Unsolicited Response (+STCR) from SIM Toolkit not visible - sms

I'm testing a SIM Toolkit application using AT Commands. I have a USB modem that supports SIM Toolkit Class 2 features and is based on the Open AT Firmware. I am able to successfully interact with the SIM Toolkit by using the +STSF, +STGI, and +STGR commands. I also receive +STIN replies as per the message flow shown here. What I do not receive is the Unsolicited Response (+STCR) from the SIM when an SMS message or USSD message is sent out. I am using the following Terminal Profile during initialization:
Based on the Terminal Profile, the Call Control bit is set to 1 or enabled. You will also notice that the Autoresponse is set to 1. Therefore, I receive an +STGI response when a message is sent. Here is the lead up to when the SIM sends an SMS message:
+STIN: 9
+STGI: ""
You can see that +STIN: 9 means an SMS message is sent out. I believe based on my initialization, I should also see an +STCR and there should be some text in the +STGI. If anyone is familiar with the SIM Toolkit and accessing it through the AT Command set, then I would appreciate some insight as to why I do not receive a response when an SMS message is sent out. Thanks.
1: Wavecom AT Commands Interface Guide for X51a - WM_ASW_OAT_UGD_00016

I think the USB modem is busy for doing other task.
If you send response with 0x91xx instead of 0x9000 again and again while you don't receive Instruction byte ie 0x12 ie FETCH command.
where XX means no of STK byte .


Send "Invisible" Message using C# to GSM modem

How can I send an “invisible” SMS via a GSM modem using the C# (the recipient won’t see it, but I will know the status of receipt) to find out if the phone is on or not - “Ping-SMS”
You must set PS_MESSAGE_CLASS0 value as CLASS parameter provided in a call to SmsSendMessage.

Air200 GSM module have problem with AT commands, Why?

I bought an air200 gsm module and this module won't work properly. in one hand i use the standard at command for sending Unicode SMS, but cant sends Unicode. from the other hand when I send text SMS, for every SMS I send the network less my credit double cost. anybody can please help to solve the problem?
I send the following command for sending SMS:
AT+CMGS="number come here"
SMS body
// Ctrl+Z to send SMS
in this case, I can send SMS message but however, I send just one SMS it decreases my credit double time.
I use the following command to send Unicode SMS but it gets the error:
AT+CMGS="number come here"
// Ctrl+Z to send SMS
everything goes OK until I send AT+CMGS="number" and it response ERROR.
anybody please can get an idea? whats happen exactly?
I send at command under raspbian Linux on the raspberry pi.
AT+CMGS="number come here"
I suspect that you have not UCS2 encoded the phone number. Notice that after you run AT+CSCS="UCS2" every single string must be encoded that way, so for instance to switch from UCS2 to UTF-8 would be AT+CSCS="005500540046002D0038".

Javacard - UICC - SMS-PP Data Download envelope returns always 9000

I tried to send a SMS with APDU (without the 23.048 headers - I know it doesn't suppose to be without those headers).
For every SMS (no matter what the APDU I sent) I got the 9000 response (no additional data even if setting the Le byte).
Can someone please explain this behavior to me?
So I got the answer from the GlobalPlatform mailing list -
For any event in the UICC, the card will trigger all the applets registered to the event or the applet specified by the TAR. If no applet registered to the event the UICC will act as the process done successfully - because no error or unpredictable behavior occurred.

In gsm modems, how to inform when a new message has been received (Interruptly) using at commands like CNMA or CNMI?

I'm developing a winform program in which, I need send and receiving SMS messages, I have no problem in sending SMS, but i don't know how to inform when a new message has been received in a gsm modem? I wanna have an acknowledgement like an interrupt or event, when a new message has been received. As far as I know i should work to at+CNMI or at+CNMA, but unfortunately i cant find an example for those.Furthermore I wanna know how to get delivery message or how to handle that? Thanks in advance.
Depends on device type you are using. Use AT+CNMI=? to see all possible options your device supports.

How to send an SMS type message using Processing data?

I have code written up in Processing that works as a serial monitor for my Arduino Fio. I have a few sensors on the Fio that output a warning message when a value surpasses a threshold. How do I get warning statements sent to a phone number as a text message as well?
If you need to send email to just a particular phone (i.e. your own) or a small set of phones known in advance, many carriers have an email SMS gateway. For example, to SMS the Verizon phone 304-555-1212, just send email to 3045551212#vtext.com
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_carriers_providing_Email_or_Web_to_SMS
Here is an example on how to send email from Processing: http://www.shiffman.net/2007/11/13/e-mail-processing/
Twitter is a good place to start with this. Your thing -> twitter. Twitter -> SMS (or other clients). Otherwise, it gets expensive and more complicated.
