Strange white bar shows, when using TTThumbsViewController with iOS 5 SDK - three20

I write an iPhone application using Three20 library to display thumbnail images. At first I build the app using XCode 4.0.2 with iOS SDK 4.3 and I used deployment target 4.2. It did fine, the images appeared normally.
thumbnail image in iOS 4.3 Simulator
Then I upgraded to XCode 4.2 with iOS 5 SDK and ran the app with iOS 5.0 simulator,
there's white bar in there.
thumbnail image in iOS 5.0 simulator
I don't know what is this thing exactly maybe some kind of border or something that I don't know. Any help or clue would be appreciated. Thanks.

Here's what I did to make it work..
Create a subclass of TTThumbsViewController, then do the following:
in ViewDidLoad, include this line
self.tableView.sectionHeaderHeight = 0;
Overwrite - (void)updateTableLayout to the following
-(void)updateTableLayout {
self.tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(/TTBarsHeight()+/4, 0, 0, 0);
self.tableView.scrollIndicatorInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(TTBarsHeight(), 0, 0, 0);


I use xcode8 archive the App run well on iOS 11,But xcode9 GM archive the App show more different

I use xcode8 archive the App run well on iOS 11,But xcode9 GM archive the App show more different.
For example, UINavigationBar show different but the code same!
Who can tell me why and how fix it?
When you are using Xcode 8 to build the app its using iOS the UINavigationBar you are watching is from iOS 10..So even you are running on iOS 11 its using iOS 10 UINavigationBar.But when u are building with Xcode 9 its using iOS 11 sdk. So its changing as iOS 11 behaviour.. Actually it depends on which sdk u are using.

Xcode 8 beta 6 - App image broken in iOS 8

I have Installed Xcode 8 beta 6 and deployed the app into iOS 8 - 10 device to test.
I found some app images are broken in iOS 8 device (Please refer to the image shown below)
It works perfectly fine in iOS 9 and iOS 10
Is it a bug from Apple? Anyone having the same problem? Many thanks.
Possible duplicate to : Xcode 8 simulator ios 8 image get distorted
Update: Xcode 8 GM build fixed this problem
I'm having the same issues too. I found that the same image on iPhone 4s was distorted but not on iPhone 6s. So I then tested it by disabling the 1x and 2x asset for the same image. It then started working on iPhone 4s. I hope Apple fixes this issue in the gold master.
Same here! There is a pending bug report in the other ticket, hopefully Apple will react and fix this in the next Beta iteration.
This issue is back in Xcode 9.2
"Workaround: Build the app using Xcode 9.1, or use Xcode 9.2 and set the deployment target to iOS 8.4 or later."
Another more involved workaround is to delete the image from Images.xcassets and add the image(s) back in directly to the bundle.

LaunchScreen working on iOS9 but not on iOS8

I am getting black screen on iOS 8 device.
Launch screen from LaunchScreen.storyboard works fine on iOS9 device.
I am pretty sure you did not need a launch image asset for iOS8 until I upgraded to Xcode 7
After much head banging, I found out that I had tried to attached a Cocou Touch file with my LaunchScreen View Controller. That was causing the problem. Once I removed the all outlet references from my launch screen, it started working in iOS 8.

Is this a bug with iOS 8 simulator/device orientation

I'm using Xcode 6.1 The below code works with all iOS 7 simulators/devices. It works with iOS 8 = iPhone 4s, 5c, 5, 5s, iPad non-retina. However, the code doesn't rotate to UpsideDown orientation with iOS 8 for iPhone 6, 6+ and iPad Retina.
-(NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
return (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait | UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortraitUpsideDown);
Is this a bug? The above code is NOT deprecated according to researching it in Apple documents. How do I UNDO this bug to make it work?
Apparently it's the expected behaviour in iOS 8.3:

Custom input view does not work anymore in the iPhone iOS 6 simulator

I have made an app, which has a custom input view, it works fine on the ios 4.3.3 and ios 5.1.1 as well as the new ios 6 if compiled using xcode 4.3 with the base SDK 4 but after updating xcode to the latest version and compiling using the ios 6 sdk the input view does not work anymore. if input button are taped the text doesn't show in the textField. Does anyone encounter this problem or now its cause ?
Make sure that you are initializing your custom input view with a frame that has a width or height larger than zero. From what I can tell, if this isn't the case then iOS 6 doesn't even add the view to the view hierarchy.
In my case, the width of my keyboard view's frame was zero when calling initWithFrame:(CGRect). Everything worked fine in iOS 5, as the frame width would get set during layout, but in iOS 6 the keyboard wasn't even in the view hierarchy.
I used iOS Hierarchy Viewer to figure that last bit out with having to fiddle in the debugger too much.
