Is there a Visual Studio 2010 Add On for Tabbed Multi-Monitor support - visual-studio

In Visual Studio 2010 you can drag tabs out to separate windows but you can not collect them together as additional tabbed elements. Is there a VS 2010 add-on to allow you to group your extra windows into tabs? It would be really nice to have a set of tabs on each of my monitors.

The best place to look is the Visual Studio Gallery for 2010 Extensions. If you are lucky someone else has already had the idea and created an extension (VSIX) for you.
Otherwise, why do you have a go at writing it yourself by grabbing a copy of the Visual Studio 2010 SDK and read the Getting Started Guide.
UPDATE: I just stumbled on this awesome Visual Studio Extension that may do want you are looking for: Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools.
Productivity Power Tools does it, and it's free. The feature is called Document Well.


Maximize current split tab group in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019

Visual Studio Code has a nice feature that allows automatic expansion of currently selected tab group (called editors) once you select a document.
How this feature works can be seen in these release notes of VS Code.
Is there an extension to obtain the same effect in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019? I've asked something similar a while ago but never managed to develop the plugin.
You can look for all visual studio extensions on visual studio market place.
I search there for an extension like you described but didn't found. So until today your answer is no.

Code Map Missing Visual Studio

We just switched over to VS 2013 and I heard that you're supposed to be able to
generate code maps for your entire application. Awesome feature indeed, that could
get new developers on our project up to speed.
Watched a couple of tutorials, but when I tried to just right click on a method
in the application, the 'Show on Code Map' context menu is missing. In fact, I
can't find anything in VS that has anything to do with Code Maps.
My version:
Visual Studio Premium 2013
I tried installing Modeling SDK for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, but that didn't do anything.
Anyone got any ideas?
You need Visual Studio ULTIMATE to create Code Maps.
This has changed for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017:
The Enterprise Edition allows creating code maps.
The Community and Professional Editions can open diagrams generated in other Visual Studio editions in read-only mode.

Visual Studio 2012 Pro Power Tools class/method name hover tooltip

I installed Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012 and I guess one feature is either missing or turned off. I mean the tooltip that appears when howering on the classname and method name.
Here are the screens of what I mean. This is from VS 2010.
How can I turn on the same feature in the Visual Studio 2012 or is it just removed from this version of IDE?
The Solution Navigator has been incorporated into Visual Studio 2012 and is no longer part of the Productivity Power Tools extension. There also doesn't seem to be any way to enable interactive tooltips.

How to drop a Brief bookmark in Visual Studio?

i've created binding for Visual Studio's Edit.BriefBookmarkDropx commands:
Edit.BriefBookmarkDrop1: Ctrl+Shift+1
Edit.BriefBookmarkDrop2: Ctrl+Shift+2
Edit.BriefBookmarkDrop3: Ctrl+Shift+3
Edit.BriefBookmarkDrop9: Ctrl+Shift+9
Using Tools -> Options -> Keyboard:
Except that when i hit Ctrl+Shift+2, nothing happens:
i know Microsoft likes to obfuscate Visual Studio features. What's the secret trick that i'm missing?
Note: i am installed DPack into Visual Studio Professional - an addon that provides brief bookmarks (and a number of other essential features). Do not confuse this for an answer to my question:
you cannot install addons into Visual Studio Express
you cannot install addons into the Visual Studio Shell
my question isn't about addons
Bonus Reading
MSDN: How to: Use Bookmarks with Brief Emulation (Visual Studio 2008)
Numbered Bookmarks addon for Visual Studio 2005
DPak Numbered Bookmarks
It took four years, but i figured it out. Everything i was doing was correct. The only issue is that Visual Studio is stupid. Here's how to configure Visual Studio to drop a Brief bookmark:
How's that different from what i showed in the question?
Fails Use new shortcut in: Global
Works Use new shortcut in: Text Editor
By default any keys you bind in the Global space do nothing.
Which begs the question why the option is there, and the default? But usability is not something Visual Studio team prides itself on.

Making an extension for multiple versions of Visual Studio

I have a feeling that the Visual Studio SDK is targeted heavily towards the version of Visual Studio it is created for, so I'm wondering how to do this in the best way possible. I currently only have Visual Studio 2008, but people using Visual Studio 2010 have begun wanting to use my tool as well, and I want to help them out. There were some using Visual Studio 2005 as well. Is there any way to do this without maintaining two (or three) different versions of the tool in different versions of Visual Studio?
This question is related, maybe it helps: Does Visual Studio 2010 have backward compatibility with visual studio 2008's addins?
