Triggering Ajax onchange on a select list - ajax

I am working on a Drupal project which is using the Editable fields module.
Using that module I'm exposing a dropdown list of text options. It works just great. You click on the list, select an option and the option is updated via Ajax.
My challenge is I'm trying to change the options programmatically via jQuery. Using the following code:
... my browser console area is happy with the code but the Ajax update does not take place.
I tried:
Again no errors but the Ajax event still did not execute.

will do the trick, as the only reason it wouldn't work would be that you have your select values as strings instead of numbers.
Alternatively the following is more detailed:
$('#edit-field-status-0-field-status-und option').eq(1).prop('selected', true);
Also this is not an 'AJAX' function, it's simply Jquery updating the DOM for the particular element.

The code I was using as recreated below was correct:
I found out the reason why it wasn't working was because the ID of the target element changed dynamically.
So when I first inspected and found edit-field-status-0-field-status-und, the same element would change IDs to something like edit-field-status-0-field-status-und--1.
That was throwing things off and gave the impression my code wasn't working.
Thanks to #gts for your input.


wysihtml5 - setting a value won't work, because 'sandbox iframe isn't loaded yet'

I'm just working on a little webservice. Therefore I am using an AJAX call and append my data to a table on my website. Here I can read and update already existing entries or write new entries. Everything works fine.
I want to have the possibility to update already existing with the wysihtml5 editor. I already integrated this editor on my website and I can use it on new entries. That works, too.
But now there's the problem with existing data. When it comes to the form to update data, I want the existing data being displayed as the value. Everything works fine on all inputs, just the wysihtml5 don't work.
I already know that there's an iframe and that's why I can't set the value of the textarea. I searched for a solution and found the following code (last line):
var editor = new wysihtml5.Editor("textareaid", { // id of textarea element
toolbar: "wysihtml5-toolbar", // id of toolbar element
parserRules: wysihtml5ParserRules, // defined in parser rules set
editor.setValue('Here's the content', true);
Usually this should work, but no content appears and the console just tells me:
Error: wysihtml5.Sandbox: Sandbox iframe isn't loaded yet
I tried it with a timeout-function but nothing works. Searching on the internet it also seems that there is noone else with that problem. I hope you can help me out, would be great!
Is there a way to set the value?
This code work for me
$("#product_details").data("wysihtml5").editor.getValue();// to get the value
$("#product_details").data("wysihtml5").editor.setValue('new content')// to set the value
I got the solutions, below code worked for me
$('#id ~ iframe').contents().find('.wysihtml5-editor').html(my_html);
This work for me
the ".wysihtml5-sandbox" is a class name of iframe, create by wysihtml5 by default.
I finally got it working by myself. I just change the second parameter of setValue to false. I don't know why, but it works then.
this code worked for me :
var wysihtml5Editor = $('#text_editor').data("wysihtml5").editor;
wysihtml5Editor.setValue("<p>foobar</p>", true);

kendoui validation tooltip in custom popup editor not positioning correctly

Please see jsfiddle for example, blank out First Name field to have validation tooltip show. In a normal form the validation tooltip positions correctly to the right of each element. But in the popup editor for the grid it still trying to position the tooltip below the element as if it where editing inline. I have tried <span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="FirstName"></span>but it doesn't change anything. Is there a setting I am missing to get this working in popupeditor? I guess I could manually modify the .k-tooltip but I am hoping for something more built in that handles the positioning correctly, because I am not very good at css.
As you've discovered, the error template for the grid is different to that provided by the kendo validator when applied to standard inputs.
Unfortunately, the validator that is created internally by the grid does not pass along any errorTemplate that you might define in the options object and by the time the "edit" event fires, the validator has already been created and the error template compiled, hence why setting the errorTemplate in the manner you describe does not work. Really, I think the Kendo grid should respect any user defined errorTemplate option but until it does we have to hack a little bit.
The key is to define a custom template and to apply it in the edit event, but instead of using the options object, set the private instance directly. Not ideal, but it works:
edit: function (e) {
e.sender.editable.validatable._errorTemplate =
See this updated fiddle for an example of what I think you might be looking to achieve.
(I would post this as a comment but not enough reputation yet...)
I'm successfully using nukefusion's solution. I, too, fought with the syntax error from jQuery for a long time and discovered through debugging that how you define the template is important. In particular, it appears that the template has to be written on a single line without any formatting, as in:
<script id="tooltip-template" type="text/x-kendo-template"><span class="k-widget k-tooltip k-tooltip-validation"><span class="k-icon k-warning"></span>#=message#</span></script>
If you try to make it "pretty" and format the html in the template, you get the syntax error. I don't know where the real bug is, as this sort of thing shouldn't cause an error. But it does and I stopped worrying about it once I got it to work correctly.

yii Ajax link not working

I put a Ajax link using the following code:
echo chtml::ajaxLink('GO', 'http://localhost/index.php?r=user/delete', array('method'=>'POST'));
But, regardless of giving the second parameter as URL i,e 'http://localhost/index.php?r=user/delete'. It generates link with the current URL in the browser not the URL I just specified.
What is the issue? How could I create AJAX link? Google several hours but can't solve the issue.
Any kind of help is highly appreciated.
First of all, you should always try and create normalized urls.
But i think your doubt lies in the # that is generated/appended. If you go and check the source of yii ajaxLink you'll see this:
public static function ajaxLink($text,$url,$ajaxOptions=array(),$htmlOptions=array())
return self::tag('a',$htmlOptions,$text);
so if you don't set the href property of the a tag in the htmloptions array, the # will be appended.
You should also understand that yii uses jquery, so if you check out the source of the page, you'll see at the bottom, how jquery is used to carry out an ajax request, your actual url that is called will also be seen in that script. So the third option/parameter in ajaxLink is for options for jquery's ajax function. You can create better ajax links using this option.
Regardless of where(which controller) your url points to in your project, the action associated with that url will be called.
So anyway, you can modify your code like this if you want the url to be shown and not a # :
echo CHtml::ajaxLink('GO', 'http://localhost/index.php?r=user/delete',
array('type'=>POST), //there are various other options for jquery ajax
To make better ajax links i would suggest going through jquery's ajax documentation. There is an option for a success function, that you can use to let the user know that the operation was completed.
Hope this helps, don't hesitate to leave comments if i haven't answered your question completely.
Have you tried:
echo CHtml::ajaxLink('GO', array('/user/delete'), array('method'=>'POST'));
as the ajaxLink documentation suggests...? Look also at the normalizeUrl method.
Using these methods, which in turn are using createUrl, is usually better since it will take care to create a valid url for your site.
I had the same issue(or maybe similar).
I've used renderPartial to load view and later in that view i was using ajaxLink and it was not working.
What i have found, that when using renderPartial, there was no jquery script for ajax action.
What you have to do is to add 4th argument(true) in renderPartial function to generate jquery script.
See the documentation:
Hope it helps and saves time to figure it out.

How to force the Drupal form to clear previous results

Recently im working on a project and im trying to generate form elements with the help of ajax technology (implementing a form with codes). the situation is that the user should be able to select from a list of options and then due to his select another list of options should be appeared, then due to his/her select from the second sets of options he/she should see the third series of options. now the problem is that when the user tries to change the first option in the first set, the second option will be regenerate but the third one still sticks on the page. I was trying to use the form_sate['rebuild'] = TRUE
but it did not work and all form elements disappeared. can any one help me to see which code should be implemented and where it should be used?
Without any code it's almost impossible to help, except to say check out the examples modules, specifically the ajax_example module.
The basic principle is that you need a <div> container surrounding your 2nd and 3rd select elements, which will be replaced by the #ajax set on the first element. Then you need another container inside that one surrounding only the 3rd select element, which will be replaced by the #ajax set on the 2nd select element.
Hope that helps.
well.. the form page may contains previous values because of $_POST fields variables..
for example if I want to display clear "add" form on POST submit,
I do this tric to clear drupal previous form values via ajax:
// AJAX POST handler...
$my_form = drupal_render(drupal_get_form("the_form", ...));
$errors = form_get_errors();
if (!$errors) {
// re-render clean form, unset your POST fields....
$my_form = drupal_render(drupal_get_form("the_form", ...));

Magento Custom Options - make every first radio button checked

We have a Magento Shop with some products that have custom options as radio buttons. Every non required option has the first button checked by default but not the required ones. How can I make them checked?
I've allready installed the extension Dependent Custom Options (gallery). That gives me the option to set which custom option should be checked by default but that doesn't update the price to the right value.
Thanks for evey help
This solution may not be the best for you, but I had this same problem, and just fixed it.
First I had to use a convoluted method for installing jQuery correctly in Magento. Part of the problem, I believe comes from the Spriptaculous Effects file being outdated with the latest Magento build. So I went to the site and downloaded the latest version. I then pulled out the effects.js file and used it to overwrite the effects.js in:
Then I downloaded jQuery from the jQuery site and made a folder called jquery in:
And dumped the jquery file in there.
Then I opened the file:
And found a list of lines that look like this:
<action method="addJs"><script>scriptaculous/effects.js</script></action>
I copied one of these and replaced the path to that of the jquery file like this.
<action method="addJs"><script>jquery/jquery-1.6.1.min.js</script></action>
Now jQuery will be included in all your pages.
Important! You have to run jQuery in noConflict() mode. So this is what the JS looks like that (for me) worked to select the first radio button on any page with custom options.
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
// auto selects the first input with radio class
I saved that file into my jquery folder and linked to it the same way I linked to the jQ library.
Flushed my cache, and voila!
I hope this helps!
You can use jQuery, as Gordon says, but to update the price you need to run opConfig.reloadPrice() function when check. So the code will be something like this:
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
// auto selects the first input with radio class
There is a javascript function named something like optionsConfig.reloadPrice() which, when called, updates the price according to options. You probably need to have this triggered during the dom:loaded event.
Go to app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Options\Type\select.php
You can find here your custom option title and set if condition with your title.
For example, my custom option title is price:
