How to send an SMS type message using Processing data? - sms

I have code written up in Processing that works as a serial monitor for my Arduino Fio. I have a few sensors on the Fio that output a warning message when a value surpasses a threshold. How do I get warning statements sent to a phone number as a text message as well?

If you need to send email to just a particular phone (i.e. your own) or a small set of phones known in advance, many carriers have an email SMS gateway. For example, to SMS the Verizon phone 304-555-1212, just send email to
Here is an example on how to send email from Processing:

Twitter is a good place to start with this. Your thing -> twitter. Twitter -> SMS (or other clients). Otherwise, it gets expensive and more complicated.


Test phone numbers in different countries

Does twilio provide any test mobile numbers for different countries. I want to test whether SMS is sending successfully to some mobile number in Canada.
Is there any test mobile numbers that I can use for this purpose?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
We do not have test numbers available for you to send messages to. However, you can instrument your code such that you can find out from Twilio when you send messages that they are being delivered.
I recommend you set the StatusCallback parameter when you send messages. You set it to a URL on your server that can receive incoming webhooks and it will receive a request each time your message status changes to one of the following: queued, failed, sent, delivered, or undelivered.
That way you can be sure that your messages are sending correctly and arriving at the phones you expect them to.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Twilio SMS delivery to DND number

I am sending SMS using Twilio API. During testing i found that it sometimes delivered message to the phone number but does not sends all the time. This is the case of DND activated numbers(Do Not Call List).
I knew this is because of Sender routing done by Twilio. When Twilio sends SMS using a number(only numeric sender-FROM), i received the message, but when it sends message using some alphanumeric sender(like DM-044138), it does not delivers the message.
Now my question is do we have any access to change this ? Can we set something that could guarantee the delivery even for the DND numbers ?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Your problem is you are sending it to India.
Please review the following.
This feature is only available when sending messages to supported countries
As you can see from the list below India is not a supported country.

Twilio SMS verify destination phone numbers and verification ID

I have two questions.
I am creating a website for a client I am trying to code in Twilio SMS tools for end users and for management. I have the request and response tools built so I am all set functionally. So the questions are:
A. Can I send SMS message to any phone number OR does every number I send an SMS have to be added to twilio and verified before I can freely send SMS? It would be nice if I could just collect my phone numbers from the end users and free them from the pain of the verification process.
B. If I must verify end users then can I send SMS messages to them with their verification code? Right now an automated message call is sent to the phone number that wants SMS updates and you have to key in a six digit verification code....AND then you can send that person SMS messages. The phone call is kind of awkward.
A. Once you have a regular Twilio account, you can send an SMS to any phone number. However, some phone numbers (e.g., most landlines) cannot accept an SMS. If you try to send an SMS to those numbers with your cellphone, you will probably get a message back from the carrier that the number cannot accept SMS. However, Twilio will report success in sending the message, even though the message obviously cannot be sent to that number, and you will get no indication that the message did not go through.
But, no, there is no need to specifically add the numbers as verified for them to work with Twilio.
You can use a service like (which Twilio told me about) to check if a phone number can receive SMS messages.
B. -- you do not need to verify end users through Twilio, although I do think there are restrictions on a Twilio trial account that will be removed once you have a paid Twilio account.
Twilio evangelist here
Once you upgrade, you can send a message to any phone number. While you are using a trial account, you have to verify a number in order to send a message to it. More info about how a trial account works is here:
Hope that helps.
Regarding verification: Twilio has a service that allows verifying phone numbers, including format, carrier, if it's mobile or landline, etc:
API Docs:

Can I send a SMS when I reach a location-XCODE

I've read auto sms is not possible, if you send a SMS through an app you need user interaction like pressing a button.
But if my phone shows up at a particular position based on gps and a stored record that has that gps info, would that not be the user interaction I need and the sms just get sent?
From the code I've seen if button pressed run this code and send SMS.
What I'd be doing basically is
If I arrive at this location send SMS. From my view this is not exactly Auto SMS, its sms based on certain variables but without user interaction.
Is this possible, am I making any sense lol
As a workaround, you could use one of the SMS services available to send a SMS. If you would like a free solution, you can use the carrier email-sms to send a SMS. You just have to send an email at this point in your code.

Providing context for SMS

I'm trying to figure out how to set up an SMS service where users can communicate with people on phones that are not participating in my service. "TextFree" on iPhone does something like what I want to do. They let you sign up, then you can send messages for "free" to other friends that aren't part of the service.
It looks like when you sign up for TextFree, they assign you an email address []. People outside the service without MMS capabilities can't send an SMS to this user. The user must first send an SMS to them, starting a conversation. I think this is what they're doing:
Textfree signs up for an account with a bulk SMS provider, and is assigned a single phone #, like "123".
Joe signs up for TextFree, gets assigned email:
Mary wants to send Joe an sms, but can't because she doesn't know what # to direct the sms to.
Joe sends an sms to Mary using textfree. This really just makes an http request to some textfree server. The server gets the request, and the destination # (Mary's phone).
The server sends the sms out using their bulk sms api provider.
Mary receives the sms, and sees the originator phone # as "123".
Mary replies to the sms, using this phone #, "123".
Their sms provider receives the message, and forwards it to textfree's http server.
Textfree now has to resolve that the sms received by Mary's phone # is destined for Joe (not sure how this can be done), so it can be delivered to Joe's account.
I think that all makes sense and seems feasible, I'm just not sure about that last step, how they could figure out which conversation sms' belong to. If all outside users are directing their sms to phone #123, how could I figure out which internal user the message is destined for? Is there some way to embed a unique identifier in an SMS, so that when the external user replies to the SMS, some unique ID can be embedded in there to provide that type of context to read on the reply side of things?
Long question, thanks for any thoughts!
As for the last part of your question (unique ID in SMS):
I know of no mechanism that could help you here. When replying to a short message phones only set the sender address as destination and the user is free to type the text. The headers in a short message PDU are solely for the basic transport parameters (encoding, sender-ID, ...). There is a way to define so called user data headers, but for this to be of any use for you, you'd have to be in control of most of the devices that are involved in the message delivery, including the handsets... So basically the only way I see to correlate messages with each other reliably is the use of some ID within the message text.
An alternate approach would be to rent a bunch of numbers and assign these permanently (I assume some subscription model here) to your users. This way you could use these as identification numbers within your service and forward the messages to their real phone numbers (or even a completely different media like email / instant messenger).
