Microsoft translator widget not translating contents loaded dynamically(e.g. using ajax call) - language-translation

We are trying to understand different language translation options for our mvc application.
We checked how Microsoft translator widget working. As per their document, we have added embedded script to our pages. It loaded translate button. it is translating content to selected language. But then after if any content loaded dynamically (e.g. making ajax call and loaded some partials in the page), it is not automatically convert to language. We need to again reset and re-select the language to convert again.
Note: In case of google translate widget, they are converting automatically all dynamic content after loading them.
We want same functionality using Microsoft translator widget. Is there any way to achieve this functionality?

Yes there is, Microsoft no longer supports the Translator widget and the available solution is to integrate the Translator Text API in your website or application. To do this you will need to subscribe to the Microsoft Translator Text API. Visit the Getting Started page at and you will find the steps.


How to render individual sections in Electron desktop-class application?

I started developing a desktop-class application using Electron, and am referring to the starter app as well as the Electron API demo app. This application has a single screen with multiple sections. Interaction within one particular section can cause other section(s) to get updated. These interactions must be in sync with an underlying model [object]; two-way data binding could be helpful here.
What is a recommended way to achieve a multi-section window with each section interacting with one another? Should I compose the layout using DIVs and CSS, or is there a library that I can use effectively with Electron? I was thinking about Handlebars or Jade but I am not sure if I need a template engine, as the entire screen is not rendered and only particular sections will be updated.

What ajax framework can i use for organize my javascript code in a single page application entirely server side rendering?

My website is an ajax single page application with serverside rendering. What are some javascript framework i can use for made a better organization of my javascript code?
BreezeJS you can use for rich data centric apps, which can be used with knockout or angularJS.
I prefer u to use HotTowel SPA template and take a look on this link
And before asking any questions You should be clear for what you need and why u need. So take your time and look around you will get.
You can look into breezeJS which is used to build rich Data-Centric application, for DOM manipulation you can use some JQueryUI or KendoUI, for dynamic Data bindings which will allow you to change the content of your Views you can prefer Knockout or Angular. Using AngularJS will be much appreciated as it provides rich AngularUI which helps you to change your view to manipulate DOM. Based on type of application you want to develop, you can select from the above suggestions.

SEO-Friendly, Internationalized Polymer.dart

I am displaying internationalized strings within a Polymer element as follows:
<span class="content">{{myContent}}</span>
... and have the following dart code:
#observable String myContent;
void onUpdateLocale(_locale) {
myContent = getMyContent();
getMyContent() => Intl.message('All my content ...', name:'myContent',
desc: 'This is my content',
args: [],
examples: {'None' : 0});
However; when Google crawls the app, it only pulls "{{myContent}}" and not its interpolated value, the actual internationalized content. Is there a way to work around this and make an internationalized Polymer.dart app that is also SEO-friendly?
Its not really clear. Although recently Google announced that they are evaluating Javascript to index the page, I've not seen any deep evaluation of how this compares to the server rendered pages approach.
And then there is the issue of non Google search engines like Bing.
Polymer as it stands today doesn't really do server side rendering and as far as I can tell the team doesn't have plans to offer than in the near future.
If your project/business depends on SEO I would not risk using polymer.
You have two options to address this issue:
Use phantom.js to render the page on server side whenever a crawler is requesting the page.
Use a third party service like ajaxsnapshots.
Forget polymer and use react.js component framework. React has a way to render the virtual DOM on the server side. This will work seamlessly if you are using node.js frameworks. It should be possible with JVM frameworks as well as Java 6+ ships with a Javascript engine (vastly improved in Java 8. Google "nashhorn").
Google have a spec that lets you serve snapshots of your page's HTML after all necessary Javascript (or Dart) has run to search engines:
The basic idea is to render the pages on the server side and then follow a set of URL conventions that lets you serve search engines the pre-generated HTML in a way that they wont confuse with cloaking.
Google, Bing, Yandex and some social bots support this spec.
You can implement this spec yourself or use a service that does it for you (I work for one of these: The solution is typically plugged in at web server level so you don't need to make any changes to your app.
So, I don't know much about Polymer, aside from the documentation on databinding I just viewed. It seems fairly similar to AngularJS by Google, in that it is using JavaScript in a declarative way to render data into an HTML document. That being the case, the browser is still fundamentally seeing the underlying calls to {{something}} as just a raw string. The JS libraries are then what change that data into text on the screen.
That being the case, you might consider handling SEO like Angular developers do. Here is the definitive resource on the subject:

Is it possible to retrieve Lotus notes rich text without using Lotus notes api?

I need to create a application which receives a lotus note document file . Is it possible to retrieve Lotus notes rich text without using Lotus notes api?
You also can get rich text via http/https, using web API. HTTP task should be turned on to use this method.
Just use a request as follows:
This will return you rich text item, transformed into html, that is realy userful.
Yes you can by using Domino XML Language (DXL). This renders an XML style format that you can then work through however it is complex if the user has added lots of bullet points, bolding the odd image etc.
You will have to use CreateDXLExporter() either in your app or rendered via web from a notes agent however once you have built it, each document will be available to you and in fact the entire database.
If you can't use HTTP task as shiv suggested, you can try this tool by Julian Robichaux
Notes from the author:
This database has a script library that describes a technique allowing
you to get the contents of a regular Rich Text field as MIME/HTML,
even if that field isn't set to store contents as MIME.

how to integrate ajax to my project

What do i need to do for putting ajax functionality to my project.
What tool kit do i need to download or how can i integrate that .
and do i really need to do something for putting update panel for my project?
One method for AJAX enabling your ASP sites is using the AJAX control toolkit ( which provides some AJAX functionality using ASP controls that should be familiar to a novice Dot Net developer. AJAX Control Toolkit is a DLL you add to your solution just like other controls. There is then markup for use in the ASP.NET pages.
For more customized and advanced AJAX features, your best bet is using JQuery ( and create *.asmx Web Services. JQuery includes a $.ajax() call that will communicate to ASP.NET Web Services using JSON. This SO page may help - Calling ASMX from jQuery and this Encosia blog entry may help - JQuery is a library of JavaScript files that you download, include in your page, and call into using your own JavaScript files.
I would also recommend that you read the wikipedia entry for AJAX ( and familiarize yourself with the related technologies.
I think you need to provide a lot more information before we can give youa definitive answer.
Ajax is simply using Javascript to request a webpage - same as a user clicking on a link - except that JavaScript gets the contents of the page requested instead of showing it to the user.
This allows you to request data within JavaScript without refreshing the page.
As you mentioned UpdatePanel, I'm assuming you're using ASP.Net - In which case, .Net 2.0 didn't include AJAX and you needed to get some additional installs to make it work. 3.5 and later includes it natively.
If you're just starting to get into the whole area, I suggest you do some reading about how AJAX works behind the scenes before trying to use it - Understanding what its doing will save you a LOT of headaches later.
FWIW you don't actually need ANYTHING special to make AJAX work - you can write it yourself entirely in JavaScript (I've done this far too many times). As mentioned in Doug's answer, JQuery is fantastic and is worth using even without the AJAX functionality.
If, however, you want to use UpdatePanels and AJAX, the easiest option is .Net 3.5 or later (Visual Studio 2008 or later)
In my opinion, jQuery has the best AJAX functionality and is easy to learn and use. It's got great documentation and there are lots of tutorials and examples -- I love it.
