Ajax toolkit add extender is not working - ajax

I am new bee to ajax control toolkit. I am currently using .NET framework 2.0. I downloaded and installed ajax control extensions and I added the dll to the toolbox. Then I dragged nad dropped the script manager from the ajax extensions and then a dropdownlist control. I tried to map this dropdownlist control with ajax dropdown extender. But that option is not displayed. I addeed my screenshot here.
I referred to this link
Any one please help me to do this.

It may be your installation issue. Uninstall your ajax and try re-installing it.
Hope this will work !!


Widget kit not working for joomla 1. 7

I have a joomla 1. 7 website and I have installed a widget kit for displaying a slider with buttons on it. It works fine in the backend, however it does not display on the site.
Is there a reason why widget kit is not compatible with Joomla 1. 7?
Without any details at all, I'd suggest a possible conflict with you chosen joomla template and javascript library(s) like jquery or mootools.
Try one of the simple templates that came with your joomla installation and see if the problem on the front end persists.
Widget Kit is compatible with Joomla 1.7, however as Grag P said, it might possibly be a conflict with another extension using Jquery.
Use Firebug and look at the scripts being loaded in the <head> tags and see if there are 2 Jquery libraries being loaded.
If so then the 2nd one is most likely coming from your template in which case go to your template manager and see if there is an option to turn off Jquery, else if its coming from another extension, try disabling it and seeing if this solves the problem.
Also make sure you have the most up-to-date version of widget kit as Yootheme have brought out a lot of updates in the last 2 months.

Adding ajaxControlToolKit to visual studio 2010

When trying to add the AjaxControlToolkit.dll file I am getting this message:
"Security Warning: This file is possibly downloaded from a network location, and it can potentially harm your computer. Only load assemblies from publisher you trust.
Do you want to load it anyway ?
I chose YES, and although the ajax controlls do not add to my tab.
What should I do ?
I just download the Ajax. So you might downloading it form not trusted site. Try, ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com and you go there go to downloads and choose either the first one which is Ajax Control Toolkit 4 or whatever you need. Let me know if you need any help or if you face any thing.
Try to add the AjaxControlToolkit using NuGet. See the official Codeplex page for instructions.
Adding a DLL does not necessary result in adding Controls to the toolbar. You can specificy in the settings dialog of the toolbar if controls from perticular assembly should be shown.

How to use telerik controls in asp.net

I am new for telerik controls, and i am too much confused about these controls how to use these controls in my asp.net site.
Assuming that you already have a licensed verison of the controls, this should get you started: RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Step-by-Step tutorial.
Also, Telerik (in addition to StackOverflow) has a terrific community that will help answer questions on their forum.
Don't forget to check out their Documentation and Tutorials page.
You will have to download telerik kit, from its website, it will give you trial version for short period. You will have to then install that kit, and then add its dll file in the toolbox through choose items, and its control will then appear in the toolbox, you might have to close visual studio and again restart it ,contorls to appear in toolbox. and then just drag and drop the control you want. If you want full version, you will have to buy kit of telerik, then you will get licensed telerik controls.
the above answers as true, but as a simple soultion one u have purchased the telerik licence you can just
1) Reference the Telerik.Web.UI, Telerik.Web.UI.Skins and Telerik.Web.Desgin in your project and thats it ,( that's exactly what I'm doing in my current Project) ,
2)after you added those references now you have to register the telerik library in your page like this:
<%# Register TagPrefix="telerik" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" %>
3) add telerik controls using tags like this example:
<telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="pnlControlsall" runat="server" EnableAJAX="true" EnableAjaxSkinRendering="true" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" >
thanks and I hope this helps as I have transferred my real working procedure to you here
It is very easy , don't be confuse of telerik components..
Two basic things to keep in mind are ,
- add references of telerik dll's in your application.
- and use events of telerik controls accoring to need , for e.g. radtree view has various events like nodeNeeded, MouseDoubleClick etc.
Telerik components are fun ! Enjoy..

Oracle APEX: popup menu

I have seen in this application a popup windows with a form inside.
Can anyone help me build a popup windows like that, or if there is any tutorial where I can see how it's done.
There are some modal form plug-ins like this one on Apex-Plugin.com. I haven't used them myself so cannot vouch for them.
Alternatively, use your browser's "View Source" function on the Apex page you like and you will see all the function definitions and where they are called. It appears to just be using the standard JQuery libraries that come with Apex 4.0
Update 04/10/2011:
I have recently used this modal page plug-in, and can recommend it. There is plenty of instruction, including a half hour YouTube video showing how to use it.

Change in Ajax between VS2005 and VS2010

I've never used AJAX before. I'm new to web design but I have a website that I need to add certain dynamic functionality to. Ajax seems like it would help. Problem is, most of the Ajax articles relate to VS2005. I'm using VS2010 Premium Edition. There must have been lots of changes between the versions. I don't have any Ajax toolbox tabs. I didn't even have a timer control available in the toolbox - I have now added one from the System.Web.Extensions Assembly.
Does anyone have info on what's happened to Ajax in VS2010?
AJAX hasn't changed in all that time. AJAX toolkits have been introduced, though. You should look into what is available. Particularly, I would look at ASP.Net AJAX (along with the AJAXControlToolkit), and JQuery.
