In gsm modems, how to inform when a new message has been received (Interruptly) using at commands like CNMA or CNMI? - sms

I'm developing a winform program in which, I need send and receiving SMS messages, I have no problem in sending SMS, but i don't know how to inform when a new message has been received in a gsm modem? I wanna have an acknowledgement like an interrupt or event, when a new message has been received. As far as I know i should work to at+CNMI or at+CNMA, but unfortunately i cant find an example for those.Furthermore I wanna know how to get delivery message or how to handle that? Thanks in advance.

Depends on device type you are using. Use AT+CNMI=? to see all possible options your device supports.


Receiving text with C# SDK

While exploring RingCentral C# SDK, we have a requirement of receiving SMS.
I know how to use C# SDK for sending SDK, but wanted to get an idea of receiving it.
I am not sure any plugin I need to fit here.
I haven't got proper answer even searching the Internet.
Any help will be appreciated.
You can receive inbound SMS by subscribing to event notifications for new SMS or by polling the message store API.
Subscribing for Event Notifications
There are to ways to subscribe, using PubNub and using Webhooks.
Using PubNub, you can receive SMS. Check it out here:
If you want WebHook, check the reference:
The direct API of RingCentral APIs to receive SMS content is:
/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store/<message id>/content/<attachment id>
Here you need to put the message id and the attachment id which you can use in your C#.

Unable to read an SMS from Sim900a

I have interface PIC16f877A with sim900a directly. I can send SMS but in case of Receving/Reading an SMS from sim900a I am failing.
I am unable to find the error, has anyone had a similar experience?
Are the indicators for receiving an SMS message set correctly in the modem?

what events are used in symbian c++ to catch the notifications sent by the service provider

I know the title isn't that clear so let me try to explain using an example. Say, when we send a message through my phone, we immediately recieve the balance deduction notification from our service provider. My question is that which event is used to catch this notification in symbian C++.
Could we possibly change the way notifications are displayed?? Say for eg., nokia symbian 60 phones show these notifications as a pop-up where some phones use the entire screen to show the deducted amount. Can I catch this event and show it in the form of a new message ?? I mean to say that the balance deduction notification is shown as a message in my phone's inbox but not as a mere pop-up and then lost.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Please try to advice as soon as possible. I would highly appreciate your responses as they will help me in deciding the strategy for my application. Thanks a lot.
If I understand your question correctly, you are asking about the messages that appear on the screen on a phone when used with Pay As You Go SIM showing the balance. This may depend on the service provider but usually, the message notifications are Class 0 SMS messages (also known as Flash SMS).
Class 0 SMS are defined as:
Class 0 SMS: This message is displayed on the mobile phone immediately and a message delivery report is sent back to the SC. The message does not have to be saved in the mobile phone or on the SIM card (unless selected to do so by the mobile user). This type is also referred to as Flash SMS.
Therefore, you can catch these notifications by monitoring for these types of incoming SMS (assuming the SDK allows this).

How to send an SMS type message using Processing data?

I have code written up in Processing that works as a serial monitor for my Arduino Fio. I have a few sensors on the Fio that output a warning message when a value surpasses a threshold. How do I get warning statements sent to a phone number as a text message as well?
If you need to send email to just a particular phone (i.e. your own) or a small set of phones known in advance, many carriers have an email SMS gateway. For example, to SMS the Verizon phone 304-555-1212, just send email to
Here is an example on how to send email from Processing:
Twitter is a good place to start with this. Your thing -> twitter. Twitter -> SMS (or other clients). Otherwise, it gets expensive and more complicated.


I want to send a WAP Push SI, but I want the message to look like an alert - like FLASH SMS. I've tried to make the SMS carrying the WAP data a FLASH SMS, but the it seems the phone can't handle it. I tried it on a Nokia 6230i.
Is there something wrong with what I'm doing, or phones in general won't handle WAP over FLASH SMS as I expected?
Can you suggest another solution for improving the user-experience with WAP PUSH, meaning to make it appear as an alert?
Although theoretically possible I think phones in general are unable to handle this combination.
You'll have to stick with either flash or push messages. I don't think there's any way you can improve the user experience with wap push, other than making sure the message and the content of the wap page you push is clear and concise. Is wap push messages really such a bad user experience that they need this improvement? I find them to be easy to use and they aren't stored in the SMS inbox so in that sense they "dissappear" just like the flash sms.
You could send one flash sms informing the user that he is about to receieve a link and then send the push message, but depending on your application that might just make the user experience worse..
