jquery contextMenu + .live - jquery-plugins

I am using a plugin called jQuery contextMenu but am having trouble making it work with elements that are loaded via ajax after the DOM has already loaded. does anyone know how i can get this working with .live?

I've made a modification of the original jquery.contextMenu.js script. I've replaced .each() with .live("mousedown", ...) and deleted appropriate mousedown binding (you can also make a diff of my code and the original to get the changes).
You can get the code from http://pastebin.com/jBcAR6g1
Works for me.

2018 update without plugin:
$(document).on('contextmenu','#object_id',function() {

I think you must use enableContextMenuItems() method on the newly added elements. If you post your code it would be easier to help.


Triggering Ajax onchange on a select list

I am working on a Drupal project which is using the Editable fields module.
Using that module I'm exposing a dropdown list of text options. It works just great. You click on the list, select an option and the option is updated via Ajax.
My challenge is I'm trying to change the options programmatically via jQuery. Using the following code:
... my browser console area is happy with the code but the Ajax update does not take place.
I tried:
Again no errors but the Ajax event still did not execute.
will do the trick, as the only reason it wouldn't work would be that you have your select values as strings instead of numbers.
Alternatively the following is more detailed:
$('#edit-field-status-0-field-status-und option').eq(1).prop('selected', true);
Also this is not an 'AJAX' function, it's simply Jquery updating the DOM for the particular element.
The code I was using as recreated below was correct:
I found out the reason why it wasn't working was because the ID of the target element changed dynamically.
So when I first inspected and found edit-field-status-0-field-status-und, the same element would change IDs to something like edit-field-status-0-field-status-und--1.
That was throwing things off and gave the impression my code wasn't working.
Thanks to #gts for your input.

Callback when file is added to list

When using the FineUploader jQuery plugin... I have autoUpload = false and I need to know when a file is added to the ul. The submit callback is called before the li is added. (I have some other elements as part of my "fileTemplate" that I need to update when a file is added.)
What is the best way to do this?
This is likely addressed in a case already implemented in the 3.4-IP branch. 3.4 is the next scheduled release. Essentially, I have added an onSubmitted callback. In your case, it is safe to assume that this callback will be invoked only after the list item has been added to the DOM. Please let me know if this does not address your issue.

how to access the id of div which is loaded through ajax

I have button with id = new which loads the new page
There is a button in new.php which sends message to database. But i have a problem with it , it only works for first time when page loads if i navigate to some other links via ajax and again load new.php using above code then send button in new.php does not work i have to refresh the page then it works. I think its because the send button in new.php is added after DOM is created for first time .
Please help Thanks in advance ..
You will need to post more details of your markup for a more accurate answer, but the general idea is to use event delegation. Bind the event handler to an ancestor of the button that does not get removed from the DOM. For example:
$("#message_area").on("click", "#yourButton", function() {
//Do stuff
This works because DOM events bubble up the tree, through all of an elements ancestors. Here you are simply capturing the event higher up the tree and checking if it originated from something you are interested in (#yourButton).
See jQuery .on for more. Note that if you're using a version of jQuery below 1.7, you will need to use delegate instead.
//jquery >= v1.7
$("body").on('click', '#new', function(){
//jquery < v1.7
$("#new").live("click", function(){
just realized this was deprecated-- should be using on instead.. my bad.
To manage dynamically created elements like this, you need to use .on() (jQuery 1.7 and above) or .delegate() (jQuery 1.4.3 and above) to assign the events. Seems everyone has beaten me to the code, but I'll post this for the links to the functions.

yii Ajax link not working

I put a Ajax link using the following code:
echo chtml::ajaxLink('GO', 'http://localhost/index.php?r=user/delete', array('method'=>'POST'));
But, regardless of giving the second parameter as URL i,e 'http://localhost/index.php?r=user/delete'. It generates link with the current URL in the browser not the URL I just specified.
What is the issue? How could I create AJAX link? Google several hours but can't solve the issue.
Any kind of help is highly appreciated.
First of all, you should always try and create normalized urls.
But i think your doubt lies in the # that is generated/appended. If you go and check the source of yii ajaxLink you'll see this:
public static function ajaxLink($text,$url,$ajaxOptions=array(),$htmlOptions=array())
return self::tag('a',$htmlOptions,$text);
so if you don't set the href property of the a tag in the htmloptions array, the # will be appended.
You should also understand that yii uses jquery, so if you check out the source of the page, you'll see at the bottom, how jquery is used to carry out an ajax request, your actual url that is called will also be seen in that script. So the third option/parameter in ajaxLink is for options for jquery's ajax function. You can create better ajax links using this option.
Regardless of where(which controller) your url points to in your project, the action associated with that url will be called.
So anyway, you can modify your code like this if you want the url to be shown and not a # :
echo CHtml::ajaxLink('GO', 'http://localhost/index.php?r=user/delete',
array('type'=>POST), //there are various other options for jquery ajax
To make better ajax links i would suggest going through jquery's ajax documentation. There is an option for a success function, that you can use to let the user know that the operation was completed.
Hope this helps, don't hesitate to leave comments if i haven't answered your question completely.
Have you tried:
echo CHtml::ajaxLink('GO', array('/user/delete'), array('method'=>'POST'));
as the ajaxLink documentation suggests...? Look also at the normalizeUrl method.
Using these methods, which in turn are using createUrl, is usually better since it will take care to create a valid url for your site.
I had the same issue(or maybe similar).
I've used renderPartial to load view and later in that view i was using ajaxLink and it was not working.
What i have found, that when using renderPartial, there was no jquery script for ajax action.
What you have to do is to add 4th argument(true) in renderPartial function to generate jquery script.
See the documentation: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CController/#renderPartial-detail
Hope it helps and saves time to figure it out.

jQuery .live event propagation

I have a little problem with jQuery .live method. I am using it for catching ajax events for Google Analytics on my website, but in case I have a link with an inner image, the click event is fired up from the image and my live binded click event does not catch it.
I really dont like to add these events manually everytime after changing content and I dont like to bind it to the image (because of the missing href parameter, this case I had use some .parent method), so what is the best way how to handle this?
Notice: I am not sure about efficiency of the .live method, so in case there are big performance differences, please tell me that:) I tried to profile it in webkit profiler, but I didn't see any difference..
Just place a click(function(event) { ... }) handler on the static parent element, and find the element which started the event with event.target.
Assuming you have an a containing an img, any event on the img should bubble to the a, which will catch it.
You could also try using the .delegate() method (http://api.jquery.com/delegate/)
Here is some more info regarding .live() vs. delegate():
jQuery: live() vs delegate() [stackoverflow.com]
Here is a post by Jupiter 24 about "Why you should never use jQuery live":
