404 error after hosting website developed using codeigniter - codeigniter

I am trying to develop an web application that takes google address and stores for future use..
I am a little new to codeIgniter and a little help would be appreciable...
I have developed the application in WAMP 2.0..
It works fine there..But when I upload it to a production server, it displays the index page..but as soon as I try to navigate to other pages from the home page it gives a
404 Page Not Found..
You can always check the site here..
The entire application is working fine in my localhost that is in WAMP..
Thanks in advance

it may be to do with case sensitivity in *nix and windows environments.
this link works:
but this doesn't (404s) (no capital P)
so any references to your pages within your app should have lower case.

Have you checked if any .htaccess file exists in your document root?


Why am I getting broken access to layouts.app (for lavravel app) on heroku hosting but not on localhost?

I am a student and have created my first Laravel App (A blog app). I have a layout/master view created named app.blade.php in resources/views/layouts folder.
I am using laravel 5.6.
It works perfectly on localhost but not on heroku hosting.
Here is my project structure
Here is my code in home.blade.php
Heroku hosting error screen below
Localhost view
clueless about this problem. I need your support.
I solved the problem. I am on a windows system while hosting on a linux platform. So my sweet innocent windows was not updating the "Layouts" on server with "layouts".
But I am with another problem
but loading /login /register correctly
Now this doesn't end here,
when I type /login with the url it gives me
Now I observe that when i click the link it shows me Not secure connection and displays properly but when typing there is https but not displayed correctly.
Please help me analyse and figure out the issue.
Github repo link : https://github.com/ArpanKIIT2017/blog4b/
Its because the app was unable to find the file. But everything looks good. can you check if the file exists on remote server.
what are you using to push the files to remote server?.
try running
php artisan view:clear
on both local and heroku
Actually Heroku doesn't support SSL in free tier. So https actually won't work.
Finnaly migrated my app to postgre sql.
Problem mainly was due to the uppercase and lowercase representation of "Layouts".
So my app is Up and Running only with one problem that is heroku doesn't support file uploads. It is not storing any file upload. Searching solution for that but not related to this post.
Thank You

Display 404 page in CodeIgniter

I created new website using Codeigniter. What puzzled me was when I transferred it to my web server, every page displayed 404 page....
Here's the twist, when I changed my controllers like from home to Home, it will now display correctly.
Can someone tell me why this happened? Is this fine? Do I have to access every pages like example.com/Home or example.com/home?
In Codeigniter version 3 and above, the controller name should start with a capital letter. that's why when you rename your controller from home to Home, it's started working.
The Windows os will treat the file names as case insensitive, but Linus is case sensitive. so this might be the reason it worked in local windows development environment.

url rewriting issues on magento installed at my local machine

hi i`m very new to magento.i'm working on already developed eCommerce site which is developed by magento.i installed in my local machine.there is some url rewritings issues in it.here is my live instance http://test.cstoremaster.com/.
every thing is working fine at my live instance but at my local machine it's not working fine,every time i need to put index.php at my url.even some pages were redirecting to my www folder it's like localhost/aboutus...help me
I am not sure this solution would work but you can try.
Login to you admin panel.
Go to System->Configuration.and click on Web tab.
Under Search engine optimization set the web server rewrite
to "Yes".
Save the changes.
Now clear the cache if any enabled and check on frontend the problem of adding index.php should be fixed.
Hope this will help.

xampp - no longer loads local website but always redirects to internet version of site

I have a website that is live and a version that I am working on locally using XAMPP. For some reason every time I try to load:
it goes to the internet version. This has only started happening. All services are started. XAMPP is working for all other sites that I am working on locally.
Check your site settings as I believe you're having the url in your website set to the live version.
This can have alot of reasons.
What does your windows host file have for redirect rules (C:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/host) I assume that you use Windows because you said "xampp", correct me if im wrong)
Check for header(); redirects within your websites php scripts.
Do you have a v-host entry redirecting you to another url in your v-host config of your apache?
Check if you have any hard-coded url's? or redirects? in the project that are redirecting to the live version.

Magento links not working

I migrated my website from one server to another. I am able to visit the home page on main website(eyaas.com), but other then that no links are working, not even the admin
Strangely, the indian version website(eyaas.com/in) is running fine with all links working properly.
When i migrated, I was seeing a 500 error so the hosting provider asked me to delete the .htaccess file which was auto-created simultaneously. Then the site worked but now this problem has arised.
What should i do. When replace the .htaccess file with the earlier one, I get a 500 server error.
The .hatccess file is necessary for the rewrites. Speak with your hosts and make sure that it is configured properly for Magento.
