Webform in MVC app does not show in IIS7.5 - model-view-controller

I have a webform (using the ReportViewer) that is in an MVC application. It is outside the Views folder in a root level folder called Reports. The webform page works correctly when using VS2010 and the web server (Development Server, WebDev.WebServer, Cassini). When using IIS7.5 with an integrated Application Pool (also tried Classic and set the ISAPI restrictions to allow), it does not work. I have the modules..handlers item (Reserved-ReportViewerWebControl-axd) in web.config.
I am getting this page result: "The resource cannot be found." / Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for ...
I hope someone has a fix for this.
Thanks in advance.

Try putting the file(s) under the content folder. That should remove any route problems.


Index.html file generated by apidoc.js shows a 404 error after deploying asp.net web api app to server

I used apidocjs to setup the documentation of my asp.net web api app. Everything works fine on my machine when I run my web api in visual studio but not on the server I deployed the app to.
I get a 404 error when I navigate to the index.html generated by apidocjs.
I think it's an issue with IIS.
I need suggestions on how to resolve this?
Ok. Found the problem kind of silly.
I did not include the ~ symbol as part of the path in my anchor tag.
Before I had
I added ~
and problem solved!!!
What I did earlier solved the problem on the deployment i did to my local IIS but not on my remote server.
I had move my static html file into the Content folder of my web-api, edited the link to look like this and the problem was resolved.
Got this from here. Ordinary html links in mvc razor

Posting site to IIS - cannot find files

I have created a small site, on IIS express all is working fine. I have created on IIS new application and deployed the package to the folder. the server side is asp.net webapi. the bundle configuration is loading fine when i try to enter the home page, how ever the java script files which are referenced on the cshtml page cannot be found
<script src="~/Client/lib/require/require.js" data-main="../../Client/app/requireConfig"></script>
i am getting -
/Client/lib/require --> 404 cannot be found
and the bundle which works
how can I over come it?
I think i know what might be the cause, i had the same problem myself
in you visualstudio, the js file was running on a url like this
now you published it, and added it as an application to your default site, you would have given it an alias (e.g) "testsite"
meaning that in reality the file is hosted at
but in reality your site is looking for it (because of the ~) at
http://localhost/client/lib etc etc
Edit in response to comment:
rather than removing the ~ (which you will need to navigate you back to the url root), i would rather just include your app name in the bundles virtual path, like this:
bundles.Add(new styleBundle("~/yourAppName/Content/css")) ....... etc
I also came across this post, I haven't tried it myself but it seems an interesting alternative to my method.
Fixing Relative CSS Paths when using .NET MVC 4 Bundling

Deployment of ASP.NET MVC3 application on IIS V6 is not directing to the desired controller action

In VS2010 ,I published my asp.net mvc3 web application as a file system and on IIS Manager, I created a new virtual directory(file system) and created a new website. But browsing the website is not redirecting me to the desired controller action. Can anyone suggest where i am going wrong?
IIS6 doesn't support extensionless urls by default. You will have to configure a wildcard mapping if you want to use such urls. Otherwise you will need to modify your routing in order to append an extension in all your urls that is associated with the aspnet_isapi filter in IIS.
Here's a guide that you may checkout: ASP.NET MVC 3 Extensionless URLs on IIS 6

Deploying Two MVC 3 Apps in the same domain iis7?

I have a MVC 3 site that runs at the top level of a domain. I have just created a directory in this domain "Support" added another MVC 3 project to it and converted it to a application in IIS7.
The issue is that my parent MVC 3 application seems to be handling the routing still and when I hit the route http://mywebsite.com/Support/Account/etc I get a 404 as this route doesn't exist in the parent site I am assuming? Is their a way to stop the parent site attempting to handle the route http://mywebsite.com/Support/ "Support" being the route I have another application in???
Are you sure you made the folder an application? Are you making that folder the root of your app? ie, is there a web.config file there, global.asax, etc..?

404 error after hosting website developed using codeigniter

I am trying to develop an web application that takes google address and stores for future use..
I am a little new to codeIgniter and a little help would be appreciable...
I have developed the application in WAMP 2.0..
It works fine there..But when I upload it to a production server, it displays the index page..but as soon as I try to navigate to other pages from the home page it gives a
404 Page Not Found..
You can always check the site here..
The entire application is working fine in my localhost that is in WAMP..
Thanks in advance
it may be to do with case sensitivity in *nix and windows environments.
this link works:
but this doesn't (404s) (no capital P)
so any references to your pages within your app should have lower case.
Have you checked if any .htaccess file exists in your document root?
