Spring XD REST Service - spring

I would like to have a REST service to expose the data read and processed from Spring XD. Similar to the one in the Analytics Server.
For example I would like my own functions which can be exposed similar to Counters and be able to access the data from a web browser.
Is there any tutorial? I have searched and found that Spring Boot is the one but I am looking for help on how I integrate it with Spring XD.
Would be very helpful if someone can point me to the instructions on how I can achieve this.

You can use trigger as a source with http-client as a processor processor to access any web browsers info regardless if it is a web service URL or not.


How to secure web ui in spark embedded with spring boot application?

I have a spring boot microservices application, some services include spark (embedded). Actually, I secured all the application and I need to secure the access to Spark Web UI. I checked the spark doc and other resources and they say that I should implement a Filter but I don't know if this is the right way and for my case.
The main objective is to limit access to the ui interface. I already added authentication using Kerberos, ldap and jwt so i would like to use same process with spark and make access using ldap.
Any other suggestion are welcome.
Thank you in advance.

How to practice with Spring cloud in local machine?

I am new and just started to explore Spring Cloud. Would like to know how to practice with examples in local (laptop). It appears to need a cloud environment. And most of them are available only for few days. So any pointers to try out features like
Distributed/versioned configuration, Service registration and discovery ,Routing Service-to-service calls, Load balancing Circuit and Breakers Global locks
You can check out the Spring guides where we guide you, step by step, to achieve what you have described. You can check out the link here for the Ribbon guide -
https://spring.io/guides/gs/client-side-load-balancing/ and the link to all of the guides https://spring.io/guides/
You can also check this blog, service discovery, routing and load balancing.
Spring Cloud, Eureka and Zuul
For Distributed/versioned configuration, check this one
Quick Intro to Spring Cloud Configuration
Also one example, that brings all of that together Spring Cloud Bootstrapping

how to make spring mvc functions available for rest calls

I have a spring mvc application which runs correctly,now another colleague wants to call the same functions from another application but he needs REST URL of my functions.
how is it possible to provide the same functionality through spring REST?
is it just with new annotations .please provide some resource to show me how to do it.
when server has a service, only legal clients which had any contracts with server can access it. And clients can use service by the way such as: use RestTemplate to get/post request to URL of service, and clients can get data as JSON, or XML type if you have an equivalent object as this image:
Also, a service can be support as a interface, ex: google search is a service supported by google, but it's not rest service.
If you know each other URL address you can consume each other REST API from java code by using RestTemplate object.
I would advise you to go over the Spring starter guide which deals with that issue, here is the link (Consuming a RESTful Web Service):

Spring Integration Webservice vs. RestTemplate

I'm trying to learn SI (Spring Integration) but i'm a bit confused on the real usage of this.
As first example i would like to interact with a WebService but i dont understand what could be the difference from
Invoke a WebService Using SI
Invoke a Webservice using RestTemplate
So, what is the benefit of using SI (in Webservice context, or in other context)?
Looking the web, i havent find an article that explain:
Usually you will do in this way....
With SI you can do better - in this another way - and the benefit are....
To be more explicit on what i have to realize, this is an example:
1) I have to write an application (Standalone application) that have to collect some data in the system periodically and then invoke a Web Service that will store it.
2) The Web Service receive the call from the "clients" and store in the database.
My webservice will use REST.
The reason because i've think to use SI is that the Standalone Application should interact with different system
Webservice in first instance
A Web Mail, if the webservice is not achievable
File system if Web mail is not achievable too
If you only need to pull some data in a simple way and push it onwards to a REST service this does not "justify" the use of Spring Integration. A simple Spring (Boot) application combined with a scheduler will be sufficient.
But if you want to use a more complex data source for which an endpoint is available, you need transformations, complex and flexible routing is a high priority or even Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) then Spring Integration is for you. Have a look at the Overview and decide if it mentions something you consider as valuable to you.
Perhaps you will create additional value by mixing in Spring Batch if you need to process a lot of data.
But as I understand your current demand starting with just a RESTTemplate should do for the moment. Starting small will not prevent you from switching to Spring Integration later on.
Have a look at the various tutorials and guides provided by the Spring Boot project. There is even an example for Spring Integration.

why we use jersey with spring? What are the benefits?

I want to know that why we use jersey with spring and what are the benefits of using it.
I have searched on google but not getting proper answer so i am asking this question here.Sorry because i know my question is old but i am very confused now.
Please suggest me the example of jersey with spring and hibernate.
Thanx in advance.
I use Jersey2 with Spring in one of my projects and in the other Spring MVC4. The advantage of Jersey is its simplicity. If you are creating only RESTful Web services - use Jersey, if you have to generate also some web pages for users, consider to use Spring MVC.
Additionally, I develop my applications on Google Cloud, so the warm up time is very important (if there is a traffic spike, many instances have to wake up in the background to be ready for incoming requests) - according to my tests Jersey is a bit faster than MVC.
Here you have an example of complete configuration:
Integrating Jersey 2 and Spring with Java Based Configuration
