BreadCrumb- ASP.NET MVC3 -

We have developed web application, which is purely MVC3 and C#. We want to implement Breadcrumb navigation link so that users can click on the breadcrumb to get to any View.
Could any one tell us or point in right direction , how we can implement this? steps would be more helpful.
Thank you

Look at the MVC Sitemap provider to give you this functionality. It's available via NuGet too.


JqGrid navigation button function

How can I implement this?
How can I add a textbox and label and save it to the database? I'm using MVC3.
As your question is pretty general I can only offer some links to large sample projects:
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC 3 and Razor
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC - Strongly typed helper
The "Form Editing" functionality is covered in both, so you should find what you are looking for. If not please provide some more details to your question.

TabContiner with razor

I have a question. Is it possible to work with AJAX Control Toolkit in razor views?
I need to use TabContainer or similar (it could be a HTML Helper)
I know I can use it in aspx but I'm using Layouts on my project... so maybe a partial view is the solution, I really don't know.
I have a question. Is it possible to work with AJAX Control Toolkit in razor views?
Not recommended. The AJAX Control Toolkit consists of server side controls which depend on ViewState and PostBack which are notions that no longer exist in ASP.NET MVC. So referencing the AjaxControlToolkit assembly inside an ASP.NET MVC application is like attaching a caravan on a Lamborghini.
As an alternative you might take a look at jQuery UI which has many useful widgets such as Tabs.

Why does the default ASP.NET MVC 3 project not use controllers?

Upon creating a new ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor site, there are 9 Account\*.cshtml files which seem to be views with the controller logic inserted at the top of the view in an anonymous code block. There is no account controller class.
Why is this? As I understood, the benefit of MVC was the separation of concerns of code & presentation. Does this imply that I should remove all of the existing files & re-implement the Authentication & Authorisation layers?
It seems odd that MS would ship the 'worst possible example' with their flagship web framework.
Edit: I was using the wrong entry point within visual studio to create the application (see my comment below). Thanks!
Hmm, something is not quite right on your end.
I just created a new ASP.NET MVC3 Web Application.
I do have a 'Controllers' folder with a proper AccountController as part of the project.
Are you using Visual Studio?
This is incorrect. Here's the default folder structure in the MVC3 Razor starter app:
As you can see, there are two controllers in the ~/Controllers folder.
Just to be clear, I started a new VS2010 instance, created a new MVC3 project, selected "Internet Application" and Razor as the view engine.

How to develop regarding lookup on custom aspx page?

How to develop regrading lookup on custom page where we are updating the existing task. This page looks same as MS CRM task page. Now here how to get the regarding and owner lookups on custom aspx page? How to develop the Notes tab on custom page?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is no SDK that is available for free with CRM, and you cannot reuse the CRM stuff, because it's not supported. But if you want to replicate the exact same behavior, there is a couple of solutions out there. Take a look at

Telerik RadGrid working examples

I'm looking for some examples of production websites that currently use the Telerik Rad Grid. I'd really like to see some real world scenarios in action, other than the Telerik RadGrid demo. Does anyone know of any websites that use it?
This article from their website says that MSDN, TechNet, and CodePlex websites are using pieces of their components.
"Microsoft has chosen to implement RadEditor in the Wiki Annotation Editor...[and] all Project Discussion pages, becoming the custom inline editor."
Here is one for you... The first tab uses the RadGrid control and the second tab uses the RadScheduler control...
[link redacted per request of site owner]
I will post blog on this later to demonstrate
There are some case studies on their website. like for winforms, ajax etc.
Most controls like that are used in internal webapps. It is hard to provide public facing examples of sites using DataGrid-like at all(not impossible, just rare), let alone by one vendor on one platform.
