Related Documents in VS 2010? - visual-studio-2010

Back in Visual Studio 6 I was able to add a "Related Document" to a project to quickly and easily open Word files I used for version history notes, etc. How do I do this in Visual Studio 2010 if this is available?

Just use "Add->Existing Item".


Maximize current split tab group in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019

Visual Studio Code has a nice feature that allows automatic expansion of currently selected tab group (called editors) once you select a document.
How this feature works can be seen in these release notes of VS Code.
Is there an extension to obtain the same effect in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019? I've asked something similar a while ago but never managed to develop the plugin.
You can look for all visual studio extensions on visual studio market place.
I search there for an extension like you described but didn't found. So until today your answer is no.

Search changeset checkin comments on Visual Studio or Visual Studio online

I want to go through my changesets and search for a specific checkin/changeset comments on Visual studio 2013 or on Visual Studio Online. How can I do this? On github is very easy to do this but I am struggling on VS online.
If you have TFS Power Tools installed, you can use the following
tfpt searchcs
It brings up a dialog (like following) that allows you to search Change Sets by comment text amongst other things
Find Changeset By Comment extension for Visual Studio
For Visual Studio 2013
PowerTools are a great way (See other answer), here is the Quick and dirty way:
From the "View History"-Window:
Select all relevant Changesets you want to search
Press CTRL+C to copy to clipboard
Paste in Text editor
Use search function there

How to remove duplicate entries in Visual Studio Selector?

I'm using Visual C++ Express 2010. Weird thing, when I start *.sln file with "Microsoft Visual Studio Version Selector" (dblclick in explorer for example), I get 2 lines for each installed product.
Meaning duplicated (2010 and 10 are the same)
Visual C++ 2010
Visual C++ 10
How to remove one of them?
Screenshot of "About" dialog.
The values are probably in the registry. You should be able to figure out where the settings on with the help of Sysinternal's Process Monitor.
The Visual Studio Launcher is called VSLauncher.exe. If you filter for registry operations that are performed by that executable, it shouldn't be too hard to find.
I have made a github repo with the filter and the procmon events for your reference. Hope this helps.

Version history of Sharepoint files in Visual Studio

I've integrated Sharepoint 2010 in our TFS 2010 - and access the documents via the "Team Explorer" in Visual Studio 2010. I can open and edit all documents (docx e.g.).
But I couldn't access the version history of each item, as I can do it for source code items in the TFS source control.
To do this, I've to open the Sharepoint website, navigate to the document and read the history there.
Are there any options or plugins to get the version history of sharepoint items directly in the Visual Studio?
Unfortunately there is not an option for this without opening the document library in Sharepoint directly. This is a good idea and you should list it on the UserVoice website for Visual Studio. I think it would make a great Power Tool.
This is a related request where uses would like to be able to link to a specific version from a TFS Workitem.

Is there a Visual Studio 2010 Add On for Tabbed Multi-Monitor support

In Visual Studio 2010 you can drag tabs out to separate windows but you can not collect them together as additional tabbed elements. Is there a VS 2010 add-on to allow you to group your extra windows into tabs? It would be really nice to have a set of tabs on each of my monitors.
The best place to look is the Visual Studio Gallery for 2010 Extensions. If you are lucky someone else has already had the idea and created an extension (VSIX) for you.
Otherwise, why do you have a go at writing it yourself by grabbing a copy of the Visual Studio 2010 SDK and read the Getting Started Guide.
UPDATE: I just stumbled on this awesome Visual Studio Extension that may do want you are looking for: Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools.
Productivity Power Tools does it, and it's free. The feature is called Document Well.
