How to develop regarding lookup on custom aspx page? - dynamics-crm

How to develop regrading lookup on custom page where we are updating the existing task. This page looks same as MS CRM task page. Now here how to get the regarding and owner lookups on custom aspx page? How to develop the Notes tab on custom page?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There is no SDK that is available for free with CRM, and you cannot reuse the CRM stuff, because it's not supported. But if you want to replicate the exact same behavior, there is a couple of solutions out there. Take a look at


Joomla Template Selection

I am planning to build Auto responsive website in Joomla. I am looking for below features.
Must have :
Auto responsive (mobile friendly)
Static & Dynamic content management
Forms submission
Auto email on form submit
CRM entry on form submit using an API call to our CRM
Good to have :
Ticket Raising system
FAQ managment
Backup Of Site
Blog handing
Kindly advise, which template can be used to achieve above functions?
You could use Joomla 3's standard template as it's responsive, however there are so many sites using this so you go down another road.
If you're up for some design of your own, then you can get a pre-built master template such as Yootheme's Master Theme which is free or maybe ever Afterburner 2 by Rockettheme.
For forms, you can use an extension such as Chronoforms which allows you to build your own forms for multiple purposes and has a lot of features.
As for the "Good to have" points, simply have a search on the Joomla Extensions Directory and you will find everything you need.
Hope this helps
Only one of your requirements has anything to do with the template you choose, whether it is responsive or not.
Joomla templates do nothing more than provide styling for the output of Joomla core and any extensions you may add. Everything you list is functionality that would need to be added with 3rd-party extensions, with the exception of content management; Joomla is a Content Management System.

How to Display Dynamic Content below every article?

I am a new developer to Joomla. I am developing a website in which users will be able to write review for the articles. So, here I need to display a review form below every article. How can I achieve this? I have seen some extensions like custom properties which will place content below every article.
I think the best approach is to use an extension that was specifically built for reviews.
There are multiple options available in the Joomla Extensions Directory.
I found out the solution. What I needed was a plugin to display content after every article.

Customizing Associated Records displayed in the Form Assistant (MS CRM 4.0)

I've recently customized the lookup functionality of MS CRM 4.0 to filter a contact list to only those contacts owned by a client using techniques similar to the one presented here:
My question is, can I apply the same type of logic to the Form Assistant pane within the window? I've currently disabled the form assistant to prevent confusion, but I'd very much like to filter those contacts as well. I like the inline AJAX presentation of that data more than the lookup pop-up window, but I can't find any information on how that thing is working.
Anyone out there done this before?
Thanks in advance!
As far as I can tell from the research I've done - customization of the Form Assistant pane in MS CRM 4.0 in this manner simply is not possible. In those cases where we required this customization we opted to hide the Form Assistant to prevent end-user confusion.
Boo MS.

How to AJAXify ASP:Wizard Control

Happy Friday All,
I have an 2.0 website that I'm updating to .Net 3.5. The site uses a master page and I've placed asp:UpdatePanel in it.
One of the pages has a 3-step wizard control that I'd like to "Ajaxify" in some way. Are there better controls in the AJAX control toolkit that provide an improved user experience over the asp:Wizard control?
Please share with me your efforts to improve upon the asp:Wizard control. Did you move to a different control? Stay with asp:Wizard and add effects to it?
Kind of late, but I'll answer. I used the Telerik RadAjaxManager control to ajaxify my Wizard control, and I regretted it because of performance issues.
If I were you, I'd pursue setting up divs and use JQuery to selectively show/hide them to emulate a wizard.

Telerik RadGrid working examples

I'm looking for some examples of production websites that currently use the Telerik Rad Grid. I'd really like to see some real world scenarios in action, other than the Telerik RadGrid demo. Does anyone know of any websites that use it?
This article from their website says that MSDN, TechNet, and CodePlex websites are using pieces of their components.
"Microsoft has chosen to implement RadEditor in the Wiki Annotation Editor...[and] all Project Discussion pages, becoming the custom inline editor."
Here is one for you... The first tab uses the RadGrid control and the second tab uses the RadScheduler control...
[link redacted per request of site owner]
I will post blog on this later to demonstrate
There are some case studies on their website. like for winforms, ajax etc.
Most controls like that are used in internal webapps. It is hard to provide public facing examples of sites using DataGrid-like at all(not impossible, just rare), let alone by one vendor on one platform.
