Deploying Two MVC 3 Apps in the same domain iis7? -

I have a MVC 3 site that runs at the top level of a domain. I have just created a directory in this domain "Support" added another MVC 3 project to it and converted it to a application in IIS7.
The issue is that my parent MVC 3 application seems to be handling the routing still and when I hit the route I get a 404 as this route doesn't exist in the parent site I am assuming? Is their a way to stop the parent site attempting to handle the route "Support" being the route I have another application in???

Are you sure you made the folder an application? Are you making that folder the root of your app? ie, is there a web.config file there, global.asax, etc..?


How to remove directory name from url with global.asax code

I am using MVC routing in Web forms and I want to remove the folder/directory name appended in the URL. Locally this works fine but I have the following address now appearing on Godaddy shared hosting.
but I want like this
I have tried web.config techniques but no success that's why I am asking is there any way to redirect this using Global.asax.

How to separating frontend and backend using codeigniter

I am a new php developer. Am developing my website using codeigniter and got stuck when i tried to make the backend. Am using CMS backend that comes with its own folder with everything (.htaccess, its own MVC etc) so I put all my frontend folders into one folder called frontend withinn the application folder but now I cannt view my frontend pages. I get this: The configuration file does not exist. Please help me step by step.
check out this link to know the MVC pattern Codeigniter.
controller and model ----- Backend
Views --- Frontend

Deployment of ASP.NET MVC3 application on IIS V6 is not directing to the desired controller action

In VS2010 ,I published my mvc3 web application as a file system and on IIS Manager, I created a new virtual directory(file system) and created a new website. But browsing the website is not redirecting me to the desired controller action. Can anyone suggest where i am going wrong?
IIS6 doesn't support extensionless urls by default. You will have to configure a wildcard mapping if you want to use such urls. Otherwise you will need to modify your routing in order to append an extension in all your urls that is associated with the aspnet_isapi filter in IIS.
Here's a guide that you may checkout: ASP.NET MVC 3 Extensionless URLs on IIS 6

ASP.NET MVC 3 Routing Issue with Un-conventional folders

In a website I am working on, I place all my images inside "images" folder such that "/images".
ASP.NET MVC 3 is throwing an exception saying it cannot find a controller for "images".
Any trick to do with the route table?
You can try
This will prevent routing from trying to resolve a controller for requests containing this folder.

Webform in MVC app does not show in IIS7.5

I have a webform (using the ReportViewer) that is in an MVC application. It is outside the Views folder in a root level folder called Reports. The webform page works correctly when using VS2010 and the web server (Development Server, WebDev.WebServer, Cassini). When using IIS7.5 with an integrated Application Pool (also tried Classic and set the ISAPI restrictions to allow), it does not work. I have the modules..handlers item (Reserved-ReportViewerWebControl-axd) in web.config.
I am getting this page result: "The resource cannot be found." / Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for ...
I hope someone has a fix for this.
Thanks in advance.
Try putting the file(s) under the content folder. That should remove any route problems.
