Search changeset checkin comments on Visual Studio or Visual Studio online - visual-studio

I want to go through my changesets and search for a specific checkin/changeset comments on Visual studio 2013 or on Visual Studio Online. How can I do this? On github is very easy to do this but I am struggling on VS online.

If you have TFS Power Tools installed, you can use the following
tfpt searchcs
It brings up a dialog (like following) that allows you to search Change Sets by comment text amongst other things

Find Changeset By Comment extension for Visual Studio
For Visual Studio 2013

PowerTools are a great way (See other answer), here is the Quick and dirty way:
From the "View History"-Window:
Select all relevant Changesets you want to search
Press CTRL+C to copy to clipboard
Paste in Text editor
Use search function there


Maximize current split tab group in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019

Visual Studio Code has a nice feature that allows automatic expansion of currently selected tab group (called editors) once you select a document.
How this feature works can be seen in these release notes of VS Code.
Is there an extension to obtain the same effect in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019? I've asked something similar a while ago but never managed to develop the plugin.
You can look for all visual studio extensions on visual studio market place.
I search there for an extension like you described but didn't found. So until today your answer is no.

Visual Studio 2015 shortcut for check in

What is visual studio 2015 shortcut for check in? I want to select the solution, and click on a shortcut to check it in to source control.
Is it like a team function you are looking for? Ctrl+0
You might find it here:

Highlight all occurrences inside source code of an Identifier in Visual Studio

Unfortunately now I am one of those people who are asking for help to find some individual setting inside Visual Studio but after quite a long time of searching I am simply giving up.
I need the following feature of both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 turned on:
If you click an identifier in your source code Visual Studio will highlight all other occurrences of this identifier with Grey.
I can't test this out myself, can't tell if it's a MSVS feature or Visual Assist. You might need Intellisense enabled for this.
This extension of Visual Studio will Highlight all occurrences of selected word

Related Documents in VS 2010?

Back in Visual Studio 6 I was able to add a "Related Document" to a project to quickly and easily open Word files I used for version history notes, etc. How do I do this in Visual Studio 2010 if this is available?
Just use "Add->Existing Item".

Looking for a Visual Studio 2008 integrated diff that I can control from code

I'm working on a Visual Studio 2008 Add-in that shows files from SharePoint. It is possible to edit file in SharePint from within Visual Studio, and I would like to give a view of the difference between the current document and the version saved in ShaerPoint and the last published version in SharePoint.
In the past there was Super Diff, but is it still supported for Visual Studio 2008? Is it posible to control it from code? Any other tools?
If you are looking for a free one, there is SourceGear's DiffMerge.
This very useful article describes the command line values for many of the diff tools you can incorporate into Visual Studio.
This article describes Changing the diff/merge program used by Visual Studio. It targets BeyondCompare (commercial) but the steps can be followed for any diff tool (using the arguments from the previous link).
There is also WinMerge.
EDIT: Just noticed you want to be able to control from code. Both of these tools have a command line interface.
