Adding Sequence Flow to BPMN2 Editor - eclipse-gef

I am developing BPMN2 Editor using GEF. I have BPMN2 EMF Models. When I add SequcenFlow to My Editor it creates fine,But after that I cant able to any more BPMN Shapes in GEF Editor. I got Exception in IndexOutOfBoundsException in that processing getContentPane().add(child, index).

Why are you using getContentPane()? your children should be added to the model which is then read by the framework. Can you post some code?


Step file property mapping

When I load a STEP model into inventor, during the import processing these is the opportunity to perform property mapping. In my case, specifically "material" property.
Is there similar functionality available when loading Step models into Forge?
No, unfortunately, only the options listed in the documentation are available:
If the mapping can be automated using the Inventor API (not sure), then perhaps you could use the Design Automation API to import the STEP file into an Inventor document and then translate that to SVF which then could be displayed in the Viewer

Atlaskit Editor Core with custom mention provider

I’m trying to implement a custom mention provider to the Editor Core unsuccessful because I had not found any documentation and/or example how to do it.
Any1 has a reference or real example about it? I want to use the mention plugin on the editor core without making an api call, just want to load the list of participants that are already load before.

Microsoft translator widget not translating contents loaded dynamically(e.g. using ajax call)

We are trying to understand different language translation options for our mvc application.
We checked how Microsoft translator widget working. As per their document, we have added embedded script to our pages. It loaded translate button. it is translating content to selected language. But then after if any content loaded dynamically (e.g. making ajax call and loaded some partials in the page), it is not automatically convert to language. We need to again reset and re-select the language to convert again.
Note: In case of google translate widget, they are converting automatically all dynamic content after loading them.
We want same functionality using Microsoft translator widget. Is there any way to achieve this functionality?
Yes there is, Microsoft no longer supports the Translator widget and the available solution is to integrate the Translator Text API in your website or application. To do this you will need to subscribe to the Microsoft Translator Text API. Visit the Getting Started page at and you will find the steps.

How to build a simple form in CQ5

I have started a new AEM project in eclipse that has
I have a local instance of 5.6.1 running and I would like to create a very simple form (firstname, lastname) and have it persist data such that I can view data for all forms submitted. Also, I would like for the form to be approve/rejected (e.g. user1 submits the form, user2 accepts/rejects it).
I'm new to AEM and have been looking at docs and trying to find a tutorial for it for a while now but haven't been successful.
Can someone please walk me through how to accomplish this simple form? Once I can do this I can build-up more functionality on my own.
What I've tried
I tried to create a form in the Geometrixx Media site but I don't see form template there.
I also tried following this tutorial but it didn't help since its for 6.0 and is confusing to the point that I don't follow it at all.
You need some basic understanding of how cq/aem works in order to accomplish the task you started. But in the simplest use case, you need the following things:
You can create new cq page component and define in the jsp the html markup of the form you need
Or you can build a page/component using the /libs/foundation/components/form components. Start reading the best from the page developing forms.
The form action can point to the component itself where you can store the data (if you create a page with a component who is responsible for rendering the form) and in this case you can let sling post processor to handle the data storage or you can define your own action with a servlet where you can create a node on your desired location.
The second part of you question is about approving/rejecting submitted data. I guess, that you are talking about workflows. Every time the form is submitted you have to create a new node (or let sling to create it) and than start a workflow for moderating the content. You use here as example the implementation of the social comments and the moderation workflow.

Reorganizing codes after generating it using ADO.NET DbContext Generator

Suppose I am creating a application using the sample Northwind database using mvc 3 and entity framework database first approach. For that I am opening a new mvc 3 project and then adding a entity data model. I am generating it from the existing database as it is already created. After that I am using the DbContext generator to generate codes for me. These includes all the models and the DbContext file(in this case NorthwindContext).
Now the problem that I am facing is in reorganizing the code. All the models should be placed in the Model folder of the project. Even if i generate the codes in the Model folder the NorthwindContext class is also generated in it. That is under the file a NorthwindContext.cs is generated. This file should reamin in the DAL folder as I will use it for accessing the data. Now if i just drag an drop it into the DAL folder the code generation stops automatically(no code remains in the NorthwindContext.cs file). Any idea how i can resolve this problem?????
There are a few hoops you need to jump through to get this setup.
You should have two T4 templates generated, one for the model classes and one for the context. Move the T4 template for the model to your model assembly then open it in Visual Studio and update the file path back to the edmx in your data access assembly. Edit the context T4 in the data access assembly to emit a using statement for the model namespace. Finally add a reference to your model assembly in the data access assembly.
Whenever you want to regen the classes right click in VS and select Run Custom Tool for both the Context and Model T4.
