get current playing song list windows phone 7 - windows-phone-7

I want to display the list of songs in current playing lists, If users play music in my app, I could know what playlist is playing but if they were playing in zune app then switch to my app, my song list will be empty, even though the playlists is still running.
For example: if users's playing a playlists in windows phone 7 by Zune app, then they navigate to my App, how do I get that current play lists?

The current Windows Phone 7 APIs only integrate with phone media via the MediaPlayerLauncher, which allows you to launch media from your application.
The Mango (7.1) APIs allow you to integrate with the media + video hub, however, the APIs are still pretty simple. You can determine the currently playing media via MediaHistory.NowPlaying.

MediaHistory.NowPlaying is of Type MediaHistoryItem which has the Properties Title and ImageStream. You could add the Title and Image to your collection.

You can use MediaPlayer.Queue property of static class MediaPlayer from Microsoft.Xna.Framework library


Windows 10 mobile BackgroundMediaPlayer don't want work

I have a big issue with BackgroundMediaPlayer on Windows 10 mobile but I think that is very similar as API on Windows Phone 8.1. My app works similar as windows 10 sample. But I decided to add small user interface on mainpage where user can easily stop actual music. Problem is that when I am trying access BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current with events my music player don't play any music but when I delete events from main page It start works again. I manage my music player from other page. Is some way how to find out if my BackgroundMediaPlayer actualy playing some music with name of music ? Because I do not know how to continue with my project... Thanks for help

locate media source of playing medie wp

does Anybody know if it is possible to capture the media you are playing on windows phone, so you can stream it to another source,
Just like apple does with airplay
No, it is not possible to write a 3rd party app that can capture audio or video from other apps and stream it somewhere else.
Airplay on iOS is a system level service that apps can use.
The closest thing Windows Phone has is Play To, which allows you to pick existing media on the phone (pictures, music, video, etc) and share it to a compatible device. Currently, this technology isn't available to developers.

Stream YouTube videos in a Windows Phone app

How do I stream YouTube videos in a Windows Phone app? I've tried using the MediaElement control and setting its Source property with the URL to a video and called the Play() method on the media element, but it didn't work. I want to create a simple video player that plays a video as it is being streamed. What kind of .NET classes do I need to work with?
YouTube does not expose its videos in a format which you can use to play them within Windows Phone applications, or any other kind of application for that matter. This is why services such as KeepVid, which provide 'hacks' for downloading YouTube videos, exist.
Please see my answer to this identical question from a few months ago over # Possible to play Youtube video in a wp7 app?

windows phone background player share

I'm developing a windows phone app with a background player based on the windows phone 7.1 project template(so i have 2 projects). My question is how i dynamically set the list of tracks for the background player to play? I tried static fields but didn't work and my guess is that i have to define a resource in the app.xaml but how it is done exactly? I need to share a List and an integer.
Thanks for the help!
The audio agent won't be able to read any resources in the App object (app.xaml).
As far as I can see the only way to communicate between your app and the background audio is via the BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance object, the AudioTrack (see especially the Tag property) and using files stored in Isolated Storage.
This is described on MSDN here.
Also check out the Background Audio player in the MSDN code samples.

How to know if a music is currently playing on Windows Phone 7?

I am currently building an application for Windows Phone 7 which has to play music with the MediaPlayer.
However, I would like to know whether the phone is already playing some music, to ask the user if he want to play also my app's.
How could I get this information?
MediaPlayer.Queue.ActiveSong should do the trick.
MediaPlayer doco here for your reference.
