How to display PHP / SQL errors in Joomla 3 - joomla

Try as I might, I can't get proper error messages in Joomla 3.1.5. No matter what I do, I get redirected to a nice "Error 0" page which doesn't tell me what happened where. I've tried setting error reporting to both maximum and developer in the admin console, and turning on developer mode. Is there any way to get proper error messages instead of friendly error messages to display in Joomla 3.1.5?

If you're not seeing the errors it's likely that you have an extension installed that is calling set_exception_handler(), while I don't have an STS 3.1 version anywhere to test the 3.2's we do have don't have any issues with reporting errors. (And as far back as I can remember, I don't believe Joomla core calls set_exception_handler().
We write Joomla extensions for clients as our primary business and I can tell you that the error reporting works. We have found in the past that some more dodgy extensions install their own exception handlers to hide issues in their code which is why we always develop and test on clear default Joomla installations.
Just saw your answer…
If that work's it means something is definitely calling set_exception_handler() which I don't believe is Joomla, I don't have have STS 3.1 installation but my current 1.5, 2.5 and 3.2's do not call set_exception_handler() in the Joomla core.

Few thoughts:
Check in Joomla the PHP information - see the error reporting local
Check for a local php.ini file
Check if there is any ini_set code in your template...
Try adding a code like below, in your template's index.php file.
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

Figured it out -- calling restore_exception_handler() gets rid of the poxy Joomla page and lets me read the text of the error.


Lesti's FPC not working with Fishpig get post collection

I've developed a magento website with the fishpig extension, and as soon as I turned on my Lesti's FPC, i got a white page without any errors on the homepage.
I've managed to trace the error down to the post collection, but I don't know how to fix this issue. Someone had any experience with this?
This is what my post collection looks like:
<?php $posts = Mage::getResourceModel('wordpress/post_collection')
I'm pretty sure this error has nothing to do with Lesti FPC. If you have a white page without any errors, this just means that an error has occured but your PHP error display settings prevent it from being displayed. To display the error, open up your Magento index.php file and uncomment the following line:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
This will reveal the PHP error message. That being said, your issue will probably be fixed by performing the following steps:
Upgrade Magento WordPress Integration to the latest version. Also update any add-on extensions for Magento WordPress Integration.
Check System > Configuration > WordPress for any errors/warnings and fix every single one.
Check var/log/ for a wordpress.log file. Delete this file and then go back to the page that triggers the error. See whether any new errors are added to the file.
Please perform these 3 steps (these steps should be followed for any error with Magento WordPress Integration) and see whether the error persists. If the error does remain after following these steps, please update your question with the specific error message (but only after following these 3 steps).

joomla error page never gets called

I have a joomla 3.1.5 installation that never calls an error page. If I open the browser to http://dev.test/DOESNOTEXIST, it shows the home page. I have read that $this->error->getCode() should return a 404 if the current page does not exist, but $this->error does not exist.
I have tried printing out $this, comparing the output of the home page to the output from a page with an invalid address, and have seen no difference, other then one being /home and the other being /DOESNOTEXIST. I have tried disabling plugins, but that doesn't seem to do it. I have tried going to my original .htaccess, but that didn't help either.
I'm running out of ideas. Has anyone else run into this issue?
I think I have resolved the issue. I had disabled the "redirects" plugin and replaced it with a custom plugin that performed similar functions. I didn't realize at the time that the redirect plugin provides error handling through the JError::setErrorHandling method. Once I created an error handler function and linked it up, that solved the problem.

Joomla - Component 404 and blank front Page

I am currently running Joomla 1.5, I have moved my site to a new domain and thought I had foloowed the procedure correctly. But now my menus are gone and it seems like articles are not showing up in their proper modules. Other than that the components i was using are now giving me a 404 component not found error. Does anyone know why this is or how I can fix this? Please I really need some help or direction....
Here is my link:
Make sure you check the following things:
Ensure you made the correct database setting changes in the configuration.php
Ensure you server is running PHP 5.2+
Make sure your MySQL version is arounf 5.0+ but also not too high such as 5.5.24 this can cause some problems with depreciated functions.
Also make sure your server has Apache mod_rewrite extension installed if you were using SEF before else you can turn SEF off in the configuration.php

The page isn't redirecting properly when install magento 1.6

When I install magento 1.6, it shows below errors, thanks for giving some advise:
The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
I was seeing the same error message when installing the Enterprise training environment. I just needed to delete app/etc/local.xml to clear out the default settings and allow the install process to proceed.
Had the same problem. I needed to delete database and create a new one. Even if the previous one was empty without any table. Still don't know why, but I found this solution from somebody who had the same problem.

xajax and codeigniter - blank page and xajax request URI error

I am unfortunately getting a blank page when trying to run a site locally. There are other people running it locally just fine, so I am wondering if it could be something to do with my LAMP environment.
When I attempt to load the site, it's nothing but a blank page. I've ran php index.php in console and the error I get is the following "xajax Error: xajax failed to automatically identify your Request URI.Please set the Request URI explicitly when you instantiate the xajax object.". I'm not quite sure how to handle this in CodeIgniter and or at all to be honest.
I think it's a problem with LAMP configuration: check codeigniter folder permissions (add write permission to "logs" folder.
Thanks for your answer. I actually figured out what the problem was, it was like you said a problem with my LAMP configuration. Unfortunately XAMPP (which is what I am using and or was), the newest version uses PHP 5.3. Xajax doesn't support PHP 5.3 and this was causing the problems. After I went to an older version all was well!
