Visual Studio windows layout presets - visual-studio

I want to be able to store/load Visual Studio layout presets.
I.e. I have a laptop I work at with 1366x768 resolution. When I put it into the dock station I have a 1600x1200 display attached. I want to have a Visual Studio layout preset for each resolution.
I want to be able to switch Visual Studio windows layouts easily. Is there any addin available to fulfill my needs?
See also
Can I save the window layout in Visual Studio 2010?

Actually I was able to find the answer here at StackOverflow. The addin name is Perspectives and it can be found in Visual Studio online gallery.
Can I save the window layout in Visual Studio 2010?


Visual Studio Color Format Redundant Code

I have Visual Studio installed in one PC in which text editor is format redundant code by color (as shown in the screen shot).
I want to activate this in visual studio copy installed on another PC.
That is not a Visual Studio feature, it is one of ReSharper Code Inspection features, hence you'll need to install ReSharper on the computer where you'd like to see this code coloring...
This is a visual studio (mine is 2015) feature and should be enabled. By default it should be enabled, but am not sure what version of visual studio you are using. You can enable it by going to Visual Studio -> Tools menu -> Options

Is it possible to change icons in Visual Studio 2015?

I've downloaded VS2015 CTP6 release.
Is there any way to replace VS2015 solution explorer's icons with VS2010 ones? :(
PS: yep, I hate new UI design ideology. My fav is Win7 Crystal style.=)
Solutions from here don't work
Is it possible to change icons in Visual Studio 2012?
You can change the Shortcut icon:
If you want to customize the icon in Solution Explorer, you need to write a VS Extension.

multiple Output windows in Visual Studio 2010

Is there a way to have more than one Output window open in Visual Studio at the same time?
It is not possible with the built-in Visual Studio settings.
The only workaround would be to develop VS extension which adds an additional custom Output Window maybe.

How Visual Studio displays controls in the toolbox depending on the document open

I wanted to know how Visual Studio Toolbox displays only a sub-set of Controls of all the controls depending on the document open. Document can be any file, for example, when WindowsForms is open, any component that can be dropped appears on the toolbox.
How does Visual Studio does it?
I have Visual Studio SDK installed. How do I know which tabs are hidden and which tabs are displayed. (Of course "Show All.." is unchecked).

Is there a Visual Studio 2010 Add On for Tabbed Multi-Monitor support

In Visual Studio 2010 you can drag tabs out to separate windows but you can not collect them together as additional tabbed elements. Is there a VS 2010 add-on to allow you to group your extra windows into tabs? It would be really nice to have a set of tabs on each of my monitors.
The best place to look is the Visual Studio Gallery for 2010 Extensions. If you are lucky someone else has already had the idea and created an extension (VSIX) for you.
Otherwise, why do you have a go at writing it yourself by grabbing a copy of the Visual Studio 2010 SDK and read the Getting Started Guide.
UPDATE: I just stumbled on this awesome Visual Studio Extension that may do want you are looking for: Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools.
Productivity Power Tools does it, and it's free. The feature is called Document Well.
