SQL Server Full Table Scan and Load - performance

For the purpose of this question, let's pretend I have the following table:
Profit (NumberOfTimesPurchased * (SellAmount - UnitCost))
Basically, a single de-normalized table with a million plus rows in it. It is important to note that only two columns will ever by updated: Profit and NumberOfTimesPurchased. When a sale is made, the NumberOfTimesPurchased will be updated and the new profit amount will be re-calculated.
Now, I need to do some minimal reporting on this table, which consists of queries that aggregate and group. As an example:
City, AVG(UnitCost), AVG(SellAmount),
SUM(NumberOfTimesPurchased), AVG(Profit)
State, AVG(UnitCost), AVG(SellAmount), SUM(NumberOfTimesPurchased),
Country, AVG(UnitCost), AVG(SellAmount), SUM(NumberOfTimesPurchased),
ProductId, ProductName, AVG(UnitCost), AVG(SellAmount),
SUM(NumberOfTimesPurchased), AVG(Profit)
ProductId, ProductName
These queries are quick: ~1 second. However, I've noticed that under load, performance significantly drops (from 1 second up to a minute when there are 20+ concurrent requests), and I'm guessing the reason is that each query performs a full table scan.
I've attempted to use indexed views for each query, however my update statement performance takes a beating since each view needs to be rebuilt. On the same note, I've attempted to create covering indexes for each query, but again my update statement performance is not acceptable.
Assuming full table scans are the culprit, do I have any realistic options to get the query time down while keeping update performance at acceptable levels?
Note that I cannot use column store indexes (I'm using the cheaper version of Azure SQL Database). I'd also like to stay away from any sort of roll-up implementation, as I need the data available immediately.
Finally - the example above is not a completely accurate representation of my table. I have 20 or so different columns that can be 'grouped', and 6 columns that can be updated. No inserts or deletes.

Because there are no WHERE clauses on your queries, the database engine can nothing but a table scan (or clustered index scan which is really the same thing). If there were covering indexes with containing all the columns from your query, then the engine would prefer those. If your real queries have WHERE clauses, then appropriate indexing with those columns as the leading columns of the index might help.
But I think your problem lies elsewhere. As far as concurrency goes you haven't put enough money in the meter. According to the main service tiers doc, the Basic tier for Azure SQL Database is for:
... supporting typically one single
active operation at a given time. Examples include databases used for
development or testing, or small-scale infrequently used applications.
Therefore you might want to think about splashing out for Premium edition to support both your concurrency requirement and columnstore indexes, which are perfectly suited to this type of query. Just for fun, I created a test-rig based on AdventureWorksDW2012 to try and recreate your problem which is here. Query performance was atrocious (> 20 secs). I'd be surprised if you weren't getting DTU warnings on your portal:
An upgrade to Standard (S0-S2) did boost performance so you should experiment. You could look at scaling up for busy query times and down when not required.
This table also looks a bit like a fact table, so you might want to consider refactoring this as a fact / dimensional model then use Azure Analysis Services on top to bring that sub-second performance.
Coincidentally there is a feedback item you can vote for to bring columnstore to Standard tier:
Recent comments suggest it is "in the work queue" as at May 2017;


Oracle - Frequently accessed tables

We're running Oracle 12c SE. I've read a lot of postings that say v$segment_statistics may have information on which are the most frequently queried or updated objects. However, can that be broken down? Say that one might want to see during what times of the day certain objects are hotter than other objects, or perhaps number of physical reads or writes per hour for a given table?
Does Oracle SE offer this an any of the v$ views?
It sounds like you are describing dba_hist_seg_stat which is one of the tables that is populated as part of the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR). If you're on the standard edition, I don't believe querying these views would violate your license agreement but I don't keep up to date with changes to licensing terms particularly for the standard edition.
You could replicate this functionality yourself by putting together a job that runs every few minutes, queries v$segment_statistics, and writes the delta from the prior snap to a custom table. You could then query that table to see what activity was going on at different points in time.

Store summary data at master table, instead of deriving it

I am trying to prepare DB design for APEX application. Requirement is as follows.
In Departments IR page, users are asking below columns
Number of employees in each department (Department may or may not have employees)
Primary Location for Department (Department can have multiple addresses and addresses are stored in other table, along with primary flag)
Alternative Manager's Email Address for Department (alt_manager_id column, this is optional column and refers to employees table)
I can implement these requirements using either inline sub queries or using OUTER JIONs. But, these approaches will have performance impact as the data grows (like 100s of thousands of rows). So, my question is, is it ok to store these data directly at "Departments" table and update "Departments" table when child tables gets updated. Basically, I am trying to store summary data at master table, instead of deriving it as on when needed from child tables. Is this considered bad practice? Is it ok to implement such DB design?
Thank you
"Is this considered bad practice?"
Usually yes. There are several problems with maintaining summary detail information in a master record.
Your inserts into child tables (and deletes if you have them) now also have to take a lock on the master record, to increment the count. This adds complexity to what should be simple transactions.
It also has two performance hits: the additional overhead of maintaining the counts and the potential for sessions to hang in multi-user environments.
Note that you are adding a definite performance hit to your insert activity for a possible saving in the performance of aggregating queries.
The good practice is to just run the counts when you need the summaries. Tune the queries if you need to.
If you think you really are going to be querying the summary data often enough for the workload to be a problem you should consider building materialized views for the summary queries. Then, when you enable query rewrites, Oracle will transparently query the materialized view if it can satisfy the query rather than re-running the aggregations. This is a technique which is used a lot in data warehouses, but there's no reason not to use it in OLTP environments if you really have the data volumes to justify it. Find out more.
Generally, try the simplest thing which could work first. Only look to do something different (like building a materialized view for aggregations) when you know you have a demonstrable problem with performance.

Why does the same select statement have different costs in Oracle?

Recently I used Oracle 11g database to do my homework. I had 12 tables, like trip_data_11 and trip_data_12.
They have same structure and the number of records is almost the same. I created the same indexes on each table.
So for trip_data_11 table:
create index pick_add_11 on trip_data_11(pickup_longitude,pickup_latitude);
create index drop_add_11 on trip_data_11(dropoff_longitude,dropoff_latitude);
The same operation to trip_data_12.
Then I used the following select statement to select the taxi numbers per day.
COUNT(DISTINCT(td.medallion)) AS taxi_num
(td.pickup_longitude >= -74.2593 AND td.pickup_longitude <= -73.7011
AND td.pickup_latitude >= 40.4770 AND td.pickup_latitude <= 40.9171
(td.dropoff_longitude >= -74.2593 AND td.dropoff_longitude <= -73.7011
AND td.dropoff_latitude >= 40.4770 AND td.dropoff_latitude <= 40.9171
td.trip_distance > 0
td.passenger_count > 0
It costs 38sec。When I changed the table name to SYS.TRIP_DATA_12, the problem coming, it costs more than 2 hours.
What's more, it did not end. I don't know why.
Today I ask my classmate and he said: clear the cache. So I used the following statements to do it.
alter system flush shared_pool;
alter system flush buffer_cache;
alter system flush global context;
Now when I use the same select statement for SYS.TRIP_DATA_11 I get the same poor performance like SYS.TRIP_DATA_12. Why?
It seems like your classmate was having a good joke at your expense.
Clearly your query was only performing well because you had a warm buffer cache full of all the data you needed from TRIP_DATA_11. By flushing the caches you have zapped all that, and now you have the same bad performance for all tables.
Tuning queries is hard, because there are lots of possibilities. Please read the documentation on it.
To pick just one thing: you're searching ranges, which is problematic. How many rows fill -74.2593 to -73.7011 ? It might be a lot more than say -71.00 to -68.59 even though that's a broader range. Understanding your data - its volume, its distribution and its skew - is crucial.
As a first step learn how to use EXPLAIN PLAN. Find out more. To get better plans, gather statistics on your tables and their indexes, using DBMS_STATS package. Find out more.
One tip. Oracle only uses one index to access a table. So it will choose pick_add_11 or drop_add_11 but not both. It will then read all the matching records from the table and filter them by the other criteria. You may get much better performance from a index designed to service this query:
create index add_11 on trip_data_11
, pickup_latitude
, dropoff_longitude
, dropoff_latitude
, trip_distance
, passenger_count )
The select statement will execute the entire filter against this index and only touch the table to get the MEDALLION values. (You could add medallion to the index too). Experiment with the column order. As latitude has a narrower range than longitude probably that should go first; maybe drop-off value should appear before pick-up. You want an index in which the greatest number of related records are clustered together.
Indexes like this can be an overhead, so we wouldn't want to maintain too many of them in real life. But they are a valuable technique for tuning expensive queries which are run frequently.
Oh, and #Justin's right: don't use SYS for doing application work. Even for a school assignment you should create a fresh schema and create your tables, etc in that.

database for enterprise level using oracle - normalization and duplication

I am developing an enterprise application with an Oracle backend. I am designing a core part of the DB architecture now and im having some questions on it.
First and most important thing is, most of my tables needs to preserve old data. For example
Consider a table with the fields
Contract No, Contract Name, Contract Person, Contract Email
I have a records like
12, xxx, yyy, xxx#zzz.ccc
and some one modifies it to
12, xxx, zzz, xxx#zzz.ccc
at any point of time i need to display the new record while still have copy of the old record.
So what i thought was to put a duplicate record of the old data and update the fields that was changed and have a flag to keep track of active records with something like "is active" as 1.
The downside is that this creates redundancy in the table and seems like a bad design. But any other model seems unnecessarily complex and this seems cleaner to me. Also i dont see any performance issues having a duplicate record too. So please let me know if this is ok or am i missing something here.
Some times where there is a one to many relationship my assumption is to have a mapping table where i map the multiple entity in individual records by repeating master ID and changing child ID in each record. Is this a right way to do it or is there a better way to do it.
Is there a book on database best practices.
The database im dealing with is Oracle 11g on a two node RAC cluster
Also i dont see any performance issues having a duplicate record too.
Assume you have a row that, over time, has 15 updates to it. If you don't store any temporal data (if you don't store different versions of the row), you end up storing one row. If you do store temporal data, you end up storing 15 rows.
You also need more indexes, because the id number is no longer sufficient to identify a single row.
If you have only relatively small tables, you probably won't see any performance difference. (There will be one, but it probably won't be noticeable to users.) But a table that has 10 million rows will perform differently than a table that has 150 million rows. (15 versions per row, times 10 million rows.)
Some times where there is a one to many relationship my assumption is
to have a mapping table where i map the multiple entity in individual
records by repeating master ID and changing child ID in each record.
Is this a right way to do it or is there a better way to do it.
You probably need to know which child rows belong to which parent rows. So you need more than a single master id for the key. The master id alone doesn't tell you which version of that row in the parent table applies to a given child row.
Is there a book on database best practices.
There are books on temporal databases. The first one that I know of is Snodgrass's Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL. It's available in several formats, and it's free. It's also kind of old, but the information in it is important to understand if you're going to be building a temporal database. Also, think about reading Date's book Temporal Data and the Relational Model.
Wikipedia has an article that summarizes the ideas behind temporal databases.
Is normalization completely mandatory.
That's a meaningless question. You will have different issues with tables normalized to 2NF than you'll have with tables normalized to 5NF or 6NF.
I would keep the old/history records in a separate table. Create an upd/del trigger to populate your audit/history table for you, and keep only the most current data in your main table.
See here for an example. Many other similar examples exists in SO.

Oracle Transaction - Count table

I have a table where I need to constrain by category and then find all overlapping dates against some date range. This takes about 2 seconds, which is unacceptable to do on every transaction which occurs at roughly 50/s. The alternative is to create some tally table -- then again, I don't know how great of an idea this is because things can get out of sync.
Date on Rent # Rented Category
9/5/2011 5 CATEGORY1
In Oracle (PL/SQL, if it matters), how can I maintain this performance, but ensure that concurrent transactions don't screw up the increment / decrement by making it one less or one more than it really is?
I have two types of transactions, kind of like a search and a rent. Only rents will be updating this tally table (and searches just reading from it). I don't mind if rents slow down, but do not want search performance impacted. Rents can occur as frequently as 5-10 / second.
Oracle uses locks to ensure data consistency during a query. The details of how they work can get complex, but the effect is that it guarantees that an update/insert to your tally table will only use the data in the main table as it was when the query began. If there is another update or insert to your main table while you are doing an update/insert to the tally table, it won't affect it.
You'll have to experiment with your data to see if keeping a summary/tally table helps or hurts you. It really depends on how quickly the main table is getting updated, how much time you spend updating your tally table vs how much time you save by being able to select on it, and how up-to-date you need selects to be.
