Recreate vcvars32.bat without reinstalling Visual Studio - visual-studio

On my system vcvars32.bat - part of the Visual Studio 2010 installation - has suddenly disappeared. When I start a VS2010 Command Prompt, I get the following message:
The specified configuration type is missing. The tools for the
configuration might not be installed.
Needless to say I haven't removed this file, but files don't disappear by themselves either. Supposedly it is created by the Visual Studio setup, so I'm wondering:
Has anyone else have this file disappear due to installing Visual Studio or Windows updates? If so, which update?
Can I recreate this file without reinstalling Visual Studio 2010, SP1, some Windows Update
distributed hotfixes and Feature Pack 2?


Visual Studio Installer 2019 Community 16.9 crash

During update Visual Studio 2019 to latest version (16.9), setup failed. Stupidly I closed installer window without read the error.
When I retryed the update, the Installer crashes few seconds after start.
I have uninstalled wholly Visual Studio, but Installer still crash.
I think something is left dirty after first update fail, I tried to search in log files recoverd by collect.exe tools, but I can't found usefull information in that bilions of messages.
Reinstalling Windows must be the last choice, there is a way to take crash error for undertand the problem and search for a solution?
Also InstallCleanup.exe don't solve the problem
Visual Studio Installer version 2.9.3349 has problems with culture "it-IT". If that's your case (as it is mine), there is a workaround here:
The workaround is to force a working locale: ./vs_installer.exe --locale en-US
If you think your install and/or installer is corrupted, run the installation cleaner tool available at the URL below and then re-download the latest installer, from which you can get 16.9.
Additionally there is a step you can try in Troubleshooting Installation Issues, specifically Step 4 (The advice above the break is actually Step 6 in this process)
Step 4 - Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory to fix upgrade problems
The Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper is a minimal light-weight executable that installs the rest of the Visual Studio Installer. Deleting Visual Studio Installer files and then rerunning the bootstrapper might solve some update failures.
Performing the following actions reinstalls the Visual Studio Installer files and resets the installation metadata.
Close the Visual Studio Installer.
Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory. Typically, the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.
Run the Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper. You might find the bootstrapper in your Downloads folder with a file name that follows a vs_[Visual Studio edition]__*.exe pattern. If you don't find that application, you can download the bootstrapper by going to the Visual Studio downloads page and clicking Download for your edition of Visual Studio. Then, run the executable to reset your installation metadata.
Try to install or update Visual Studio again. If the Installer continues to fail, go to the next step.
You have to download the installer again for the offline installation eg.vs_enterprise.exe then run vs_enterprise.exe --layout "folder where you have the offline installation". The new installer needs to download a different new configuration file vs_installer.version.json

Error updating Visual Studio 2017 15.6.2

I was trying to update VS 2017 to 15.6.2 version. As usual VS asked me to update the Installer. But the Installer updating failed and now, when I try to launch the VS updating again, I get this error message:
Error loading vs_installershell.exe: No signature was present in the subject.
Anyone has ever seen this before? Any help will be appreciated.
Microsoft recommends the following procedure in this case:
Close the Visual Studio Installer.
Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory. Typically, the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.
Run the Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper. You may find the bootstrapper in your Downloads folder with a file name that follows a vs_[Visual Studio edition]__*.exe pattern. If you don't find that application, you can download the bootstrapper by going to the Visual Studio downloads page and clicking Download for your edition of Visual Studio. Run the executable to reset your installation metadata.
Try to install or update Visual Studio again. If the Installer continues to fail, go to the next step.
There is also a bit of warning:
Performing the following actions reinstalls the Visual Studio Installer files and resets the installation metadata.
But in the end, it reinstalls the VS Updater.

Working in Visual Studio Professional 2015 while updating to Update 3 - Visual Studio starts to fail

I got the Visual Studio Professional 2015 Update 3 and launched the executable (vs2015.3.exe) while Visual Studio was still running. I got the following "Setup warning" but thought that a computer restart was fine as long as I could work during the update.
Please close visual studio now to reduce the chance that a computer
restart will be required later
Visual Studio immediately started acting strange, loosing Intellisense among others. I decided to restart Visual Studio and was then met with the error:
Cannot run when setup is in progress
I then canceled the update and thought that I could install this update during the night instead. When I opened Visual Studio again and tried to load a project I got the following error:
Project '' could not be opened because the Visual C# 2015 compiler
could not be created. Please re-install Visual Studio.
I then opened Update 3 executable again to complete the update. I was met with this feature list and could not do anything:
Restarted the computer but was met with the same dialog. I then opened Visual Studio again and this time the project loaded but without Intellisense. Restarted Visual Studio and now the project would not load at all. I then deleted the content of these 2 folders and ran devenv /resetsettings
I could now open the Visual Studio project normally again but I still could not get features when running the Update 3 executable. Is there anything else I can do or do I need to reinstall Visual Studio completely? I think it is really bad that the warning Microsoft gives is that a computer restart might be required when obviously the program cannot run in the background while updating.
Solved it by going to Control panel -> Programs and Features -> Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 with Updates. Click "Change" and then select "Repair".

Visual Studio 2012 "Invalid license data. Reinstall is required"

I have a newly built Windows 8 VM with VS 2012 Premium running on it, when I try open any sln file I get the following modal pop up error
Visual Studio 2010 Shell
Invalid license data. Reinstall is required.
I can open the sln's if I open up VS and then do project open, this is really annoying, any ideas how I fix it?
*Note I have done a VS repair and it didn't solve it...and I never had any VS RC release on the machine, all new build with s/w downloaded from the MSDN
I encountered the same exact error when I created a solution with a full version of Visual Studio 2012 Professional on one machine and then tried to open the solution file with a copy of Visual Studio 2012 Express on a different machine. I got the error when double-clicking the solution file, but not when loading the solution into an already opened instance.
I fixed the error by opening the solution file (.sln) with notepad and changing the line that says Visual Studio 2012 to say Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop.
After that, I was able to double-click to open the solution file on the machine that has Express installed.
I'm using VS 2013. I fixed this by right clicking the .sln and setting the Open With parameter to visual studio 2013 and not VS version selector or VS 2010.
I have faced the same problem. When I set the system Date and Time to the current Date and Time, The Problem solved by itself.
It looks like the .sln extension is owned by "Visual Studio 2010 Shell" a minimal version of Visual Studio that ships with products like SQL Server and Office to provide support for add-in development without any other features. Since this is a minimal version, it's unable to load any project type that ships with Visual Studio Express, Professional or above.
The same may happen when you have Visual Studio Express installed next to a full version of Visual Studio.
This may happen when you install an older version of Office or SQL Server after having installed Visual Studio. The old installer will hijack the extension.
To repair this problem:
use the "Open With" option of Windows and select the "Visual Studio Version Selector" as your default action.
Or open the "Default Programs" option in Windows, look up the .sln extension and make sure it uses the "Visual Studio Version Selector" as default:
Or locate Visual Studio 2012 in the Programs and Features window of Windows and chose "Change", the Visual Studio installer will pop up, chose "Repair" to have it repair the file associations and any other problems that may arise by installing Visual Studio versions in reverse order (it may for example mess up the MsBuild directory as well).
Remember that when Visual Studio 2010 was released, it could not yet know what Visual Studio 2012 would change, as such, it's best to install versions of Visual Studio in the order they were released. This may sometimes prove difficult, as other products may install Visual Studio versions without you knowing.

PROBLEM encountered visual studio 2008 installation

I installed Visual Studio 2008 package FULL option. It worked with out any problem. I installed Vstudio 2008 and MSDN in separate folder in the D drive. 2 days later in order to remove my projects i uninstalled every thing and also i deleted visual studio 2008, visual studio 2005 folders from C:\Documents and Settings\IRCTC\My Documents. (I believe these 2 folders were automatically created when we install visual studio) also I cleared %path% and path (c/windows/path). Again I installed VISUAL STUDIO 2008 but now I can't able to create window application (other web, vb also), what is the solution for this ...
ERROR that shown is
c:/documents and settings/IRCTC/local settings/temp/g1zzsdl.bak/temp/windowsFormsApplication.csproj cannot be opened because project type (.csproj) is not supported by this version of visual studio.......
Whether any system file corrupted (windows temp or .net folber in windows).....
No other installation problem found in my system.....
please help.....
What are the files/folders required for the installation......
When you get that error is usually because:
You are trying to open a project created with a previous version of Visual Studio (not your case)
There was a bit of a screw-up during the installation (sounds like your case)
I'd uninstall the thing and reinstall completely first thing.
If it still doesn't work, it could be related to VS templates and you might wanna try and run from Visual Studio 2008 command prompt:
devenv /InstallVSTemplates
If it still doesn't work, open Visual Studio, in the menu, Open Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->General. At this point you will notice the path of Project Templates is set to "C:\Documents and Settings[yourUserName]\My Documents\Visual Studio 9\Templates\ProjectTemplates" or something very similar to that. In order to fix it you gotta set that path to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9\Common7\IDE\Project Templates or the same path according to wherever you installed Visual Studio
I don't think is related to VS project Templates though - see this link
Try and see what happens!
Why didn't you use visual studio's uninstall function available from the control panel|add/remove programs?
I would uninstall the latest installation as described above, and try again.
