how to access the id of div which is loaded through ajax - ajax

I have button with id = new which loads the new page
There is a button in new.php which sends message to database. But i have a problem with it , it only works for first time when page loads if i navigate to some other links via ajax and again load new.php using above code then send button in new.php does not work i have to refresh the page then it works. I think its because the send button in new.php is added after DOM is created for first time .
Please help Thanks in advance ..

You will need to post more details of your markup for a more accurate answer, but the general idea is to use event delegation. Bind the event handler to an ancestor of the button that does not get removed from the DOM. For example:
$("#message_area").on("click", "#yourButton", function() {
//Do stuff
This works because DOM events bubble up the tree, through all of an elements ancestors. Here you are simply capturing the event higher up the tree and checking if it originated from something you are interested in (#yourButton).
See jQuery .on for more. Note that if you're using a version of jQuery below 1.7, you will need to use delegate instead.

//jquery >= v1.7
$("body").on('click', '#new', function(){
//jquery < v1.7

$("#new").live("click", function(){
just realized this was deprecated-- should be using on instead.. my bad.

To manage dynamically created elements like this, you need to use .on() (jQuery 1.7 and above) or .delegate() (jQuery 1.4.3 and above) to assign the events. Seems everyone has beaten me to the code, but I'll post this for the links to the functions.


Add pagelink via ajax in tapestry

After an ajax call, I want to inject some element (list) in page. For each element of the list, I want to attach t:pagelink. I use PrototypeJs as js framework. Have you any idea?
I have already test the code below but doesn't work (it not render the t:pagelink)
new Ajax.Request('my_service_url', {
onSuccess: function(response) {{
var li = '<li>'+
'<t:pagelink page="examples/navigation/PageLinks2">''</t:pagelink>'+
Thanks for your reply but I've found the solution. Just use processReply and it's ok. Indeed, the response needed a bit modification.
This does not work with Tapestry, as Lance Java pointed out, because the Javascript snippet is executed on the client. The client can't submit the <t:pagelink> tag to Tapestry for interpretation.
What you need to do instead is use the Ajax semantic of Tapestry, in particular the Zone component. <t:zone>...</t:zone> defines a section of your HTML document which will be replaced with a new version, rendered from .tml to html by Tapestry.
So in your <t:zone>, add <t:pagelink>'s as needed, probably dynamically, based on some condition or in some loop (i.e. with <t:if> or <t:loop> tags). Then, use some mechanism to send an AJAX event back to Tapestry. One simple option would be to use <t:actionlink zone="[ID of your zone]">.
See here for more info on Zones.

CasperJS click event having AJAX call

I am trying to fetch data from a site by simulating events using CasperJS with phantomJS 1.7.0.
I am able to simulate normal click events and select events. But my code fails in following scenario:
When I click on button / anchor etc on remote page, the click on remote page initiates an AJAX call / JS call(depending on how that page is implemented by programmer.).
In case of JS call, my code works and I get changed data. But for clicks where is AJAX call is initiated, I do not get updated data.
For debugging, I tried to get the page source of the element container(before and after), but I see no change in code.
I tried to set wait time from 10 sec to 1 ms range, but that to does not reflect any changes in behavior.
Below is my piece of code for clicking. I am using an array of CSS Paths, which represents which element(s) to click.
/*Click on array of clickable elements using CSS Paths.*/
fn_click = function(){
casper.each(G_TAGS,function(casper, cssPath, count1)
casper.then ( function() {;
casper.wait(5000, function()
I tried to use remote-debug option from phantomJS, to debug above script.
It is not working. I am on windows. I will try to run remote debugging on Ubuntu as well.
Please help me. I would appreciate any help on this.
Please have a look at following code as a sample.
Content before click and after click are same.
I am clicking on sorting options provided under tag (votes / activity etc.).
I had the same problem today. I found this post, which put me in the direction of jQuery.
After some testing I found out that there was already a jQuery loaded on that webpage. (A pretty old version though)
Loading another jQuery on top of that broke any js calls made, so also the link that does an Ajax call.
To solve this I found
and I added the following to my code:
this.evaluate(function () { jq = $.noConflict(true) } );
Anything that was formerly assigned to $ will be restored that way. And the jQuery that you injected is now available under 'jq'.
Hope this helps you guys.

jQuery: Can I automatically apply a plug-in to a dynamically added element?

I'm in the process of converting my web app to a fully AJAX architecture.
I have my master page that is initially loaded and a div container that is loaded with dynamic content.
I created a few jQuery plugins that I apply to certain elements in order to extend their functionality. I'd normally call the functions as follows during each page load:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Enable fancy AJAX search
This would find the appropriate div(s) and call the plugin to enable the necessary functionality.
In an AJAX environment I can't just apply the plugin during the page load since elements will be added and removed dynamically.
I'd like to do something like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Enable fancy AJAX search
$(".entity-search-table").live("load", function () {
Question: Is there any way that I can trigger an event when a <div> or other element that matches a selector is added to the DOM?
It seems incredibly wasteful to activate the plug-in every time an AJAX request completes. The plug-in only needs to be applied to the element once when it is first added to the DOM.
Thanks for any help!
Yes - take a look at liveQuery. Example:
It seems incredibly wasteful to activate the plug-in every time an AJAX request completes. The plug-in only needs to be applied to the element once when it is first added to the DOM.
You can get the best of both worlds here, for example:
$("#something").load("url", function() {
$(".entity-search-table", this).EntitySearch();
This way it's only applying the plugin to the .entity-search-table elements you just loaded, since we specified a context to $(selector, context) to limit it.
The DOM 2 MutationEvent is what you really want, but unfortunately it isn't supported by IE. You'll need to either use live()/ delegate() binding in the plug-in, or (as I did when I had to work around this) use callbacks from your AJAX loaders indicating the scope of what has changed.
Use the live binding in your plugin code directly
jQuery.fn.EntitySearch = function() {, function(){ your plugin code });
return this;

Bind custom event handler after ajax load

Specifically I'm looking to bind lightbox to a specific element. Normally I would just do this: $('a.lightbox').lightBox(); but that isn't working since I'm doing some loading with AJAX. Looking at the jQuery API I found .bind() and .live() but I'm not getting anything when I do $('a.lightbox').bind('lightBox') after the AJAX .load() call.
What am I missing?
You need to add a callback function that handles that.
$("#div").load(url, {}, function(){ $('a.lightbox').lightBox(); });
Bind isn't going to help you, as the event isn't getting an event fired on it.
Another way would be to bind to an element higher up in the dom and check the target type. Such as:
$('#div').bind('click', function (event) {
target = $(;
if (target.hasClass('lightbox')) {
// do stuff here
Just don't go too far up or you'll be catching way too many clicks.

JQuery - Ajax return HTML wont allow further Jquery functions?

Kinda New to Jquery and hit an issue regarding returned HTML. I am using the .load() function to load HTML returned from a jsp file - its all working grand except the returned HTML doesnt seem to allow further Jquery functions to be called on it.
i have a click and toggle combination running for "#showgame" - this id is in the returned HTML but clicking on it does nothing when it should. Do i have to update anything to tell jquery that this id now exists on the page after load() call?
You need to use the live() function to bind the click event.
$("#myelement").live("click", function() { });
Live binds the event to current and future elements that match the selector.
Read more at .
