What is a good fan speed algorithm? - performance

My fan has 24 speedsteps. Thermal shutdown is 105°C it think. Idle temperature is about 75°C. Is a good algorithm to take a temperature lower bound and a temperature higher bound and divide it by n speedsteps?
EDIT: ATM I use 2 loops and up_threshold of 85°C but that was before I know about 24 speedsteps:
error |= ec_read(EC_RTMP, &ec_rtmp);
if ( ( ec_rtmp < FAN_UPTHRESHOLD_TEMP && sloop < 0 ) ||
( ec_rtmp < FAN_UPTHRESHOLD_TEMP && sloop == FAN_LOOP ) ||
( ec_rtmp < FAN_UPTHRESHOLD_TEMP && speed_switch == 1 )
speed_switch = 1;
sloop = FAN_LOOP; // 20 * 10 sec
printk("Temp %dC: disabling fan\n", ec_rtmp);
queue_delayed_work( my_workqueue, &work_object, FAN_JIFFIES_MS*HZ );
} else
speed_switch = 0;
printk("Temp %dC: enable fan\n", ec_rtmp);
queue_delayed_work( my_workqueue, &work_object, 2*FAN_JIFFIES_MS*HZ );
EDIT: I've found a good source code: http://code.google.com/p/eeepc-fancontrol/wiki/Formular

You will need to consider many factors, firstly you don't want the fan constantly bouncing between two different steps, so a common trick is to only change the fan speed on a time based interval or if it crosses two boundaries higher than when the fan speed last changed.
If your goal is to just stop the laptop from getting any hotter, then using a table of speed steps will be mostly suitable, but it won't be ideal, and might have the laptop getting hotter than it other wise needs to be. Imagine if your fan was always one or two settings slower for the current heat output than it needed to be. What I'm getting at is fan speed should be related to change in temperature NOT directly related to temperature, but at the same time don't totally reject temperature, you need also to have a threshold table that says fan must be at least speed X when temperature is over Y.
So design your system based on temperature gain / loss (delta) over a time interval rather than temperature at a given point in time.
Also one other thing to consider is that fans generally don't increase linearly in cooling with RPM, they usually follow a bell curve for efficiency where they ramp up towards peak cooling efficiency (vs RPM) and then as you go higher RPM they won't be as efficient in cooling down. You might very well find that the last 10% fan RPM increases by several DB but might not do much more at all in the way of removing heat.
I would suggest using a minimum fan speed that is just below where you would generally like the fan running at in normal quiet conditions. Rather than just going 10%, 20%, 30%.. 90%, 100% fan RPM, I would say start at 40% (or what feels best for you) and then at this speed see what your new idle temperature is, then use that as your base point for increasing the remainder of the fan speed.
There is no perfect generic solution for this problem you will get something that could always be improved upon based on the heat output compared to your current interpretation of what noise is costly. As such you should look to implement different sets of settings for quiet, office or gaming profiles (based on roughly what your importance and system load will be for a given situation). Much like cars which have a sports mode, or off road setting.


Xamarin iOS location with negative speed

The speed value which i get from the location object is always negative (-1). From Apples blog
A negative value indicates an invalid speed.
My code is
CLLocationManager iPhoneLocationManager = new CLLocationManager ();
iPhoneLocationManager.RequestAlwaysAuthorization ();
iPhoneLocationManager.PausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = false;
iPhoneLocationManager.DesiredAccuracy = 100;
iPhoneLocationManager.DistanceFilter = 5;
if (CLLocationManager.LocationServicesEnabled) {
iPhoneLocationManager.StartUpdatingLocation ();
Even though it gives correct location, the speed is always negative.
This value reflects the instantaneous speed of the device in the
direction of its current heading. A negative value indicates an
invalid speed. Because the actual speed can change many times between
the delivery of subsequent location events, you should use this
property for informational purposes only.
Unless you are constantly moving at a fairly constant rate directly away from the last sampling point, i.e. a linear vector based calculation and not running around in a tight circle, instantaneous speed is somewhat worthless. Now riding a bike and driving in a car at a constant velocity, instantaneous speed can be fairly valid...
Most real-time mobile mapping systems use some type of a speed sampling algorithm; i.e. distance moved over X samples using a moving average calculation divided by your sampling time interval is one way to get your 'current' speed.
Each app has a different use-case, so your algorithm would need to be adjusted, like if you have a hiking application and are showing the user his avg. speed on a trail and how long it will take to complete the trail would have a different algorithm from a public transportation app that calculates your arrival time based on current speed of the bus but factoring in traffic conditions, time of day, passenger stops, red lights, etc...
A blog post showing a simple sampling technique (in obj-c, but easy to translate his idea to c#): http://www.perspecdev.com/blog/2012/02/22/using-corelocation-on-ios-to-track-a-users-distance-and-speed/

What are some good approaches to predicting the completion time of a long process?

tl;dr: I want to predict file copy completion. What are good methods given the start time and the current progress?
Firstly, I am aware that this is not at all a simple problem, and that predicting the future is difficult to do well. For context, I'm trying to predict the completion of a long file copy.
Current Approach:
At the moment, I'm using a fairly naive formula that I came up with myself: (ETC stands for Estimated Time of Completion)
ETC = currTime + elapsedTime * (totalSize - sizeDone) / sizeDone
This works on the assumption that the remaining files to be copied will do so at the average copy speed thus far, which may or may not be a realistic assumption (dealing with tape archives here).
PRO: The ETC will change gradually, and becomes more and more accurate as the process nears completion.
CON: It doesn't react well to unexpected events, like the file copy becoming stuck or speeding up quickly.
Another idea:
The next idea I had was to keep a record of the progress for the last n seconds (or minutes, given that these archives are supposed to take hours), and just do something like:
ETC = currTime + currAvg * (totalSize - sizeDone)
This is kind of the opposite of the first method in that:
PRO: If the speed changes quickly, the ETC will update quickly to reflect the current state of affairs.
CON: The ETC may jump around a lot if the speed is inconsistent.
I'm reminded of the control engineering subjects I did at uni, where the objective is essentially to try to get a system that reacts quickly to sudden changes, but isn't unstable and crazy.
With that said, the other option I could think of would be to calculate the average of both of the above, perhaps with some kind of weighting:
Weight the first method more if the copy has a fairly consistent long-term average speed, even if it jumps around a bit locally.
Weight the second method more if the copy speed is unpredictable, and is likely to do things like speed up/slow down for long periods, or stop altogether for long periods.
What I am really asking for is:
Any alternative approaches to the two I have given.
If and how you would combine several different methods to get a final prediction.
If you feel that the accuracy of prediction is important, the way to go about about building a predictive model is as follows:
collect some real-world measurements;
split them into three disjoint sets: training, validation and test;
come up with some predictive models (you already have two plus a mix) and fit them using the training set;
check predictive performance of the models on the validation set and pick the one that performs best;
use the test set to assess the out-of-sample prediction error of the chosen model.
I'd hazard a guess that a linear combination of your current model and the "average over the last n seconds" would perform pretty well for the problem at hand. The optimal weights for the linear combination can be fitted using linear regression (a one-liner in R).
An excellent resource for studying statistical learning methods is The Elements of
Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman. I can't recommend that book highly enough.
Lastly, your second idea (average over the last n seconds) attempts to measure the instantaneous speed. A more robust technique for this might be to use the Kalman filter, whose purpose is exactly this:
Its purpose is to use measurements observed over time, containing
noise (random variations) and other inaccuracies, and produce values
that tend to be closer to the true values of the measurements and
their associated calculated values.
The principal advantage of using the Kalman filter rather than a fixed n-second sliding window is that it's adaptive: it will automatically use a longer averaging window when measurements jump around a lot than when they're stable.
Imho, bad implementations of ETC are wildly overused, which allows us to have a good laugh. Sometimes, it might be better to display facts instead of estimations, like:
5 of 10 files have been copied
10 of 200 MB have been copied
Or display facts and an estimation, and make clear that it is only an estimation. But I would not display only an estimation.
Every user knows that ETCs are often completely meaningless, and then it is hard to distinguish between meaningful ETCs and meaningless ETCs, especially for inexperienced users.
I have implemented two different solutions to address this problem:
The ETC for the current transfer at start time is based on a historic speed value. This value is refined after each transfer. During the transfer I compute a weighted average between the historic data and data from the current transfer, so that the closer to the end you are the more weight is given to actual data from the transfer.
Instead of showing a single ETC, show a range of time. The idea is to compute the ETC from the last 'n' seconds or minutes (like your second idea). I keep track of the best and worst case averages and compute a range of possible ETCs. This is kind of confusing to show in a GUI, but okay to show in a command line app.
There are two things to consider here:
the exact estimation
how to present it to the user
1. On estimation
Other than statistics approach, one simple way to have a good estimation of the current speed while erasing some noise or spikes is to take a weighted approach.
You already experimented with the sliding window, the idea here is to take a fairly large sliding window, but instead of a plain average, giving more weight to more recent measures, since they are more indicative of the evolution (a bit like a derivative).
Example: Suppose you have 10 previous windows (most recent x0, least recent x9), then you could compute the speed:
Speed = (10 * x0 + 9 * x1 + 8 * x2 + ... + x9) / (10 * window-time) / 55
When you have a good assessment of the likely speed, then you are close to get a good estimated time.
2. On presentation
The main thing to remember here is that you want a nice user experience, and not a scientific front.
Studies have demonstrated that users reacted very badly to slow-down and very positively to speed-up. Therefore, a good progress bar / estimated time should be conservative in the estimates presented (reserving time for a potential slow-down) at first.
A simple way to get that is to have a factor that is a percentage of the completion, that you use to tweak the estimated remaining time. For example:
real-completion = 0.4
presented-completion = real-completion * factor(real-completion)
Where factor is such that factor([0..1]) = [0..1], factor(x) <= x and factor(1) = 1. For example, the cubic function produces the nice speed-up toward the completion time. Other functions could use an exponential form 1 - e^x, etc...

What bizarre averaging algorithm is my bike computer using?

My bike computer can show me various figures such as distance travelled, time elapsed, max speed, average speed, current speed etc. I usually have it set to display the current and average speeds.
You can reset the distance and time (both together) at any point; the max and average speeds are calculated since the last reset. The distance is taken from the wheel sensor (you have to calibrate it initially to tell it the circumference of your wheel) and the time is from its own real-time clock.
Now, quite often while I am cycling along, I will be going at well above the displayed average speed and yet the average speed shown will go down. As a concrete example, this evening I was cycling home and my current speed was holding steady at 19.5 mph; my average was showing 12.6 mph and as I looked at it, it clicked downwards to 12.5.
What I'm trying to work out is what kind of bizarre averaging algorithm it is using that can give this effect. I can't believe it's doing any kind of fancy stuff other than total distance / total time. I guess it must be some sort of rounding / boundary condition but I can't work out what. Any suggestions?
[I asked this around the office at work but nobody had any ideas other than that I should stop worrying about these sorts of details! Hey, I have to think about something when I'm cycling, it's 9 miles each way...]
I'm going to guess that it has a history of a certain number of data points and displays the average over them. As time goes on the older points are pushed off.
If you were going faster at the point far enough back to be the end of the history pushing off a point will lower your average.
It's not a running average, it's supposed to be the average for the whole trip, right? At least that's what I always assumed mine was doing.
I've noticed that effect too. My theory is that both the clock and the distance counter it uses for the average have a fairly low resolution, so sometimes the clock counter ticks up while the distance counter stays steady, and you get the dip. For Example:
dist time spd
8.5 40.1 12.72
8.5 40.2 12.69
If they are using an integer processor and fixed point, truncation would make the drop appear even larger
It's really a motivational technique.
It probably uses something similar to the Remaining time estimation algorithm.
It's timing between rotations of the wheel but it can easily miss a pass of the magnet over the sensor because of a bump in the road or noise.
So you measure a speed half the correct value for that one data point, it then does a running average so that bad point pollutes the speed for the next few revolutions.
The system needs to sample at some (probably constant) rate.
In order to compute a moving average it only stores at most N datapoints.
So in order to update the average it must drop one of its stored points to get a new average, and if the dropped point was faster than your current speed, the moving average would drop.

Algorithm(s) for spotting anomalies ("spikes") in traffic data

I find myself needing to process network traffic captured with tcpdump. Reading the traffic is not hard, but what gets a bit tricky is spotting where there are "spikes" in the traffic. I'm mostly concerned with TCP SYN packets and what I want to do is find days where there's a sudden rise in the traffic for a given destination port. There's quite a bit of data to process (roughly one year).
What I've tried so far is to use an exponential moving average, this was good enough to let me get some interesting measures out, but comparing what I've seen with external data sources seems to be a bit too aggressive in flagging things as abnormal.
I've considered using a combination of the exponential moving average plus historical data (possibly from 7 days in the past, thinking that there ought to be a weekly cycle to what I am seeing), as some papers I've read seem to have managed to model resource usage that way with good success.
So, does anyone knows of a good method or somewhere to go and read up on this sort of thing.
The moving average I've been using looks roughly like:
avg = avg+0.96*(new-avg)
With avg being the EMA and new being the new measure. I have been experimenting with what thresholds to use, but found that a combination of "must be a given factor higher than the average prior to weighing the new value in" and "must be at least 3 higher" to give the least bad result.
This is widely studied in intrusion detection literature. This is a seminal paper on the issue which shows, among other things, how to analyze tcpdump data to gain relevant insights.
This is the paper: http://www.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/sec98/full_papers/full_papers/lee/lee_html/lee.html here they use the RIPPER rule induction system, I guess you could replace that old one for something newer such as http://www.newty.de/pnc2/ or http://www.data-miner.com/rik.html
I would apply two low-pass filters to the data, one with a long time constant, T1, and one with a short time constant, T2. You would then look at the magnitude difference in output from these two filters and when it exceeds a certain threshold, K, then that would be a spike. The hardest part is tuning T1, T2 and K so that you don't get too many false positives and you don't miss any small spikes.
The following is a single pole IIR low-pass filter:
new = k * old + (1 - k) * new
The value of k determines the time constant and is usually close to 1.0 (but < 1.0 of course).
I am suggesting that you apply two such filters in parallel, with different time constants, e.g. start with say k = 0.9 for one (short time constant) and k = 0.99 for the other (long time constant) and then look at the magnitude difference in their outputs. The magnitude difference will be small most of the time, but will become large when there is a spike.

Smart progress bar ETA computation

In many applications, we have some progress bar for a file download, for a compression task, for a search, etc. We all often use progress bars to let users know something is happening. And if we know some details like just how much work has been done and how much is left to do, we can even give a time estimate, often by extrapolating from how much time it's taken to get to the current progress level.
(source: jameslao.com)
But we've also seen programs which this Time Left "ETA" display is just comically bad. It claims a file copy will be done in 20 seconds, then one second later it says it's going to take 4 days, then it flickers again to be 20 minutes. It's not only unhelpful, it's confusing!
The reason the ETA varies so much is that the progress rate itself can vary and the programmer's math can be overly sensitive.
Apple sidesteps this by just avoiding any accurate prediction and just giving vague estimates!
(source: autodesk.com)
That's annoying too, do I have time for a quick break, or is my task going to be done in 2 more seconds? If the prediction is too fuzzy, it's pointless to make any prediction at all.
Easy but wrong methods
As a first pass ETA computation, probably we all just make a function like if p is the fractional percentage that's done already, and t is the time it's taken so far, we output t*(1-p)/p as the estimate of how long it's going to take to finish. This simple ratio works "OK" but it's also terrible especially at the end of computation. If your slow download speed keeps a copy slowly advancing happening overnight, and finally in the morning, something kicks in and the copy starts going at full speed at 100X faster, your ETA at 90% done may say "1 hour", and 10 seconds later you're at 95% and the ETA will say "30 minutes" which is clearly an embarassingly poor guess.. in this case "10 seconds" is a much, much, much better estimate.
When this happens you may think to change the computation to use recent speed, not average speed, to estimate ETA. You take the average download rate or completion rate over the last 10 seconds, and use that rate to project how long completion will be. That performs quite well in the previous overnight-download-which-sped-up-at-the-end example, since it will give very good final completion estimates at the end. But this still has big problems.. it causes your ETA to bounce wildly when your rate varies quickly over a short period of time, and you get the "done in 20 seconds, done in 2 hours, done in 2 seconds, done in 30 minutes" rapid display of programming shame.
The actual question:
What is the best way to compute an estimated time of completion of a task, given the time history of the computation? I am not looking for links to GUI toolkits or Qt libraries. I'm asking about the algorithm to generate the most sane and accurate completion time estimates.
Have you had success with math formulas? Some kind of averaging, maybe by using the mean of the rate over 10 seconds with the rate over 1 minute with the rate over 1 hour? Some kind of artificial filtering like "if my new estimate varies too much from the previous estimate, tone it down, don't let it bounce too much"? Some kind of fancy history analysis where you integrate progress versus time advancement to find standard deviation of rate to give statistical error metrics on completion?
What have you tried, and what works best?
Original Answer
The company that created this site apparently makes a scheduling system that answers this question in the context of employees writing code. The way it works is with Monte Carlo simulation of future based on the past.
Appendix: Explanation of Monte Carlo
This is how this algorithm would work in your situation:
You model your task as a sequence of microtasks, say 1000 of them. Suppose an hour later you completed 100 of them. Now you run the simulation for the remaining 900 steps by randomly selecting 90 completed microtasks, adding their times and multiplying by 10. Here you have an estimate; repeat N times and you have N estimates for the time remaining. Note the average between these estimates will be about 9 hours -- no surprises here. But by presenting the resulting distribution to the user you'll honestly communicate to him the odds, e.g. 'with the probability 90% this will take another 3-15 hours'
This algorithm, by definition, produces complete result if the task in question can be modeled as a bunch of independent, random microtasks. You can gain a better answer only if you know how the task deviates from this model: for example, installers typically have a download/unpacking/installing tasklist and the speed for one cannot predict the other.
Appendix: Simplifying Monte Carlo
I'm not a statistics guru, but I think if you look closer into the simulation in this method, it will always return a normal distribution as a sum of large number of independent random variables. Therefore, you don't need to perform it at all. In fact, you don't even need to store all the completed times, since you'll only need their sum and sum of their squares.
In maybe not very standard notation,
sigma = sqrt ( sum_of_times_squared-sum_of_times^2 )
scaling = 900/100 // that is (totalSteps - elapsedSteps) / elapsedSteps
lowerBound = sum_of_times*scaling - 3*sigma*sqrt(scaling)
upperBound = sum_of_times*scaling + 3*sigma*sqrt(scaling)
With this, you can output the message saying that the thing will end between [lowerBound, upperBound] from now with some fixed probability (should be about 95%, but I probably missed some constant factor).
Here's what I've found works well! For the first 50% of the task, you assume the rate is constant and extrapolate. The time prediction is very stable and doesn't bounce much.
Once you pass 50%, you switch computation strategy. You take the fraction of the job left to do (1-p), then look back in time in a history of your own progress, and find (by binary search and linear interpolation) how long it's taken you to do the last (1-p) percentage and use that as your time estimate completion.
So if you're now 71% done, you have 29% remaining. You look back in your history and find how long ago you were at (71-29=42%) completion. Report that time as your ETA.
This is naturally adaptive. If you have X amount of work to do, it looks only at the time it took to do the X amount of work. At the end when you're at 99% done, it's using only very fresh, very recent data for the estimate.
It's not perfect of course but it smoothly changes and is especially accurate at the very end when it's most useful.
Whilst all the examples are valid, for the specific case of 'time left to download', I thought it would be a good idea to look at existing open source projects to see what they do.
From what I can see, Mozilla Firefox is the best at estimating the time remaining.
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox keeps a track of the last estimate for time remaining, and by using this and the current estimate for time remaining, it performs a smoothing function on the time.
See the ETA code here. This uses a 'speed' which is previously caculated here and is a smoothed average of the last 10 readings.
This is a little complex, so to paraphrase:
Take a smoothed average of the speed based 90% on the previous speed and 10% on the new speed.
With this smoothed average speed work out the estimated time remaining.
Use this estimated time remaining, and the previous estimated time remaining to created a new estimated time remaining (in order to avoid jumping)
Google Chrome
Chrome seems to jump about all over the place, and the code shows this.
One thing I do like with Chrome though is how they format time remaining.
For > 1 hour it says '1 hrs left'
For < 1 hour it says '59 mins left'
For < 1 minute it says '52 secs left'
You can see how it's formatted here
DownThemAll! Manager
It doesn't use anything clever, meaning the ETA jumps about all over the place.
See the code here
pySmartDL (a python downloader)
Takes the average ETA of the last 30 ETA calculations. Sounds like a reasonable way to do it.
See the code here/blob/916f2592db326241a2bf4d8f2e0719c58b71e385/pySmartDL/pySmartDL.py#L651)
Gives a pretty good ETA in most cases (except when starting off, as might be expected).
Uses a smoothing factor over the past 5 readings, similar to Firefox but not quite as complex. Fundamentally similar to Gooli's answer.
See the code here
I usually use an Exponential Moving Average to compute the speed of an operation with a smoothing factor of say 0.1 and use that to compute the remaining time. This way all the measured speeds have influence on the current speed, but recent measurements have much more effect than those in the distant past.
In code it would look something like this:
alpha = 0.1 # smoothing factor
speed = (speed * (1 - alpha)) + (currentSpeed * alpha)
If your tasks are uniform in size, currentSpeed would simply be the time it took to execute the last task. If the tasks have different sizes and you know that one task is supposed to be i,e, twice as long as another, you can divide the time it took to execute the task by its relative size to get the current speed. Using speed you can compute the remaining time by multiplying it by the total size of the remaining tasks (or just by their number if the tasks are uniform).
Hopefully my explanation is clear enough, it's a bit late in the day.
In certain instances, when you need to perform the same task on a regular basis, it might be a good idea of using past completion times to average against.
For example, I have an application that loads the iTunes library via its COM interface. The size of a given iTunes library generally do not increase dramatically from launch-to-launch in terms of the number of items, so in this example it might be possible to track the last three load times and load rates and then average against that and compute your current ETA.
This would be hugely more accurate than an instantaneous measurement and probably more consistent as well.
However, this method depends upon the size of the task being relatively similar to the previous ones, so this would not work for a decompressing method or something else where any given byte stream is the data to be crunched.
Just my $0.02
First off, it helps to generate a running moving average. This weights more recent events more heavily.
To do this, keep a bunch of samples around (circular buffer or list), each a pair of progress and time. Keep the most recent N seconds of samples. Then generate a weighted average of the samples:
totalProgress += (curSample.progress - prevSample.progress) * scaleFactor
totalTime += (curSample.time - prevSample.time) * scaleFactor
where scaleFactor goes linearly from 0...1 as an inverse function of time in the past (thus weighing more recent samples more heavily). You can play around with this weighting, of course.
At the end, you can get the average rate of change:
averageProgressRate = (totalProgress / totalTime);
You can use this to figure out the ETA by dividing the remaining progress by this number.
However, while this gives you a good trending number, you have one other issue - jitter. If, due to natural variations, your rate of progress moves around a bit (it's noisy) - e.g. maybe you're using this to estimate file downloads - you'll notice that the noise can easily cause your ETA to jump around, especially if it's pretty far in the future (several minutes or more).
To avoid jitter from affecting your ETA too much, you want this average rate of change number to respond slowly to updates. One way to approach this is to keep around a cached value of averageProgressRate, and instead of instantly updating it to the trending number you've just calculated, you simulate it as a heavy physical object with mass, applying a simulated 'force' to slowly move it towards the trending number. With mass, it has a bit of inertia and is less likely to be affected by jitter.
Here's a rough sample:
// desiredAverageProgressRate is computed from the weighted average above
// m_averageProgressRate is a member variable also in progress units/sec
// lastTimeElapsed = the time delta in seconds (since last simulation)
// m_averageSpeed is a member variable in units/sec, used to hold the
// the velocity of m_averageProgressRate
const float frictionCoeff = 0.75f;
const float mass = 4.0f;
const float maxSpeedCoeff = 0.25f;
// lose 25% of our speed per sec, simulating friction
m_averageSeekSpeed *= pow(frictionCoeff, lastTimeElapsed);
float delta = desiredAvgProgressRate - m_averageProgressRate;
// update the velocity
float oldSpeed = m_averageSeekSpeed;
float accel = delta / mass;
m_averageSeekSpeed += accel * lastTimeElapsed; // v += at
// clamp the top speed to 25% of our current value
float sign = (m_averageSeekSpeed > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
float maxVal = m_averageProgressRate * maxSpeedCoeff;
if (fabs(m_averageSeekSpeed) > maxVal)
m_averageSeekSpeed = sign * maxVal;
// make sure they have the same sign
if ((m_averageSeekSpeed > 0.0f) == (delta > 0.0f))
float adjust = (oldSpeed + m_averageSeekSpeed) * 0.5f * lastTimeElapsed;
// don't overshoot.
if (fabs(adjust) > fabs(delta))
adjust = delta;
// apply damping
m_averageSeekSpeed *= 0.25f;
m_averageProgressRate += adjust;
Your question is a good one. If the problem can be broken up into discrete units having an accurate calculation often works best. Unfortunately this may not be the case even if you are installing 50 components each one might be 2% but one of them can be massive. One thing that I have had moderate success with is to clock the cpu and disk and give a decent estimate based on observational data. Knowing that certain check points are really point x allows you some opportunity to correct for environment factors (network, disk activity, CPU load). However this solution is not general in nature due to its reliance on observational data. Using ancillary data such as rpm file size helped me make my progress bars more accurate but they are never bullet proof.
Uniform averaging
The simplest approach would be to predict the remaining time linearly:
t_rem := t_spent ( n - prog ) / prog
where t_rem is the predicted ETA, t_spent is the time elapsed since the commencement of the operation, prog the number of microtasks completed out of their full quantity n. To explain—n may be the number of rows in a table to process or the number of files to copy.
This method having no parameters, one need not worry about the fine-tuning of the exponent of attenuation. The trade-off is poor adaptation to a changing progress rate because all samples have equal contribution to the estimate, whereas it is only meet that recent samples should be have more weight that old ones, which leads us to
Exponential smoothing of rate
in which the standard technique is to estimate progress rate by averaging previous point measurements:
rate := 1 / (n * dt); { rate equals normalized progress per unit time }
if prog = 1 then { if first microtask just completed }
rate_est := rate; { initialize the estimate }
weight := Exp( - dt / DECAY_T );
rate_est := rate_est * weight + rate * (1.0 - weight);
t_rem := (1.0 - prog / n) / rate_est;
where dt denotes the duration of the last completed microtask and is equal to the time passed since the previous progress update. Notice that weight is not a constant and must be adjusted according the length of time during which a certain rate was observed, because the longer we observed a certain speed the higher the exponential decay of the previous measurements. The constant DECAY_T denotes the length of time during which the weight of a sample decreases by a factor of e. SPWorley himself suggested a similar modification to gooli's proposal, although he applied it to the wrong term. An exponential average for equidistant measurements is:
Avg_e(n) = Avg_e(n-1) * alpha + m_n * (1 - alpha)
but what if the samples are not equidistant, as is the case with times in a typical progress bar? Take into account that alpha above is but an empirical quotient whose true value is:
alpha = Exp( - lambda * dt ),
where lambda is the parameter of the exponential window and dt the amount of change since the previous sample, which need not be time, but any linear and additive parameter. alpha is constant for equidistant measurements but varies with dt.
Mark that this method relies on a predefined time constant and is not scalable in time. In other words, if the exactly same process be uniformly slowed-down by a constant factor, this rate-based filter will become proportionally more sensitive to signal variations because at every step weight will be decreased. If we, however, desire a smoothing independent of the time scale, we should consider
Exponential smoothing of slowness
which is essentially the smoothing of rate turned upside down with the added simplification of a constant weight of because prog is growing by equidistant increments:
slowness := n * dt; { slowness is the amount of time per unity progress }
if prog = 1 then { if first microtask just completed }
slowness_est := slowness; { initialize the estimate }
weight := Exp( - 1 / (n * DECAY_P ) );
slowness_est := slowness_est * weight + slowness * (1.0 - weight);
t_rem := (1.0 - prog / n) * slowness_est;
The dimensionless constant DECAY_P denotes the normalized progress difference between two samples of which the weights are in the ratio of one to e. In other words, this constant determines the width of the smoothing window in progress domain, rather than in time domain. This technique is therefore independent of the time scale and has a constant spatial resolution.
Futher research: adaptive exponential smoothing
You are now equipped to try the various algorithms of adaptive exponential smoothing. Only remember to apply it to slowness rather than to rate.
I always wish these things would tell me a range. If it said, "This task will most likely be done in between 8 min and 30 minutes," then I have some idea of what kind of break to take. If it's bouncing all over the place, I'm tempted to watch it until it settles down, which is a big waste of time.
I have tried and simplified your "easy"/"wrong"/"OK" formula and it works best for me:
t / p - t
In Python:
>>> done=0.3; duration=10; "time left: %i" % (duration / done - duration)
'time left: 23'
That saves one op compared to (dur*(1-done)/done). And, in the edge case you describe, possibly ignoring the dialog for 30 minutes extra hardly matters after waiting all night.
Comparing this simple method to the one used by Transmission, I found it to be up to 72% more accurate.
I don't sweat it, it's a very small part of an application. I tell them what's going on, and let them go do something else.
