? Stay with asp:Wizard and add effects to it?
Kind of late, but I'll answer. I used the Telerik RadAjaxManager control to ajaxify my Wizard control, and I regretted it because of performance issues.
If I were you, I'd pursue setting up divs and use JQuery to selectively show/hide them to emulate a wizard.

Telerik RadGrid working examples

I'm looking for some examples of production websites that currently use the Telerik Rad Grid. I'd really like to see some real world scenarios in action, other than the Telerik RadGrid demo. Does anyone know of any websites that use it?
This article from their website says that MSDN, TechNet, and CodePlex websites are using pieces of their components.
"Microsoft has chosen to implement RadEditor in the Wiki Annotation Editor...[and] all Project Discussion pages, becoming the custom inline editor."
Here is one for you... The first tab uses the RadGrid control and the second tab uses the RadScheduler control...
[link redacted per request of site owner]
I will post blog on this later to demonstrate
There are some case studies on their website. like for winforms, ajax etc.
Most controls like that are used in internal webapps. It is hard to provide public facing examples of sites using DataGrid-like at all(not impossible, just rare), let alone by one vendor on one platform.
