Change Language in Visual Studio 2010 "Spell Checker"-Extension - visual-studio-2010

i'm searching for a way to change the language of the "Spell Checker"-Extension for Visual Studio 2010.
The problem is following:
I'm using the german language version of Visual Studio 2010. If I use the "Spell Checker"-Extension it checks the correctness in german language, while I'm coding in english.
So nearly every single word is underlinded as incorrect.
How can I change the checking language to english or how can I change the libary it used to check language?
Any Ideas?

I found a solution for the problem by myself.
If anybody like to know it:
First download the extension inside the Visual Studio extension-manager.
Second download the source of the extension and open it in Visual Studio (Visual Studio SDK has to be installed to open the project)
Third navigate to Spellchecker/Spelling/SpellingTaggers.cs and add the following line inside the CheckSpellings method of SpellingTaggers class under the textBox initialization:
textBox.Language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("en-US");
Next build the dll-Files with Visual Studio
And finally replace the dll-files with those in the directory of the Spell Checker Extension (it can be found under %HOME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Roman Golovin, Michael Lehenbauer, Noah Richards\Spell Checker\2.23 or something similar)
That's it!
If you want to use a language different from "en-US", change the Language Code.

There is a fork of spellchecker, that maybe will eventually be integrated into the main branch, that supports spellchecking in multiple languages here:
Simon Egli

Step 5 will not work in all cases. I think dlls are cached or something like this, so it would be better to uninstall spell checker from Visual Studio and reinstall the new compiled version of SpellChecker.vsix (could be found in SpellChecker.Implementation\bin...).
This worked for me.


Is there a path-autocomplete extension on Visual Studio 2017?

I used to code on Visual Studio Code. Now, i'm trying to learn how to code on Visual Studio 2017 as it will be more beneficial for me. So far, it's so good.
But there is one thing which i miss on VS which is, in VSC, there was a neat extension, called Path Intellisense which autocompleted (or showed suggestions for) ./../file style file-paths. While coding in javascript (ExpressJS to be exact) i got no suggestions for file path autocomplete. Also, i didnt get any extensions to do so.
Those dot style file paths confuse me and i would really like an extension, or a workaround, in VS to help me with that. Are there any extensions for this?

How to use VSProlog in Visual Studio 2015?

I have installed the VSProlog extension in my Visual Studio 2015, from here:
Going to Tools>Extensions and updates I can see the extension installed, and it's enabled. Everything seems fine.
But trying to create a simple prolog .pl or .ari file, in File>New project... I can create C#, Visual Basic files, ASP, Python... but nothing appears related to Prolog.
How can I create a Prolog File in my Visual Studio?
Disclaimer: I'm the developer of the extension.
As stated before, VSProlog is not a template extension. It just enables syntax coloring for prolog files defined as *.ari and *.pl.
Opening a .pl file with Visual Studio and the extension installed (of course) should be enough.
Feel free to file an issue at GitHub

adding a new textmate grammar to visual studio 2015 update 1

In the visual studio 2015 update 1 release blog post ( the ability to add textmate bundles (or grammars) is explicitly mentioned:
Editor support for new languages. The Visual Studio editor now provides built-in syntax highlighting and basic IntelliSense support for languages including Go, Java, Perl, R, Ruby, and Swift. We support the TextMate bundle
model for language grammars and snippets, allowing you to extend this with support for other languages.
I want to create a new textmate grammar for my own language, but I cannot find any documentation, how to do this in vs2015 update 1.
The best source I found is this reddit conversation:
It looks like it's implemented as an extension, "Visual Studio Extension for Textmate Grammars." If you search for *.tmbundle in your visual studio\Common7\IDE\Extensions directory you will find the location of the tmbundles. I just made a new folder for Julia and copied the Julia tmbundle to it. Seems to work.
Is this the supported way of doing this? Why isn't there any documentation, visual studio menu etc. for this?
You can do this the way you've done it above, or if you prefer it to be in your user profile directory rather than across the whole operating system installation, you can add the bundle here:
On most machines, that path expands to:
Looks like there's an extension from Mads Kristensen now that provides a large number of TextMate syntaxes into Visual Studio. Looks like it's easy to add additional languages as well... You can probably check out the repo and see exactly what's required to add additional syntax.

Is there a Perl extension for Visual Studio?

Does anyone know if there is an extension or plugin for Visual Studio ( any version ) that will recognize Perl syntax highlighting? I want to edit the Perl files in my vs projects, but it gets hard to read sometimes. Thanks.
Old Answer (still applies unless you are using Visual Studio Update 1 RTM (2015) or later)
In short. No, there doesn't seem to be a good plugin for it.
If you use Perl rarely, I would recommend sticking with Visual Studio for Microsoft languages and Padre for Perl.
However, if you use Perl as much or more than Microsoft languages, you might want to check out Emacs, which has support for C#, VB.NET, and Perl. Emacs is designed to be a "one-stop-shop" for all you do all day long, including browsing the web. You can come into work, start using Emacs and never have to leave it until it is time to go home.
disclaimer: The answer above is geared toward the Original Poster. I'm a big fan of vim. Personally, if I were thrust into a situation where I had to work with C# and Perl on the same project, I would get ViEMU for Visual Studio and then use two editors: Visual Studio for C# and vim for Perl.
If this is something you are willing to spend some time on, check out defining your own syntax highlighting for Visual Studio.
Visual Studio Update 1 RTM now (2015) has Perl support, along with Go, Java, R, Ruby, and Swift.
Komodo Edit is quite nice, and free. code folding and other good stuff.
A work-in-progress Visual Studio extension for Perl6 (not the Perl5 asked by the OP) is incrementally more full-featured. It is released under the MIT License and its repository is on GitHub. As a prerequisite, Perl6 (e.g., Rakudo) needs to already be installed.
For Perl syntax highlight ext install perl6
Install this extension To Run Perl and Other languages
A workaround for Visual Studio desktop version is to use C++ syntax highlighting.
Go to Options -> Text Editor -> File Extension
Enter extension "pl" (no dot)
Assign it to "Microsoft Visual C++"
Click "Add"
If necessary, repeat the same steps for "cgi" extension.

No IntelliSense for C++/CLI in Visual Studio 2010?

I just moved from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 (final) and noticed one major flaw:
When I try to use AutoComplete in a C++ source file for managed C++, a small note in the footer appears:
IntelliSense for C++/CLI is not available
Uh, has IntelliSense for C++/CLI been dropped from Visual Studio 2010? Is there any way to get this back? It is rather useful...
You are correct. Unfortunately it has been dropped. You can check this opened issue on Microsoft's Connect website.
I'll just quote them for the sake of the answer:
Unfortunately in this release we had to cut the intellisense support for C++/CLI due to time constraints. If you want to get some intellisense like quick info and memberlist on the native classes you can get it by choosing no /clr support in the project properties.
About getting back intellisense, your best chances for now are using third-party tools like VA Assist for example. I've tried it with Visual Studio 2008 and its IntelliSense is a whole lot better than the default one.
It is available again in Visual Studio 2012.
If you want to get IntelliSense back, install Visual Assist X from Whole Tomato Software. Here you can get a 30-days trial to check the intellisense.
According to the Visual C++ Team Blog, C++/CLI Intellisense will be in the next version of Visual Studio, but not in a service pack for VS2010. That blog post also gives some detail as to what went wrong and led to this sad state.
I don't know if you can use this settings but it work for me. I only check the Common Language RunTime Support for the cpp files that use it. I do not check it for the whole project and I've got intellisense for all the files that don't use the CLI.
Yes! you can enable the IntelliSence, but in a tricky way. Follow these instructions:
Go to your project properties. (Right click on your project name in
Project Explorer, and select Properties. or simply Alt + Enter)
From Configuration Properties, select General
In the right-hand section, find "Common Language Runtime Support"
and change it to "No Common Language Runtime Support".
Click the OK Button.
Now the IntelliSence is working. But a problem is an error when you compile your code! (The error is: error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt)
You can simply go back to Project Properties an change Common Language Runtime Support to "Common Language Runtime Support, Old Syntax (/clr:oldSyntax)".
Good luck.
This solution is only if you don't want Common Language Runtime
It worked for me in VS2010
Go to Project Propreties > Configuration Properties > General > Common Language Runtime Support and set it to No Common Language Runtime Support.
This will work fine just after hitting Apply button.
As mentioned you could install some paid software such as "Visual Assist X from Whole Tomato Software".
You could use open source tools that contain intellisense*, one such tool is Qt Creator 3.3.1 (opensource). You have two options, either setup your entire project with Qt to compile using VS2010 compiler, or use Qt to link to your source files and compile with VS2010. You write your code in Qt, save, flip windows to vs2010 and compile and debug.
When changes are saved in Qt, vs2010 will automatically reload the source file in the project and you can compile.
