magento custom module showing blank page - magento

I have developed a custom magento module for admin section that is working fine on my development server. When I tried to install this module on other server then it is not working properly, when I clicked on module form menu option it is showing blank page. However,
enable/disable option in the advanced configuration is visible.
There are no error getting displayed. How should I debug it? where could be possible bug?
Please help!

You cant find bugs at your server error log file (ex: /var/log/apache2/error.log).
find in you magento index.php this code
#ini_set('display_errors', 1);
and change it to
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Good luck.

A blank page generally means a fatal error. You need to either check your web server error log or PHP error log depending on your setup.


How to show error page in joomla if page is not found ?

I am completely new in joomla.
I have website e.g
When I visit this site it's opening the url like bellow :
When I go to this link
It's successfully showing 404 page.
But how can I show this 404 error page when someone go to bellow link:
Many thanks :)
This can be done in one of two ways
Method 1
Open your configuration file (configuration.php) and look for the line public $error_reporting = ‘default’;You will then need to change this to the following based on your needs:
E_ALL | E_STRICT – All errors, warnings, notices, and strict
standards will be displayed on the website
E_ALL – All errors, warnings, notices will be displayed on the
E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE – All errors, warnings, but no notices will be
displayed on the website
Errors. No warnings or notices will be displayed on the website;
0 – No error reporting at all
Method 2
In your Admin Panel, navigate through Global Configuration >> Server tab >> Error Reporting. Choose an option as follows:
System Default: Joomla will inherit error reporting defaults set in the server (usually in php.ini file).
Simple: Overrides server settings to give a basic report with warnings only about the fatal errors.
Maximum (Recommended): Overrides server settings to gives full report with all the errors, warnings, notices, deprecated functions call, strict standards on the website.
None: switched off
Go to administrator.
In global configuration you'll see a SEO Settings.
Search Engine Friendly URLs Yes
Use URL Rewriting Yes - Follow instruction how to modify files according wich server you use.
Warning when you enable these all link with index.php will be modifies.
will go to:
Hope these help.
First go to admin panel > Global Configuration and turn mode_rewrite on.
Then go to your root folder (Joomla! Installation Folder) and rename the htaccess.txt to .htaccess

Lesti's FPC not working with Fishpig get post collection

I've developed a magento website with the fishpig extension, and as soon as I turned on my Lesti's FPC, i got a white page without any errors on the homepage.
I've managed to trace the error down to the post collection, but I don't know how to fix this issue. Someone had any experience with this?
This is what my post collection looks like:
<?php $posts = Mage::getResourceModel('wordpress/post_collection')
I'm pretty sure this error has nothing to do with Lesti FPC. If you have a white page without any errors, this just means that an error has occured but your PHP error display settings prevent it from being displayed. To display the error, open up your Magento index.php file and uncomment the following line:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
This will reveal the PHP error message. That being said, your issue will probably be fixed by performing the following steps:
Upgrade Magento WordPress Integration to the latest version. Also update any add-on extensions for Magento WordPress Integration.
Check System > Configuration > WordPress for any errors/warnings and fix every single one.
Check var/log/ for a wordpress.log file. Delete this file and then go back to the page that triggers the error. See whether any new errors are added to the file.
Please perform these 3 steps (these steps should be followed for any error with Magento WordPress Integration) and see whether the error persists. If the error does remain after following these steps, please update your question with the specific error message (but only after following these 3 steps).

Different Controller not running.. Codeigniter

I am working on the codeigniter framework to make a cms.During development i.e. running the site on my localhost i had two controllers and both worked fine.But now that I have uploaded it to a server it doesnt run the second Controller..
Someone having any idea regarding this please help!!
If your page shows blank page then there might be possibility of php code error
Please try with enabling error reporting on from your index.php at the top level by following code
If there is any code error, it will display you error with detail
Hope this will help you

How to display PHP / SQL errors in Joomla 3

Try as I might, I can't get proper error messages in Joomla 3.1.5. No matter what I do, I get redirected to a nice "Error 0" page which doesn't tell me what happened where. I've tried setting error reporting to both maximum and developer in the admin console, and turning on developer mode. Is there any way to get proper error messages instead of friendly error messages to display in Joomla 3.1.5?
If you're not seeing the errors it's likely that you have an extension installed that is calling set_exception_handler(), while I don't have an STS 3.1 version anywhere to test the 3.2's we do have don't have any issues with reporting errors. (And as far back as I can remember, I don't believe Joomla core calls set_exception_handler().
We write Joomla extensions for clients as our primary business and I can tell you that the error reporting works. We have found in the past that some more dodgy extensions install their own exception handlers to hide issues in their code which is why we always develop and test on clear default Joomla installations.
Just saw your answer…
If that work's it means something is definitely calling set_exception_handler() which I don't believe is Joomla, I don't have have STS 3.1 installation but my current 1.5, 2.5 and 3.2's do not call set_exception_handler() in the Joomla core.
Few thoughts:
Check in Joomla the PHP information - see the error reporting local
Check for a local php.ini file
Check if there is any ini_set code in your template...
Try adding a code like below, in your template's index.php file.
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
Figured it out -- calling restore_exception_handler() gets rid of the poxy Joomla page and lets me read the text of the error.

Magento backend problem

I've just installed Magento on my website, but I can't access the backend. The frontend works fine, but in the backend once I successfully login, it takes me to a blank screen. I've read there's an issue with cookies and I've tried a range of commenting out lines in varien.php, but didn't work.
Go to /var/log/exception.log and check for any errors.
Alternatively in index.php just before the last line:
Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType);
put this
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
It should throw some sort of error now, and go from there.
Blank screen is almost always a PHP error of some kind (as opposed to a Magento Exception). Check/turn-on your PHP error logs and you should find the error you're looking for.
For the cookies issue, install and access Magento using htp:// instead of htp://localhost/magento/
Please clear var/cache/ folder and var/session/ folder and refresh .
