Step file property mapping - autodesk-model-derivative

When I load a STEP model into inventor, during the import processing these is the opportunity to perform property mapping. In my case, specifically "material" property.
Is there similar functionality available when loading Step models into Forge?

No, unfortunately, only the options listed in the documentation are available:
If the mapping can be automated using the Inventor API (not sure), then perhaps you could use the Design Automation API to import the STEP file into an Inventor document and then translate that to SVF which then could be displayed in the Viewer


IBM ODM UI model for json comparision

I have a requirement in which i get two json file in request and I need to copare two json files.
Is there a way within ODM where can show customers the UI for text comparision of json ?
Lets say, json 1 file has a field name which is different from json2 name. I need to show with any report /Ui that this is the difference between two files.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
The ODM user interfaces, either Eclipse-base Rule Designer or web-based Decision Center, allow extensive customization, but these UI's are for authoring the rules, not applying them to input data.
ODM rules are generally run within a server environment, so at execution time there is no user or user interface. It is possible (and feasible and reasonable) to embed ODM execution into any Java program (for example, one with a UI to show or compare differences between JSON document), but ODM does not provide any kind of UI framework for building such a program.
I faced the same problem and used JsonAssert library to compare Jsons in Java.

Atlaskit Editor Core with custom mention provider

I’m trying to implement a custom mention provider to the Editor Core unsuccessful because I had not found any documentation and/or example how to do it.
Any1 has a reference or real example about it? I want to use the mention plugin on the editor core without making an api call, just want to load the list of participants that are already load before.

Adding a sample Form in Kibana

I would like to create a sample Form in Kibana (version 6.3) to add data to elasticsearch. Is there an example or link which I can follow it to create my UI in first step and loading data to elasticsearch in second step?
Thanks for advance ^^
Kibana itself is not meant for data manipulation - it is a discoverability and visualisation tool. You can edit saved search objects, but even Kibana itself discourages it. The following is a copy/paste from the Search Objects interface:
Typically objects are only modified via their associated application, which is probably what you should use instead of this screen
My suggestion would be to create a simple web app using something like Flask or Padrino, depending on which language you are most comfortable with. For example, this is how to build a form in Flask. You can use the elasticsearch Python module to record data in the index.
After a lot of researchs, I found this two links 1 & 2 (the best documentation I found) to create a plugin with Forms and interaction with Elasticsearch.
Thanks :)

Titanium Alloy MVC Architecture

I don't get completly the architecture of Titanium Alloy. Maybe someone can explain it better or draw me a picture? :)
What I understood is that it is a mvc architecture but not in the "basic" way... The Model is only a blueprint for the intern SQLite database. The Backbone Model also can be extended to check for correct input and duplicates. To synch with the extern the Controller is used. At least all the examples I found did that. And the View is basic with Titanium Style Sheets.
Unfortunately you have a very terse, incomplete understanding of what Alloy is, what it does, and how it does it. Fortunately for you though, there's is extensive and complete documentation that covers all this in guide form. Answers to all these high level architecture questions and more can be found here:!/guide/Alloy_Framework
Well Alloy is indeed a framework that is based on the MVC architecture, maybe what you need is to get some insight on the design goals of MVC and how they can be achieved using the separate roles for each unit of software. Here is a very good article I would recommend:
The fact that you can specify view structures using only xml files and styling using only static properties means that Alloy is a very well implemented MVC framework as it does not allow you to mix the responsibilities of each role.
My 2 cents of understanding Alloy:
Here place only code that handles ui element events such as clicks, taps and so on. Your controller should pick up an event and call a method belonging to some external common.js module that you should require using require(). It is fully supported in Alloy.
Here you only specify the tree structure of your ui elements. This means what component belongs where and to which other component.
Here you should specify anything that has to do with colors, position, layout etc.

Magento Import Entity Type

i would like to import a CSV file into a custom table from a local magento extension.
In order to do so, I would like to create a new "Entity Type" in the import/export module.
But it seems like this is not that easy, or at least I didn't find a tutorial or documentation while searching the web for some hours now.
Maybe it isn't even necessary to create a new entity type, but i thought it would be a good starting point.
As I am currently using magmi ( to import products, I would also take a solution to import data into custom tables with that.
Thanks in advance for every hint you got for me!
Best regards!
You can do this by setting up a custom Dataflow profile. (System > Import/Export > Dataflow - Advanced Profiles)
There's a fairly simple example tutorial i've linked below which explains both the necessary Profile Actions XML, and also shows a simple example of writing your own dataflow adapter to handle the saving each row in your CSV.
