getting new project template in vs2010 - visual-studio-2010

can someone help me in getting a New Project template by name "Domain-Specific Language" in Visual Studio 2010 as shown in the image:
googled a lot without finding the correct way....

You need to install Visual Studio SDK
How to: Create a Domain-Specific Language Solution


Visual Studio project template error

I created a Visual Studio template by using the export template wizard. But when I create a new project from that template system namespaces red underlined. It says "Namespace not defined". Can someone help me?
Finally msdn answered to this. This is a bug of the Visual Studio update1. We posted a bug in the vs thread. reffer the below link
If someone face this issue go to this link and vote,comment it.

Visual Studio 2010 modeling project error

I have serious problem with my modeling project, created in Visual Studio 2010. Today I was renaming my project and solution name and path's. And now it throws me some kind of error, when I wish to open any diagram. And then i role everything back to the first settings, but still the same.
Cannot load
usecasediagram': You must open this UML diagram inside the Visual
Studio modeling project that was used to create it.
Does anyone know, how to make my project work again?
Do you have any Add-On/Plugin ? I had a conflicting add-on and after removing it, it is working again.

Change Language in Visual Studio 2010 "Spell Checker"-Extension

i'm searching for a way to change the language of the "Spell Checker"-Extension for Visual Studio 2010.
The problem is following:
I'm using the german language version of Visual Studio 2010. If I use the "Spell Checker"-Extension it checks the correctness in german language, while I'm coding in english.
So nearly every single word is underlinded as incorrect.
How can I change the checking language to english or how can I change the libary it used to check language?
Any Ideas?
I found a solution for the problem by myself.
If anybody like to know it:
First download the extension inside the Visual Studio extension-manager.
Second download the source of the extension and open it in Visual Studio (Visual Studio SDK has to be installed to open the project)
Third navigate to Spellchecker/Spelling/SpellingTaggers.cs and add the following line inside the CheckSpellings method of SpellingTaggers class under the textBox initialization:
textBox.Language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("en-US");
Next build the dll-Files with Visual Studio
And finally replace the dll-files with those in the directory of the Spell Checker Extension (it can be found under %HOME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Roman Golovin, Michael Lehenbauer, Noah Richards\Spell Checker\2.23 or something similar)
That's it!
If you want to use a language different from "en-US", change the Language Code.
There is a fork of spellchecker, that maybe will eventually be integrated into the main branch, that supports spellchecking in multiple languages here:
Simon Egli
Step 5 will not work in all cases. I think dlls are cached or something like this, so it would be better to uninstall spell checker from Visual Studio and reinstall the new compiled version of SpellChecker.vsix (could be found in SpellChecker.Implementation\bin...).
This worked for me.

Write VS 2010 plugin/addin/extension

For my project I was need localization plugin. I dont find it and instead of write own console localiztion utility. I think this will be useful for community.
I want to wrap it into plugin for VS.
May be already exisists VS addings project templates?
Can anybody help me from what I should start?
Many thanks.
Download and install the Visual Studio 2010 SDK. It comes with plenty of sample code.

How to develop Add-In/Extensions for Visual Studio 2010 [Source / Reference]

I'm thinking of developing a tool that runs under Visual Studio 2010 and am struggling to find sample applications, source codes, and especially handouts that help in this journey.
I wonder if anyone would have any recommendation of material, or website.
Yes, please look into VSPackages, by far the easiest and best way to extend upon VisualStudio 2010.
It's actually incredibly easy: Just open the New Project dialogue in Visual Studio and select Visual C#->Extensibility-> Visual Studio Package.
Then look into APIs like the DTE (Design Time Extensibility).
Have fun :)
Further learning can be found in Open Source projects which I mentioned in the comments:
AllMargins: An extension that replaces the scroll bar.
And MetalScroll which does the same and is for VS2008 as an Add-In:
The concepts of using the DTE are the same everywhere.
