Is it possible to change icons in Visual Studio 2015? - visual-studio-2010

I've downloaded VS2015 CTP6 release.
Is there any way to replace VS2015 solution explorer's icons with VS2010 ones? :(
PS: yep, I hate new UI design ideology. My fav is Win7 Crystal style.=)
Solutions from here don't work
Is it possible to change icons in Visual Studio 2012?

You can change the Shortcut icon:
If you want to customize the icon in Solution Explorer, you need to write a VS Extension.


SpecFlow \ Solution Explorer file icons

I can't get the icons to show up for SpecFlow files in the Solution Explorer. Everything else works fine. Any ideas?
This is for Visual Studio 2010.
Does anyone know how to edit the icons associated to a file extension in Solution Explorer?
Install Specflow's visual studio plugin You need this as well as the NuGet assembly if you are editing your features.

Why is it no longer possible to drag files to solution explorer in Visual Studio 2012?

In VS2010 I could always drag files to the solution explorer. This no longer works in Visual Studio 2012. How can I enable this?
It is a Windows 'feature' as I read in this answer:
Windows will not let you drag from one window to another if only one
of those windows is running as Administrator.
Are you running Visual Studio as Administrator?

Visual Studio - Auto Hide/Show Toolbox in Code/Designer modes

I know I can manually pin and unpin the Visual Studio Toolbox, but what I would like to do is have it pinned when viewing the designer and automatically hide when I view the code. Is this possible?
Thanks, Jamie
Not as far as I know; I don't think the toolbox can differentiate between code and design views.
It's possible you could write an extension with the Visual Studio SDK that does what you're asking but I don't think it is possible otherwise.
Maybe Perspectives extension can help you. After installing you can save your current layout as perspective (just like in Eclipse) in Visual Studio 2010 and then switch between them.

Is there a Visual Studio color scheme similar to Webmatrix?

Webmatrix has a clean color scheme. Is there a similar one for Visual Studio?
Webmatrix color scheme for visual studio.
The Windows Aero theme for VS2010 is the closest I was able to get using the themes that are built into the Theme plug-in. Of course you could start there and customize further to get even closer.
For anyone looking for the theme editor, it can be found at: Visual Studio Color Theme Editor

visual studio 2010 solution navigator/solution explorer background

Is it possible somehow to chenge background on solution navigator/solution explorer in visual studio 2010 ?
I did change default environment scheme and now i would like to have the same background in solution navigator/solution explorer is it possible?
No. This is BUG. See Solution Explorer background.
Just created VS extension for that in under an hour, search extension manager for "SExColor". Enjoy ;)
