IM clients (or plugins) with code formatter / highlighter [closed] - syntax-highlighting

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anybody recommend an IM client (Linux / Mac preferred) that either support natively, or via a plugin the ability to format & highlight blocks of code that are pasted in chat windows? I'm constantly pasting and receiving blocks of code in my client (Adium at the moment) where I copy them out into an editor to perform the formatting to make it readable.
I know I can't be the only one that shuttles snippets of code around to others like this, so I figure someone must have done this already, but my searches are coming up with nothing. Please someone help me before I throw my hands up and just start another time-sink project myself :)

You could also take a look at


How do I start with writing Windows minifilter drivers ? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to use windows miniFilter in my project.
I have seen the Microsoft documentation, but it seemed very hard to understand.
I have also read the GitHub examples for miniFilters, but they don't provide explanation for everything, as I want to understand what I write and not just copy and paste. Is there any beginner friendly site that can help me learn more ?
There are not a lot of great resources for getting started on this - no real tutorials or anything. The best sources are the Windows driver samples. Start with a simple one like filesys\miniFilter\nullFilter and then move up to filesys\miniFilter\passThrough to get you started. OSROnline is also a really great resource. And (shameless plug here) I have written a short, 4-part blog post on writing a register filter driver that starts pretty basic.

Highlight for java? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm basically writing a website with play framework and I want to turn code snippets to nicely formatted, highlighted html code. Is there any java library on maven that deals with raw code formatting to html like linux command "highlight" does? If there's no such thing worst case scenario is I can just invoke that command on linux directly.
I personally use google code prettify:
It's a JavaScript library, very straight forward to use, simply include it on your page, and set the class of your pre element with your Java code in it to prettyprint.
It's what we use for all the syntax highlighting for the code snippets on too. It's also available as a webjar.

Where can I find documentation on Skype Desktop API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The Skype desktop API was being closed, but they've reversed that decision. I'm now not able to register as a developer ( as they're 'not accepting new registrations'.
I need to start looking into this as I want to develop a call recording component for Mac (and Windows, but most importantly Mac).
So is there a mirror for the documentation somewhere so that I know how this works? And is there any example code for this?
A comment in this question seems to imply that they provide both tracks of audio readily so I believe that once I can get this info, it should be quite a simple task!
Turns out the Wayback Machine has my answer:
Who would have thought it? ;)

Open source text editor for Mac [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anybody know about any living open source text programming (mainly html/css) editor for Mac? There does not seem to be one.
Kod - dead
Fraise - dead
Smultron - not open source anymore
Coda - not open source
I would like to extend it with CSS live preview tab, but in order to do that it has to be open source, and I would prefer working on a project that has some perspective. Everything seems to be on the Mac App Store now... :\
TextMate 2 is now open-sourced on github.
Honestly, learn Vim. It'll take you a while at first, but you won't regret it.

Any Suggestions for Log4Net Configuration Gui? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anyone have any suggestions for a Gui for editing the log4net config files. We have people in the field who need to be able to increase, decrease, or specialize logging but don't have the background to mess in the XML.
I used this a few years ago to provide a simple GUI to log4net. I haven't used it recently so I don't know if it's still working with recent releases of log4net.
It's not that hard to make a simple .NET Winforms app that can read a .xml file and allow the user to edit it. As it will only be used by users with specific needs you can just put in the necessary drop-down menus, ticks boxes or edit boxes to allow then to change the values needed.
You can then do some basic error/range checking to make sure they can't enter invalid values.
