Highlight for java? [closed] - maven

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm basically writing a website with play framework and I want to turn code snippets to nicely formatted, highlighted html code. Is there any java library on maven that deals with raw code formatting to html like linux command "highlight" does? If there's no such thing worst case scenario is I can just invoke that command on linux directly.

I personally use google code prettify:
It's a JavaScript library, very straight forward to use, simply include it on your page, and set the class of your pre element with your Java code in it to prettyprint.
It's what we use for all the syntax highlighting for the code snippets on playframework.com too. It's also available as a webjar.


C# Documentation Generator (no comments or annotations)? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for a documentation generator that does not require using comments and/or annotations to the code. Ideally, it would just outline all classes methods, functions, etc... in a manner similar to what is available in the Object Browser.
Every .NET documentation generator that I'm aware of works fine even without any comments in code. You didn't specify the language. If it's C# or VB .NET, you can try our VSdocman (I'm one of its developers). It can generate documentation for every code element. It doesn't matter if it has a comment or not.

GitHub-like Markdown editor / preview (OSX)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just want to preview markdown before push to GitHub.
I tried a bunch of Editors, but none of them parsed the following:
bool test = polygon.ContainsPoint(point);
That's all I wanted, but every editor I've tried so far just could not parse it right (at least out of the box). I tried MacDown, TextMate, Marked so far.
This README.md just falls apart by the end of the file, while GitHub reads it fine.
Can you just suggest a solution that works?
Although, your syntax seems right, it looks like using the csharp alias is better handled accross editor. See the supported languages/aliases in languages.yml per language from the linguist project.
This below:
bool test = polygon.ContainsPoint(point);
is perfectly rendered in Atom, for instance, whereas using ```C# doesn't work.

IM clients (or plugins) with code formatter / highlighter [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anybody recommend an IM client (Linux / Mac preferred) that either support natively, or via a plugin the ability to format & highlight blocks of code that are pasted in chat windows? I'm constantly pasting and receiving blocks of code in my client (Adium at the moment) where I copy them out into an editor to perform the formatting to make it readable.
I know I can't be the only one that shuttles snippets of code around to others like this, so I figure someone must have done this already, but my searches are coming up with nothing. Please someone help me before I throw my hands up and just start another time-sink project myself :)
You could also take a look at http://collabedit.com/

Looking for free lightweight xslt editor [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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As stated I'm looking for a free lightweight xslt editor with following functionalities:
Intellisense support
Simple to use (ie. can copy/paste xml & xsl into it and run the transformation)
Can be used to preview resulting html
Runs on Windows
Something like xmlspy used to be like (before it got pricey and full of features noone uses)
I have been using the XSelerator for more than 10 years. It is more than a good XSLT/XML editor.
Provides a good MSXML3/4 debugger and dynamic intellisense, import/include tree navigation, etc.

fpcmake and Makefile.fpc, where can I get some training? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've never used any of these, but they are listed on the main Free Pascal site and I would really like to get my hands on:
Beginners guide, to get me started
Advanced guide, to help me grow
All this in case it's still used/standard.
IMHO makefile.fpc is mostly FPC internal. I wouldn't use it for own projects.
The idea is that Makefile.fpc is combined with a template fpcmake.ini by running "fpcmake -Tall -w" to generate a GNU Makefile. The fpcmake.ini template is built in into the fpcmake binary.
Makefile.fpc is a file that has parameters for customizing the (fpcmake.ini) template, but can also add additional targets (in makefile format).
To my knowledge there is a paragraph about fpcmake somewhere in the documentation, nad the rest is usually learned by example, simple usage in packages/ and the more complicated examples are the toplevel makefile.fpc and the ones in compiler and rtl/
