Oracle Transaction - Count table - oracle

I have a table where I need to constrain by category and then find all overlapping dates against some date range. This takes about 2 seconds, which is unacceptable to do on every transaction which occurs at roughly 50/s. The alternative is to create some tally table -- then again, I don't know how great of an idea this is because things can get out of sync.
Date on Rent # Rented Category
9/5/2011 5 CATEGORY1
In Oracle (PL/SQL, if it matters), how can I maintain this performance, but ensure that concurrent transactions don't screw up the increment / decrement by making it one less or one more than it really is?
I have two types of transactions, kind of like a search and a rent. Only rents will be updating this tally table (and searches just reading from it). I don't mind if rents slow down, but do not want search performance impacted. Rents can occur as frequently as 5-10 / second.

Oracle uses locks to ensure data consistency during a query. The details of how they work can get complex, but the effect is that it guarantees that an update/insert to your tally table will only use the data in the main table as it was when the query began. If there is another update or insert to your main table while you are doing an update/insert to the tally table, it won't affect it.
You'll have to experiment with your data to see if keeping a summary/tally table helps or hurts you. It really depends on how quickly the main table is getting updated, how much time you spend updating your tally table vs how much time you save by being able to select on it, and how up-to-date you need selects to be.


What will happen when inserting a row during a long running query

I am writing some data loading code that pulls data from a large, slow table in an oracle database. I have read-only access to the data, and do not have the ability to change indexes or affect the speed of the query in any way.
My select statement takes 5 minutes to execute and returns around 300,000 rows. The system is inserting large batches of new records constantly, and I need to make sure I get every last one, so I need to save a timestamp for the last time I downloaded the data.
My question is: If my select statement is running for 5 minutes, and new rows get inserted while the select is running, will I receive the new rows or not in the query result?
My gut tells me that the answer is 'no', especially since a large portion of those 5 minutes is just the time spent on the data transfer from the database to the local environment, but I can't find any direct documentation on the scenario.
"If my select statement is running for 5 minutes, and new rows get inserted while the select is running, will I receive the new rows or not in the query result?"
No. Oracle enforces strict isolation levels and does not permit dirty reads.
The default isolation level is Read Committed. This means the result set you get after five minutes will be identical to the one you would have got if Oracle could have delivered you all the records in 0.0000001 seconds. Anything committed after you query started running will not be included in the results. That includes updates to the records as well as inserts.
Oracle does this by tracking changes to the table in the UNDO tablespace. Provided it can restrict the original image from that data your query will run to completion; if for any reason the undo information is overwritten your query will fail with the dreaded ORA-1555: Snapshot too old. That's right: Oracle would rather hurl an exception than provide us with an inconsistent result set.
Note that this consistency applies at the statement level. If we run the same query twice within the one transaction we may see two different results sets. If that is a problem (I think not in your case) we need to switch from Read Committed to Serialized isolation.
The Concepts Manual covers Concurrency and Consistency in great depth. Find out more.
So to answer your question, take the timestamp from the time you start the select. Specifically, take the max(created_ts) from the table before you kick off the query. This should protect you from the gap Alex mentions (if records are not committed the moment they are inserted there is the potential to lose records if you base the select on comparing with the system timestamp). Although doing this means you're issuing two queries in the same transaction which means you do need Serialized isolation after all!

SQL Server Full Table Scan and Load

For the purpose of this question, let's pretend I have the following table:
Profit (NumberOfTimesPurchased * (SellAmount - UnitCost))
Basically, a single de-normalized table with a million plus rows in it. It is important to note that only two columns will ever by updated: Profit and NumberOfTimesPurchased. When a sale is made, the NumberOfTimesPurchased will be updated and the new profit amount will be re-calculated.
Now, I need to do some minimal reporting on this table, which consists of queries that aggregate and group. As an example:
City, AVG(UnitCost), AVG(SellAmount),
SUM(NumberOfTimesPurchased), AVG(Profit)
State, AVG(UnitCost), AVG(SellAmount), SUM(NumberOfTimesPurchased),
Country, AVG(UnitCost), AVG(SellAmount), SUM(NumberOfTimesPurchased),
ProductId, ProductName, AVG(UnitCost), AVG(SellAmount),
SUM(NumberOfTimesPurchased), AVG(Profit)
ProductId, ProductName
These queries are quick: ~1 second. However, I've noticed that under load, performance significantly drops (from 1 second up to a minute when there are 20+ concurrent requests), and I'm guessing the reason is that each query performs a full table scan.
I've attempted to use indexed views for each query, however my update statement performance takes a beating since each view needs to be rebuilt. On the same note, I've attempted to create covering indexes for each query, but again my update statement performance is not acceptable.
Assuming full table scans are the culprit, do I have any realistic options to get the query time down while keeping update performance at acceptable levels?
Note that I cannot use column store indexes (I'm using the cheaper version of Azure SQL Database). I'd also like to stay away from any sort of roll-up implementation, as I need the data available immediately.
Finally - the example above is not a completely accurate representation of my table. I have 20 or so different columns that can be 'grouped', and 6 columns that can be updated. No inserts or deletes.
Because there are no WHERE clauses on your queries, the database engine can nothing but a table scan (or clustered index scan which is really the same thing). If there were covering indexes with containing all the columns from your query, then the engine would prefer those. If your real queries have WHERE clauses, then appropriate indexing with those columns as the leading columns of the index might help.
But I think your problem lies elsewhere. As far as concurrency goes you haven't put enough money in the meter. According to the main service tiers doc, the Basic tier for Azure SQL Database is for:
... supporting typically one single
active operation at a given time. Examples include databases used for
development or testing, or small-scale infrequently used applications.
Therefore you might want to think about splashing out for Premium edition to support both your concurrency requirement and columnstore indexes, which are perfectly suited to this type of query. Just for fun, I created a test-rig based on AdventureWorksDW2012 to try and recreate your problem which is here. Query performance was atrocious (> 20 secs). I'd be surprised if you weren't getting DTU warnings on your portal:
An upgrade to Standard (S0-S2) did boost performance so you should experiment. You could look at scaling up for busy query times and down when not required.
This table also looks a bit like a fact table, so you might want to consider refactoring this as a fact / dimensional model then use Azure Analysis Services on top to bring that sub-second performance.
Coincidentally there is a feedback item you can vote for to bring columnstore to Standard tier:
Recent comments suggest it is "in the work queue" as at May 2017;

Why does the same select statement have different costs in Oracle?

Recently I used Oracle 11g database to do my homework. I had 12 tables, like trip_data_11 and trip_data_12.
They have same structure and the number of records is almost the same. I created the same indexes on each table.
So for trip_data_11 table:
create index pick_add_11 on trip_data_11(pickup_longitude,pickup_latitude);
create index drop_add_11 on trip_data_11(dropoff_longitude,dropoff_latitude);
The same operation to trip_data_12.
Then I used the following select statement to select the taxi numbers per day.
COUNT(DISTINCT(td.medallion)) AS taxi_num
(td.pickup_longitude >= -74.2593 AND td.pickup_longitude <= -73.7011
AND td.pickup_latitude >= 40.4770 AND td.pickup_latitude <= 40.9171
(td.dropoff_longitude >= -74.2593 AND td.dropoff_longitude <= -73.7011
AND td.dropoff_latitude >= 40.4770 AND td.dropoff_latitude <= 40.9171
td.trip_distance > 0
td.passenger_count > 0
It costs 38sec。When I changed the table name to SYS.TRIP_DATA_12, the problem coming, it costs more than 2 hours.
What's more, it did not end. I don't know why.
Today I ask my classmate and he said: clear the cache. So I used the following statements to do it.
alter system flush shared_pool;
alter system flush buffer_cache;
alter system flush global context;
Now when I use the same select statement for SYS.TRIP_DATA_11 I get the same poor performance like SYS.TRIP_DATA_12. Why?
It seems like your classmate was having a good joke at your expense.
Clearly your query was only performing well because you had a warm buffer cache full of all the data you needed from TRIP_DATA_11. By flushing the caches you have zapped all that, and now you have the same bad performance for all tables.
Tuning queries is hard, because there are lots of possibilities. Please read the documentation on it.
To pick just one thing: you're searching ranges, which is problematic. How many rows fill -74.2593 to -73.7011 ? It might be a lot more than say -71.00 to -68.59 even though that's a broader range. Understanding your data - its volume, its distribution and its skew - is crucial.
As a first step learn how to use EXPLAIN PLAN. Find out more. To get better plans, gather statistics on your tables and their indexes, using DBMS_STATS package. Find out more.
One tip. Oracle only uses one index to access a table. So it will choose pick_add_11 or drop_add_11 but not both. It will then read all the matching records from the table and filter them by the other criteria. You may get much better performance from a index designed to service this query:
create index add_11 on trip_data_11
, pickup_latitude
, dropoff_longitude
, dropoff_latitude
, trip_distance
, passenger_count )
The select statement will execute the entire filter against this index and only touch the table to get the MEDALLION values. (You could add medallion to the index too). Experiment with the column order. As latitude has a narrower range than longitude probably that should go first; maybe drop-off value should appear before pick-up. You want an index in which the greatest number of related records are clustered together.
Indexes like this can be an overhead, so we wouldn't want to maintain too many of them in real life. But they are a valuable technique for tuning expensive queries which are run frequently.
Oh, and #Justin's right: don't use SYS for doing application work. Even for a school assignment you should create a fresh schema and create your tables, etc in that.

Deletes Slow on a Oracle BIG Table

I have a table which has around 180 million records and 40 indexes. A nightly program, loads data into this table but due to certain business conditions we can only delete and load data into this table. The nightly program will bring new records or updates to existing records in the table from the source system.We have limited window i.e about 6 hours to complete the extract from the source system, perform business transformations and finally load the data into this target table and be ready for users to consume the data in the morning. The issue which we are facing is that the delete from this table takes a lot of time mainly due to the 40 indexes on the table(an average of 70000 deletes per hour). I did some digging on the internet and see the below options
a) Drop or disable indexes before delete and then rebuild indexes: The program which loads data into the target table after delete and loading the data needs to perform quite a few updates for which the indexes are critical. And to rebuild 1 index it takes almost 1.5 hours due to the enormous amount of data in the table. So this approach is not feasible due to the time it takes to rebuild indexes and due to the limited time we have to get the data ready for the users
b) Use bulk delete: Currently the program deletes based on rowid and deletes records one by one as below
FROM <table>
WHERE rowid = g_wpk_tab(ln_i);
g_wpk_tab is the collection which holds rowids to be deleted which is read by looping via FOR ALL and I do an intermediate commit every 50000 row deletes.
Tom of AskTom says in this discussion over here says that the bulk delete and row by row delete will take almost the same amount of time
So this wont be a feasible option as well
c)Regular Delete: Tom of AskTom suggests to use the regular delete and even that takes a long time probably due to the number of indexes on this table
d)CTAS: This approach is out of question because the program needs to recreate the table , create the 40 indexes and then proceed with the updates and I mentioned above an index will take atleast 1.5 hrs to create
If you could provide me any other suggestions I would really appreciate it.
UPDATE: As of now we have decided to go with the approach suggested by to archive instead of delete. Approach is to add a flag to the table to mark the records to be deleted as DELETE and then have a post delete program run during the day to delete off the records. This will ensure that the data is available for users at the right time. Since users consume via OBIEE we are planning to set content level filter on the table to not look at the archival column so that users needn't know about what to select and what to ignore.
Parallel DML alter session enable parallel dml;, delete /*+ parallel */ ...;, commit;. Sometimes it's that easy.
Parallel DDL alter index your_index rebuild nologging compress parallel;. NOLOGGING to reduce the amount of redo generated during the index rebuild. COMPRESS can significantly reduce the size of a non-unique index, which significantly reduces the rebuild time. PARALLEL can also make a huge difference in rebuild time if you have more than one CPU or more than one disk. If you're not already using these options, I wouldn't be surprised if using all of them together improves index rebuilds by an order of magnitude. And then 1.5 * 40 / 10 = 6 hours.
Re-evaluate your indexes Do you really need 40 indexes? It's entirely possible, but many indexes are only created because "indexes are magic". Make sure there's a legitimate reason behind each index. This can be very difficult to do, very few people document the reason for an index. Before you ask around, you may want to gather some information. Turn on index monitoring to see which indexes are really being used. And even if the index is used, see how it is used, perhaps through v$sql_plan. It's possible that an index is used for a specific statement but another index would have worked just as well.
Archive instead of delete Instead of deleting, just set a flag to mark a row as archived, invalid, deleted, etc. This will avoid the immediate overhead of index maintenance. Ignore the rows temporarily and let some other job delete them later. The large downside to this is that it affects any query on the table.
Upgrading is probably out of the question, but 12c has an interesting new feature called in-database archiving. It's a more transparent way of accomplishing the same thing.

(TSQL) INSERT doubling time of the query

I have a quite complex multi-join TSQL SELECT query that runs for about 8 seconds and returns about 300K records. Which is currently acceptable. But I need to reuse results of that query several times later, so I am inserting results of the query into a temp table. Table is created in advance with columns that match output of SELECT query. But as soon as I do INSERT INTO ... SELECT - execution time more than doubles to over 20 seconds! Execution plans shows that 46% of the query cost goes to "Table Insert" and 38% to Table Spool (Eager Spool).
Any idea why this is happening and how to speed it up?
The "Why" of it hard to say, we'd need a lot more information. (though my SWAG would be that it has to do with logging...)
However, the solution, 9 times out of 10 is to use SELECT INTO to make your temp table.
I would start by looking at standard tuning itmes. Is disk performing? Are there sufficient resources (IOs, RAM, CPU, etc)? Is there a bottleneck in the RDBMS? Does sound like the issue but what is happening with locking? Does other code give similar results? Is other code performant?
A few things I can suggest based on the information you have provided. If you don't care about dirty reads, you could always change the transaction isolation level (if you're using MS T-SQL)
select ...
This may speed things up on your initial query as locks will not need to be done on the data you are querying from. If you're not using SQL server, do a google search for how to do the same thing with the technology you are using.
For the insert portion, you said you are inserting into a temp table. Does your database support adding primary keys or indexes on your temp table? If it does, have a dummy column in there that is an indexed column. Also, have you tried to use a regular database table with this? Depending on your set up, it is possible that using that will speed up your insert times.
