locate media source of playing medie wp - windows-phone-7

does Anybody know if it is possible to capture the media you are playing on windows phone, so you can stream it to another source,
Just like apple does with airplay

No, it is not possible to write a 3rd party app that can capture audio or video from other apps and stream it somewhere else.
Airplay on iOS is a system level service that apps can use.
The closest thing Windows Phone has is Play To, which allows you to pick existing media on the phone (pictures, music, video, etc) and share it to a compatible device. Currently, this technology isn't available to developers.


How to implement airplay for mac application to change sound output source while streaming?

I am new to mac development,currently I am working an app that streams video and audio files hosted on the web.How can I implement airplay feature to change the sound output source ? I am using JKAudioManager to get all the airplay devices and AudioStreamer to stream the files.
How can I switch between different devices using these two api's ? Is there any other way to do this also?

Playing video files in Windows Phone 8

I'd like to make app for WP8, which will download and play movies. Android Market has lots apps of this type. But all of just get content, and pass it to video player (MX player for example), and format can be different (.avi, .mkv, .mpeg, etc.), but player shows the content without any problems. For exaple on my Samsung s5830, 1400 mb .avi movie plays good. As I can see - WP8 doesn't has custom video players.
Question: if I download in my app, from web, some movie in .avi format, could I play it on WP8? The same question for video stream for web.
You can play back any video file which is supported by the phone (this is documented on MSDN here). You can stream or play downloaded video from Isolated Storage using the MediaElement in the SDK and on WP8 I think there is a DirectX option too.
It's not enough to say that a file type is supported as these are just video "containers" - each container can contain audio and video of different codecs. MKVs don't look like they're supported at all however.
You can see this video format (codec) support varies between WP7 and 8 and even some kinds of phone dependent on what the chipset in the phone supports. (especially for the high bitrate HD codecs).
There is a nice framework that helps you on playing movies inside your app!
Take a look at it on codeplex http://playerframework.codeplex.com
And some documentation http://smf.codeplex.com/documentation

Stream YouTube videos in a Windows Phone app

How do I stream YouTube videos in a Windows Phone app? I've tried using the MediaElement control and setting its Source property with the URL to a video and called the Play() method on the media element, but it didn't work. I want to create a simple video player that plays a video as it is being streamed. What kind of .NET classes do I need to work with?
YouTube does not expose its videos in a format which you can use to play them within Windows Phone applications, or any other kind of application for that matter. This is why services such as KeepVid, which provide 'hacks' for downloading YouTube videos, exist.
Please see my answer to this identical question from a few months ago over # Possible to play Youtube video in a wp7 app?

Streaming audio in windows phone 7 browser

I need some help streaming audio inside the browser, on a Nokia Lumia 800, running Windows Mobile 7.5.
I currently am using JW Player (flash version) on the desktop browser, to stream an rtmp:// audio provided to me, and that works great. I also have an mms:// version of the same audio stream provided, but I cannot get it to play in the browser on the phone. I have tried setting the mode for JW Player to html5, but it doesn't work.
All the documentation on streaming audio on the windows phone seems to deal with native app development, but that's not an option for this at the moment.
Thanks for any help in advance.
Sorry, but neither the RTMP or MMS protocols are supported in HTML5 or Windows Phone (all versions), either natively or in the browser. You won't find support for either of these protocols even with a native app in WP7.x. WP8 opens up the possibilty of this functionality in 3rd party apps.

Record audio in background

I'm wondering if anyone has any idea that capture audio from the device's microphone on the new Windows Phone 7 in background (Silverlight, not XNA)
or any code to do it?
Even in a Silverlight application, the Microphone is accessed via libraries in the Microsoft.Xna.* namespaces.
The use of such namespaces is not supported in a Background Task. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh202962(v=vs.92)
This is not possible and would break the security principle of not allowing apps to do something that the user isn't aware of.
