I would like to find the time instant at which a certain value is reached in a time-series data with noise. If there are no peaks in the data, I could do the following in MATLAB.
Code from here
% create example data
ts = timeseries(d,t);
% define threshold
thr = 55;
data =;
time = ts.time(:);
ind = find(data>thr,1,'first');
time(ind) %time where data>threshold
But when there is noise, I am not sure what has to be done.
In the time-series data plotted in the above image I want to find the time instant at which the y-axis value 5 is reached. The data actually stabilizes to 5 at t>=100 s. But due to the presence of noise in the data, we see a peak that reaches 5 somewhere around 20 s . I would like to know how to detect e.g 100 seconds as the right time and not 20 s . The code posted above will only give 20 s as the answer. I
saw a post here that explains using a sliding window to find when the data equilibrates. However, I am not sure how to implement the same. Suggestions will be really helpful.
The sample data plotted in the above image can be found here
Suggestions on how to implement in Python or MATLAB code will be really helpful.
I don't want to capture when the peak (/noise/overshoot) occurs. I want to find the time when equilibrium is reached. For example, around 20 s the curve rises and dips below 5. After ~100 s the curve equilibrates to a steady-state value 5 and never dips or peaks.
Precise data analysis is a serious business (and my passion) that involves a lot of understanding of the system you are studying. Here are comments, unfortunately I doubt there is a simple nice answer to your problem at all -- you will have to think about it. Data analysis basically always requires "discussion".
First to your data and problem in general:
When you talk about noise, in data analysis this means a statistical random fluctuation. Most often Gaussian (sometimes also other distributions, e.g. Poission). Gaussian noise is a) random in each bin and b) symmetric in negative and positive direction. Thus, what you observe in the peak at ~20s is not noise. It has a very different, very systematic and extended characteristics compared to random noise. This is an "artifact" that must have a origin, but of which we can only speculate here. In real-world applications, studying and removing such artifacts is the most expensive and time-consuming task.
Looking at your data, the random noise is negligible. This is very precise data. For example, after ~150s and later there are no visible random fluctuations up to fourth decimal number.
After concluding that this is not noise in the common sense it could be a least two things: a) a feature of the system you are studying, thus, something where you could develop a model/formula for and which you could "fit" to the data. b) a characteristics of limited bandwidth somewhere in the measurement chain, thus, here a high-frequency cutoff. See e.g. . Unfortunately, for both, a and b, there are no catch-all generic solutions. And your problem description (even with code and data) is not sufficient to propose an ideal approach.
After spending now ~one hour on your data and making some plots. I believe (speculate) that the extremely sharp feature at ~10s cannot be a "physical" property of the data. It simply is too extreme/steep. Something fundamentally happened here. A guess of mine could be that some device was just switched on (was off before). Thus, the data before is meaningless, and there is a short period of time afterwards to stabilize the system. There is not really an alternative in this scenario but to entirely discard the data until the system has stabilized at around 40s. This also makes your problem trivial. Just delete the first 40s, then the maximum becomes evident.
So what are technical solutions you could use, please don't be too upset that you have to think about this yourself and assemble the best possible solution for your case. I copied your data in two numpy arrays x and y and ran the following test in python:
Remove unstable time
This is the trivial solution -- I prefer it.
plt.plot(x, y, label="original")
y_cut = y
y_cut[:40] = 0
plt.plot(x, y_cut, label="cut 40s")
Note carry on reading below only if you are a bit crazy (about data).
Sliding window
You mentioned "sliding window" which is best suited for random noise (which you don't have) or periodic fluctuations (which you also don't really have). Sliding window just averages over consecutive bins, averaging out random fluctuations. Mathematically this is a convolution.
Technically, you can actually solve your problem like this (try even larger values of Nwindow yourself):
y_slide_10 = np.convolve(y, np.ones((Nwindow,))/Nwindow, mode='same')
y_slide_20 = np.convolve(y, np.ones((Nwindow,))/Nwindow, mode='same')
y_slide_30 = np.convolve(y, np.ones((Nwindow,))/Nwindow, mode='same')
plt.plot(x,y, label="original")
plt.plot(x,y_slide_10, label="window=10")
plt.plot(x,y_slide_20, label='window=20')
plt.plot(x,y_slide_30, label='window=30')
#plt.xscale('log') # useful
Thus, technically you can succeed to suppress the initial "hump". But don't forget this is a hand-tuned and not general solution...
Another caveat of any sliding window solution: this always distorts your timing. Since you average over an interval in time depending on rising or falling signals your convoluted trace is shifted back/forth in time (slightly, but significantly). In your particular case this is not a problem since the main signal region has basically no time-dependence (very flat).
Frequency domain
This should be the silver bullet, but it also does not work well/easily for your example. The fact that this doesn't work better is the main hint to me that the first 40s of data are better discarded.... (i.e. in a scientific work)
You can use fast Fourier transform to inspect your data in frequency-domain.
import scipy.fft
y_fft = scipy.fft.rfft(y)
# original frequency domain plot
plt.plot(y_fft, label="original")
The structure in frequency represent the features of your data. The peak a zero is the stabilized region after ~100s, the humps are associated to (rapid) changes in time. You can now play around and change the frequency spectrum (--> filter) but I think the spectrum is so artificial that this doesn't yield great results here. Try it with other data and you may be very impressed! I tried two things, first cut high-frequency regions out (set to zero), and second, apply a sliding-window filter in frequency domain (sparing the peak at 0, since this cannot be touched. Try and you know why).
# cut high-frequency by setting to zero
y_fft_2 = np.array(y_fft)
y_fft_2[50:70] = 0
# sliding window in frequency
Nwindow = 15
Start = 10
y_fft_slide = np.array(y_fft)
y_fft_slide[Start:] = np.convolve(y_fft[Start:], np.ones((Nwindow,))/Nwindow, mode='same')
# frequency-domain plot
plt.plot(y_fft, label="original")
plt.plot(y_fft_2, label="high-frequency, filter")
plt.plot(y_fft_slide, label="frequency sliding window")
Converting this back into time-domain:
# reverse FFT into time-domain for plotting
y_filtered = scipy.fft.irfft(y_fft_2)
y_filtered_slide = scipy.fft.irfft(y_fft_slide)
# time-domain plot
plt.plot(x[:500], y[:500], label="original")
plt.plot(x[:500], y_filtered[:500], label="high-f filtered")
plt.plot(x[:500], y_filtered_slide[:500], label="frequency sliding window")
# plt.xscale('log') # useful
There are apparent oscillations in those solutions which make them essentially useless for your purpose. This leads me to my final exercise to again apply a sliding-window filter on the "frequency sliding window" time-domain
# extra time-domain sliding window
y_fft_90 = np.convolve(y_filtered_slide, np.ones((Nwindow,))/Nwindow, mode='same')
# final time-domain plot
plt.plot(x[:500], y[:500], label="original")
plt.plot(x[:500], y_fft_90[:500], label="frequency-sliding window, slide")
# plt.xscale('log') # useful
I am quite happy with this result, but it still has very small oscillations and thus does not solve your original problem.
How much fun. One hour well wasted. Maybe it is useful to someone. Maybe even to you Natasha. Please be not mad a me...
Let's assume your data is in data variable and time indices are in time. Then
import numpy as np
threshold = 0.025
stable_index = np.where(np.abs(data[-1] - data) > threshold)[0][-1] + 1
print('Stabilizes after', time[stable_index], 'sec')
Stabilizes after 96.6 sec
Here data[-1] - data is a difference between last value of data and all the data values. The assumption here is that the last value of data represents the equilibrium point.
np.where( * > threshold )[0] are all the indices of values of data which are greater than the threshold, that is still not stabilized. We take only the last index. The next one is where time series is considered stabilized, hence the + 1.
If you're dealing with deterministic data which is eventually converging monotonically to some fixed value, the problem is pretty straightforward. Your last observation should be the closest to the limit, so you can define an acceptable tolerance threshold relative to that last data point and scan your data from back to front to find where you exceeded your threshold.
Things get a lot nastier once you add random noise into the picture, particularly if there is serial correlation. This problem is common in simulation modeling(see (*) below), and is known as the issue of initial bias. It was first identified by Conway in 1963, and has been an active area of research since then with no universally accepted definitive answer on how to deal with it. As with the deterministic case, the most widely accepted answers approach the problem starting from the right-hand side of the data set since this is where the data are most likely to be in steady state. Techniques based on this approach use the end of the dataset to establish some sort of statistical yardstick or baseline to measure where the data start looking significantly different as observations get added by moving towards the front of the dataset. This is greatly complicated by the presence of serial correlation.
If a time series is in steady state, in the sense of being covariance stationary then a simple average of the data is an unbiased estimate of its expected value, but the standard error of the estimated mean depends heavily on the serial correlation. The correct standard error squared is no longer s2/n, but instead it is (s2/n)*W where W is a properly weighted sum of the autocorrelation values. A method called MSER was developed in the 1990's, and avoids the issue of trying to correctly estimate W by trying to determine where the standard error is minimized. It treats W as a de-facto constant given a sufficiently large sample size, so if you consider the ratio of two standard error estimates the W's cancel out and the minimum occurs where s2/n is minimized. MSER proceeds as follows:
Starting from the end, calculate s2 for half of the data set to establish a baseline.
Now update the estimate of s2 one observation at a time using an efficient technique such as Welford's online algorithm, calculate s2/n where n is the number of observations tallied so far. Track which value of n yields the smallest s2/n. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Once you've traversed the entire data set from back to front, the n which yielded the smallest s2/n is the number of observations from the end of the data set which are not detectable as being biased by the starting conditions.
Justification - with a sufficiently large baseline (half your data), s2/n should be relatively stable as long as the time series remains in steady state. Since n is monotonically increasing, s2/n should continue decreasing subject to the limitations of its variability as an estimate. However, once you start acquiring observations which are not in steady state the drift in mean and variance will inflate the numerator of s2/n. Hence the minimal value corresponds to the last observation where there was no indication of non-stationarity. More details can be found in this proceedings paper. A Ruby implementation is available on BitBucket.
Your data has such a small amount of variation that MSER concludes that it is still converging to steady state. As such, I'd advise going with the deterministic approach outlined in the first paragraph. If you have noisy data in the future, I'd definitely suggest giving MSER a shot.
(*) - In a nutshell, a simulation model is a computer program and hence has to have its state set to some set of initial values. We generally don't know what the system state will look like in the long run, so we initialize it to an arbitrary but convenient set of values and then let the system "warm up". The problem is that the initial results of the simulation are not typical of the steady state behaviors, so including that data in your analyses will bias them. The solution is to remove the biased portion of the data, but how much should that be?
I'm logging temperature values in a room, saving them to the database. I'd like to be alerted when temperature rises suddenly. I can't set fixed values, because 18°C is acceptable in winter and 25°C is acceptable in summer. But if it jumps from 20°C to 25°C during, let's say, 30 minutes and stays like this for 5 minutes (to eliminate false readouts), I'd like to be informed.
My current idea is to take readouts from last 30 minutes (A) and readouts from last 5 minutes (B), calculate median of A and B and check if difference between them is less then my desired threshold.
Is this correct way to solve this or is there a better algorithm? I searched for a specific one but most of them seem overcomplicated.
Detecting changes in a time-series is a well-researched subject, and hundreds if not thousands of papers have been written on this subject. As you've seen many methods are quite advanced, but proved to be quite useful for many use cases. Whatever method you choose, you should evaluate it against real of simulated data, and optimize its parameters for your use case.
As you require, let me suggest a very simple method that in many cases prove to be good enough, and is quite similar to that you considered.
Basically, you have two concerns:
Detecting a monotonous change in a sampled noisy signal
Ignoring false readouts
First, note that medians are not commonly used for detecting trends. For the series (1,2,3,30,35,3,2,1) the medians of 5 consecutive terms is be (3, 3, 3, 3). It is much more common to use averages.
One common trick is to throw the extreme values before averaging (e.g. for each 7 values average only the middle 5). If many false readouts are expected - try to take measurements at a faster rate, and throw more extreme values (e.g. for each 13 values average the middle 9).
Also, you should throw away unfeasible values and replace them with the last measured value (unfeasible means out of range, or non-physical change rate).
Your idea of comparing a short-period measure with a long-period measure is a good idea, and indeed it is commonly used (e.g. in econometrics).
Quoting from "Financial Econometric Models - Some Contributions to the Field [Nicolau, 2007]:
Buy and sell signals are generated by two moving averages of the price
level: a long-period average and a short-period average. A typical
moving average trading rule prescribes a buy (sell) when the
short-period moving average crosses the long-period moving average
from below (above) (i.e. when the original time series is rising
(falling) relatively fast).
When you say "rises suddenly," mathematically you are talking about the magnitude of the derivative of the temperature signal.
There is a nice algorithm to simultaneously smooth a signal and calculate its derivative called the Savitzky–Golay filter. It's explained with examples on Wikipedia, or you can use Matlab to help you generate the convolution coefficients required. Once you have the coefficients the calculation is very simple.
I have devised a test in order to compare the different running times of my sorting algorithm with Insertion sort, bubble sort, quick sort, selection sort, and shell sort. I have based my test using the test done in this website, but I modified my test a bit.
I set up a test manager program server which generates the data, and the test manager sends it to the clients that run the different algorithms, therefore they are sorting the same data to have no bias.
I noticed that the insertion sort, bubble sort, and selection sort algorithms really did run for a very long time (some more than 15 minutes) just to sort one given data for sizes of 100,000 and 1,000,000.
So I changed the number of runs per test case for those two data sizes. My original runs for the 100,000 was 500 but I reduced it to 15, and for 1,000,000 was 100 and I reduced it to 3.
Now my professor doubts the credibility as to why I've reduced it that much, but as I've observed the running time for sorting a specific data distribution varied only by a small percentage, which is why I still find it that even though I've reduced it to that much I'd still be able to approximate the average runtime for that specific test case of that algorithm.
My question now is, is my assumption wrong? Does the machine at times make significant running time changes (>50% changes), like say for example sorting the same data over and over if a first run would give it 0.3 milliseconds will the second run give as much difference as making it run for 1.5 seconds? Because from my observation, the running times don't vary largely given the same type of test distribution (e.g. completely random, completely sorted, completely reversed).
What you are looking for is a way to measure error in your experiments. My favorite book on subject is Error Analysis by Taylor and Chapter 4 has what you need which I'll summarize here.
You need to calculate Standard error of the mean or SDOM. First calculate mean and standard deviation (formulas are on Wikipedia and quite simple). Your SDOM is standard deviation divided by square root of number of measurements. Assuming your timings have Normal distribution (which it should), the twice the value of SDOM is a very common way to specify +/- error.
For example, let's say you run sorting algorithm 5 times and get following numbers: 5, 6, 7, 4, 5. Then mean is 5.4 and standard deviation is 1.1. Therefor SDOM is 1.1/sqrt(5) = 0.5. So 2*SDOM = 1. Now you can say that algorithm rum time was 5.4 ± 1. You professor can determine if this is acceptable error in measurement. Notice that as you take more readings, your SDOM, i.e. plus or minus error, goes down inversely proportional to square root of N. Twice of SDOM interval has 95% probability or confidence that the true value lies within the interval which is accepted standard.
Also you most likely want to measure performance by measuring CPU time instead of simple timer. Modern CPUs are too complex with various cache level and pipeline optimizations and you might end up getting less accurate measurement if you are using timer. More about CPU time is in this answer: How can I measure CPU time and wall clock time on both Linux/Windows?
It absolutely does. You need a variety of "random" samples in order to be able to draw proper conclusions about the population.
Look at it this way. It takes a long time to poll 100,000 people in the U.S. about their political stance. If we reduce the sample size to 100 people in order to complete it faster, we not only reduce the precision of our final result (2 decimal places rather than 5), we also introduce a larger chance that the members of the sample have a specific bias (there is a greater chance that 100 people out of 3xx,000,000 think the same way than 100,000 out of those same 3xx,000,000).
Your professor is right, however he's not provided the details that I mention some of them here :
Sampling issue: It's right that you generate some random numbers and feed them to your sorting methods, but with a few test cases indeed you're biased cause almost all of the random functions are biased to some extent (specially to the state of machine or time at the moment), so you should use more and more test cases to be more confident about the randomness.
Machine state: Suppose you've provide perfect data (fully representative of a uniform distribution), the performance of the electro-mechanical devises like computers may vary in different situations, so you should try for considerable times to smooth the effects of these phenomena.
Note : In advanced technical reports, you should provide a confidence coefficient for the answers you provide derived from statistical analysis, and proven step by step, but if you don't need to be that much exact, simply increase these :
The size of the data
The number of tests
tl;dr: I want to predict file copy completion. What are good methods given the start time and the current progress?
Firstly, I am aware that this is not at all a simple problem, and that predicting the future is difficult to do well. For context, I'm trying to predict the completion of a long file copy.
Current Approach:
At the moment, I'm using a fairly naive formula that I came up with myself: (ETC stands for Estimated Time of Completion)
ETC = currTime + elapsedTime * (totalSize - sizeDone) / sizeDone
This works on the assumption that the remaining files to be copied will do so at the average copy speed thus far, which may or may not be a realistic assumption (dealing with tape archives here).
PRO: The ETC will change gradually, and becomes more and more accurate as the process nears completion.
CON: It doesn't react well to unexpected events, like the file copy becoming stuck or speeding up quickly.
Another idea:
The next idea I had was to keep a record of the progress for the last n seconds (or minutes, given that these archives are supposed to take hours), and just do something like:
ETC = currTime + currAvg * (totalSize - sizeDone)
This is kind of the opposite of the first method in that:
PRO: If the speed changes quickly, the ETC will update quickly to reflect the current state of affairs.
CON: The ETC may jump around a lot if the speed is inconsistent.
I'm reminded of the control engineering subjects I did at uni, where the objective is essentially to try to get a system that reacts quickly to sudden changes, but isn't unstable and crazy.
With that said, the other option I could think of would be to calculate the average of both of the above, perhaps with some kind of weighting:
Weight the first method more if the copy has a fairly consistent long-term average speed, even if it jumps around a bit locally.
Weight the second method more if the copy speed is unpredictable, and is likely to do things like speed up/slow down for long periods, or stop altogether for long periods.
What I am really asking for is:
Any alternative approaches to the two I have given.
If and how you would combine several different methods to get a final prediction.
If you feel that the accuracy of prediction is important, the way to go about about building a predictive model is as follows:
collect some real-world measurements;
split them into three disjoint sets: training, validation and test;
come up with some predictive models (you already have two plus a mix) and fit them using the training set;
check predictive performance of the models on the validation set and pick the one that performs best;
use the test set to assess the out-of-sample prediction error of the chosen model.
I'd hazard a guess that a linear combination of your current model and the "average over the last n seconds" would perform pretty well for the problem at hand. The optimal weights for the linear combination can be fitted using linear regression (a one-liner in R).
An excellent resource for studying statistical learning methods is The Elements of
Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman. I can't recommend that book highly enough.
Lastly, your second idea (average over the last n seconds) attempts to measure the instantaneous speed. A more robust technique for this might be to use the Kalman filter, whose purpose is exactly this:
Its purpose is to use measurements observed over time, containing
noise (random variations) and other inaccuracies, and produce values
that tend to be closer to the true values of the measurements and
their associated calculated values.
The principal advantage of using the Kalman filter rather than a fixed n-second sliding window is that it's adaptive: it will automatically use a longer averaging window when measurements jump around a lot than when they're stable.
Imho, bad implementations of ETC are wildly overused, which allows us to have a good laugh. Sometimes, it might be better to display facts instead of estimations, like:
5 of 10 files have been copied
10 of 200 MB have been copied
Or display facts and an estimation, and make clear that it is only an estimation. But I would not display only an estimation.
Every user knows that ETCs are often completely meaningless, and then it is hard to distinguish between meaningful ETCs and meaningless ETCs, especially for inexperienced users.
I have implemented two different solutions to address this problem:
The ETC for the current transfer at start time is based on a historic speed value. This value is refined after each transfer. During the transfer I compute a weighted average between the historic data and data from the current transfer, so that the closer to the end you are the more weight is given to actual data from the transfer.
Instead of showing a single ETC, show a range of time. The idea is to compute the ETC from the last 'n' seconds or minutes (like your second idea). I keep track of the best and worst case averages and compute a range of possible ETCs. This is kind of confusing to show in a GUI, but okay to show in a command line app.
There are two things to consider here:
the exact estimation
how to present it to the user
1. On estimation
Other than statistics approach, one simple way to have a good estimation of the current speed while erasing some noise or spikes is to take a weighted approach.
You already experimented with the sliding window, the idea here is to take a fairly large sliding window, but instead of a plain average, giving more weight to more recent measures, since they are more indicative of the evolution (a bit like a derivative).
Example: Suppose you have 10 previous windows (most recent x0, least recent x9), then you could compute the speed:
Speed = (10 * x0 + 9 * x1 + 8 * x2 + ... + x9) / (10 * window-time) / 55
When you have a good assessment of the likely speed, then you are close to get a good estimated time.
2. On presentation
The main thing to remember here is that you want a nice user experience, and not a scientific front.
Studies have demonstrated that users reacted very badly to slow-down and very positively to speed-up. Therefore, a good progress bar / estimated time should be conservative in the estimates presented (reserving time for a potential slow-down) at first.
A simple way to get that is to have a factor that is a percentage of the completion, that you use to tweak the estimated remaining time. For example:
real-completion = 0.4
presented-completion = real-completion * factor(real-completion)
Where factor is such that factor([0..1]) = [0..1], factor(x) <= x and factor(1) = 1. For example, the cubic function produces the nice speed-up toward the completion time. Other functions could use an exponential form 1 - e^x, etc...
I am looking for an algorithm that determines percentiles for live data capture.
For example, consider the development of a server application.
The server might have response times as follows:
17 ms
33 ms
52 ms
60 ms
55 ms
It is useful to report the 90th percentile response time, 80th percentile response time, etc.
The naive algorithm is to insert each response time into a list. When statistics are requested, sort the list and get the values at the proper positions.
Memory usages scales linearly with the number of requests.
Is there an algorithm that yields "approximate" percentile statistics given limited memory usage? For example, let's say I want to solve this problem in a way that I process millions of requests but only want to use say one kilobyte of memory for percentile tracking (discarding the tracking for old requests is not an option since the percentiles are supposed to be for all requests).
Also require that there is no a priori knowledge of the distribution. For example, I do not want to specify any ranges of buckets ahead of time.
If you want to keep the memory usage constant as you get more and more data, then you're going to have to resample that data somehow. That implies that you must apply some sort of rebinning scheme. You can wait until you acquire a certain amount of raw inputs before beginning the rebinning, but you cannot avoid it entirely.
So your question is really asking "what's the best way of dynamically binning my data"? There are lots of approaches, but if you want to minimise your assumptions about the range or distribution of values you may receive, then a simple approach is to average over buckets of fixed size k, with logarithmically distributed widths. For example, lets say you want to hold 1000 values in memory at any one time. Pick a size for k, say 100. Pick your minimum resolution, say 1ms. Then
The first bucket deals with values between 0-1ms (width=1ms)
Second bucket: 1-3ms (w=2ms)
Third bucket: 3-7ms (w=4ms)
Fourth bucket: 7-15ms (w=8ms)
Tenth bucket: 511-1023ms (w=512ms)
This type of log-scaled approach is similar to the chunking systems used in hash table algorithms, used by some filesystems and memory allocation algorithms. It works well when your data has a large dynamic range.
As new values come in, you can choose how you want to resample, depending on your requirements. For example, you could track a moving average, use a first-in-first-out, or some other more sophisticated method. See the Kademlia algorithm for one approach (used by Bittorrent).
Ultimately, rebinning must lose you some information. Your choices regarding the binning will determine the specifics of what information is lost. Another way of saying this is that the constant size memory store implies a trade-off between dynamic range and the sampling fidelity; how you make that trade-off is up to you, but like any sampling problem, there's no getting around this basic fact.
If you're really interested in the pros and cons, then no answer on this forum can hope to be sufficient. You should look into sampling theory. There's a huge amount of research on this topic available.
For what it's worth, I suspect that your server times will have a relatively small dynamic range, so a more relaxed scaling to allow higher sampling of common values may provide more accurate results.
Edit: To answer your comment, here's an example of a simple binning algorithm.
You store 1000 values, in 10 bins. Each bin therefore holds 100 values. Assume each bin is implemented as a dynamic array (a 'list', in Perl or Python terms).
When a new value comes in:
Determine which bin it should be stored in, based on the bin limits you've chosen.
If the bin is not full, append the value to the bin list.
If the bin is full, remove the value at the top of the bin list, and append the new value to the bottom of the bin list. This means old values are thrown away over time.
To find the 90th percentile, sort bin 10. The 90th percentile is the first value in the sorted list (element 900/1000).
If you don't like throwing away old values, then you can implement some alternative scheme to use instead. For example, when a bin becomes full (reaches 100 values, in my example), you could take the average of the oldest 50 elements (i.e. the first 50 in the list), discard those elements, and then append the new average element to the bin, leaving you with a bin of 51 elements that now has space to hold 49 new values. This is a simple example of rebinning.
Another example of rebinning is downsampling; throwing away every 5th value in a sorted list, for example.
I hope this concrete example helps. The key point to take away is that there are lots of ways of achieving a constant memory aging algorithm; only you can decide what is satisfactory given your requirements.
I've once published a blog post on this topic. The blog is now defunct but the article is included in full below.
The basic idea is to reduce the requirement for an exact calculation in favor of "95% percent of responses take 500ms-600ms or less" (for all exact percentiles of 500ms-600ms).
As we’ve recently started feeling that response times of one of our webapps got worse, we decided to spend some time tweaking the apps’ performance. As a first step, we wanted to get a thorough understanding of current response times. For performance evaluations, using minimum, maximum or average response times is a bad idea: “The ‘average’ is the evil of performance optimization and often as helpful as ‘average patient temperature in the hospital'” (MySQL Performance Blog). Instead, performance tuners should be looking at the percentile: “A percentile is the value of a variable below which a certain percent of observations fall” (Wikipedia). In other words: the 95th percentile is the time in which 95% of requests finished. Therefore, a performance goals related to the percentile could be similar to “The 95th percentile should be lower than 800 ms”. Setting such performance goals is one thing, but efficiently tracking them for a live system is another one.
I’ve spent quite some time looking for existing implementations of percentile calculations (e.g. here or here). All of them required storing response times for each and every request and calculate the percentile on demand or adding new response times in order. This was not what I wanted. I was hoping for a solution that would allow memory and CPU efficient live statistics for hundreds of thousands of requests. Storing response times for hundreds of thousands of requests and calculating the percentile on demand does neither sound CPU nor memory efficient.
Such a solution as I was hoping for simply seems not to exist. On second thought, I came up with another idea: For the type of performance evaluation I was looking for, it’s not necessary to get the exact percentile. An approximate answer like “the 95th percentile is between 850ms and 900ms” would totally suffice. Lowering the requirements this way makes an implementation extremely easy, especially if upper and lower borders for the possible results are known. For example, I’m not interested in response times higher than several seconds – they are extremely bad anyway, regardless of being 10 seconds or 15 seconds.
So here is the idea behind the implementation:
Define any random number of response time buckets (e.g. 0-100ms, 100-200ms, 200-400ms, 400-800ms, 800-1200ms, …)
Count number of responses and number of response each bucket (For a response time of 360ms, increment the counter for the 200ms – 400ms bucket)
Estimate the n-th percentile by summing counter for buckets until the sum exceeds n percent of the total
It’s that simple. And here is the code.
Some highlights:
public void increment(final int millis) {
final int i = index(millis);
if (i < _limits.length) {
public int estimatePercentile(final double percentile) {
if (percentile < 0.0 || percentile > 100.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("percentile must be between 0.0 and 100.0, was " + percentile);
for (final Percentile p : this) {
if (percentile - p.getPercentage() <= 0.0001) {
return p.getLimit();
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
This approach only requires two int values (= 8 byte) per bucket, allowing to track 128 buckets with 1K of memory. More than sufficient for analysing response times of a web application using a granularity of 50ms). Additionally, for the sake of performance, I’ve intentionally implemented this without any synchronization(e.g. using AtomicIntegers), knowing that some increments might get lost.
By the way, using Google Charts and 60 percentile counters, I was able to create a nice graph out of one hour of collected response times:
I believe there are many good approximate algorithms for this problem. A good first-cut approach is to simply use a fixed-size array (say 1K worth of data). Fix some probability p. For each request, with probability p, write its response time into the array (replacing the oldest time in there). Since the array is a subsampling of the live stream and since subsampling preserves the distribution, doing the statistics on that array will give you an approximation of the statistics of the full, live stream.
This approach has several advantages: it requires no a-priori information, and it's easy to code. You can build it quickly and experimentally determine, for your particular server, at what point growing the buffer has only a negligible effect on the answer. That is the point where the approximation is sufficiently precise.
If you find that you need too much memory to give you statistics that are precise enough, then you'll have to dig further. Good keywords are: "stream computing", "stream statistics", and of course "percentiles". You can also try "ire and curses"'s approach.
(It's been quite some time since this question was asked, but I'd like to point out a few related research papers)
There has been a significant amount of research on approximate percentiles of data streams in the past few years. A few interesting papers with full algorithm definitions:
A fast algorithm for approximate quantiles in high speed data streams
Space-and time-efficient deterministic algorithms for biased quantiles over data streams
Effective computation of biased quantiles over data streams
All of these papers propose algorithms with sub-linear space complexity for the computation of approximate percentiles over a data stream.
Try the simple algorithm defined in the paper “Sequential Procedure for Simultaneous Estimation of Several Percentiles” (Raatikainen). It’s fast, requires 2*m+3 markers (for m percentiles) and tends to an accurate approximation quickly.
Use a dynamic array T[] of large integers or something where T[n] counts the numer of times the response time was n milliseconds. If you really are doing statistics on a server application then possibly 250 ms response times are your absolute limit anyway. So your 1 KB holds one 32 bits integer for every ms between 0 and 250, and you have some room to spare for an overflow bin.
If you want something with more bins, go with 8 bit numbers for 1000 bins, and the moment a counter would overflow (i.e. 256th request at that response time) you shift the bits in all bins down by 1. (effectively halving the value in all bins). This means you disregard all bins that capture less than 1/127th of the delays that the most visited bin catches.
If you really, really need a set of specific bins I'd suggest using the first day of requests to come up with a reasonable fixed set of bins. Anything dynamic would be quite dangerous in a live, performance sensitive application. If you choose that path you'd better know what your doing, or one day you're going to get called out of bed to explain why your statistics tracker is suddenly eating 90% CPU and 75% memory on the production server.
As for additional statistics: For mean and variance there are some nice recursive algorithms that take up very little memory. These two statistics can be usefull enough in themselves for a lot of distributions because the central limit theorem states that distributions that that arise from a sufficiently large number of independent variables approach the normal distribution (which is fully defined by mean and variance) you can use one of the normality tests on the last N (where N sufficiently large but constrained by your memory requirements) to monitor wether the assumption of normality still holds.
#thkala started off with some literature citations. Let me extend that.
T-digest from the 2019 Dunning paper has reference implementation in Java, and ports on that page to Python, Go, Javascript, C++, Scala, C, Clojure, C#, Kotlin, and C++ port by facebook, and a further rust port of that C++ port
Spark implements "GK01" from the 2001 Greenwald/Khanna paper for approximate quantiles
Beam: org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ApproximateQuantiles has approximate quantiles
Java: implements exact quantiles, thus taking more memory
Rust: quantiles crate has implementations for the 2001 GK algorithm "GK01", and the 2005 CKMS algorithm. (caution: I found the CKMS implementation slow - issue)
C++: boost quantiles has some code, but I didn't understand it.
I did some profiling of the options in Rust [link] for up to 100M items, and found GK01 the best, T-digest the second, and "keep 1% top values in priority queue" the third.
2001: Space-efficient online computation of quantile summaries (by Greenwald, Khanna). Implemented in Rust: quantiles::greenwald_khanna.
2004: Medians and beyond: new aggregation techniques for sensor networks (by Shrivastava, Buragohain, Agrawal, Suri). Introduces "q-digests", used for fixed-universe data.
2005: Effective computation of biased quantiles over data streams (by Cormode, Korn, Muthukrishnan, Srivastava)... Implemented in Rust: quantiles::ckms which notes that the IEEE presentation is correct but the self-published one has flaws. With carefully crafted data, space can grow linearly with input size. "Biased" means it focuses on P90/P95/P99 rather than all the percentiles).
2006: Space-and time-efficient deterministic algorithms for biased quantiles over data streams (by Cormode, Korn, Muthukrishnan, Srivastava)... improved space bound over 2005 paper
2007: A fast algorithm for approximate quantiles in high speed data streams (by Zhang, Wang). Claims 60-300x speedup over GK. The 2020 literature review below says this has state-of-the-art space upper bound.
2019 Computing extremely accurate quantiles using t-digests (by Dunning, Ertl). Introduces t-digests, O(log n) space, O(1) updates, O(1) final calculation. It's neat feature is you can build partial digests (e.g. one per day) and merge them into months, then merge months into years. This is what the big query engines use.
2020 A survey of approximate quantile computation on large-scale data (technical report) (by Chen, Zhang).
2021 The t-digest: Efficient estimates of distributions - an approachable wrap-up paper about t-digests.
Cheap hack for P99 of <10M values: just store top 1% in a priority queue!
This'll sound stupid, but if I want to calculate the P99 of 10M float64s, I just created a priority queue with 100k float32s (takes 400kB). This takes only 4x as much space as "GK01" and is much faster. For 5M or fewer items, it takes less space than GK01!!
struct TopValues {
values: std::collections::BinaryHeap<std::cmp::Reverse<ordered_float::NotNan<f32>>>,
impl TopValues {
fn new(count: usize) -> Self {
let capacity = std::cmp::max(count / 100, 1);
let values = std::collections::BinaryHeap::with_capacity(capacity);
TopValues { values }
fn render(&mut self) -> String {
let p99 = self.values.peek().unwrap().0;
let max = self.values.drain().min().unwrap().0;
format!("TopValues, p99={:.4}, max={:.4}", p99, max)
fn insert(&mut self, value: f64) {
let value = value as f32;
let value = std::cmp::Reverse(unsafe { ordered_float::NotNan::new_unchecked(value) });
if self.values.len() < self.values.capacity() {
} else if self.values.peek().unwrap().0 < value.0 {
} else {
You can try the following structure:
Take on input n, ie. n = 100.
We'll keep an array of ranges [min, max] sorted by min with count.
Insertion of value x – binary search for min range for x. If not found take preceeding range (where min < x). If value belongs to range (x <= max) increment count. Otherwise insert new range with [min = x, max = x, count = 1].
If number of ranges hits 2*n – collapse/merge array into n (half) by taking min from odd and max from even entries, summing their count.
To get ie. p95 walk from the end summing the count until next addition would hit threshold sum >= 95%, take p95 = min + (max - min) * partial.
It will settle on dynamic ranges of measurements. n can be modified to trade accuracy for memory (to lesser extent cpu). If you make values more discrete, ie. by rounding to 0.01 before insertion – it'll stabilise on ranges sooner.
You could improve accuracy by not assuming that each range holds uniformly distributed entries, ie. something cheap like sum of values which will give you avg = sum / count, it would help to read closer p95 value from range where it sits.
You can also rotate them, ie. after m = 1 000 000 entries start filling new array and take p95 as weighted sum on count in array (if array B has 10% of count of A, then it contributes 10% to p95 value).