JqGrid navigation button function - asp.net-mvc-3

How can I implement this?
How can I add a textbox and label and save it to the database? I'm using MVC3.

As your question is pretty general I can only offer some links to large sample projects:
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC 3 and Razor
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC - Strongly typed helper
The "Form Editing" functionality is covered in both, so you should find what you are looking for. If not please provide some more details to your question.


BreadCrumb- ASP.NET MVC3

We have developed web application, which is purely asp.net MVC3 and C#. We want to implement Breadcrumb navigation link so that users can click on the breadcrumb to get to any View.
Could any one tell us or point in right direction , how we can implement this? steps would be more helpful.
Thank you
Look at the MVC Sitemap provider to give you this functionality. It's available via NuGet too.

Multilingual implementation in MVC3 Razor

How can I create a MVC3 Razor Label which shows the label text in selected culture(Language)?
I am having get&set culture function and a dropdown list to select the language. I also have a resource file in /Content/Resource folder.
I found a good article which explain how to implement Multilingual in MVC 3 Razor project.
Find the article from the URL

MVC 3 WebGrid - is inline editing possible?

Has anyone implemented inline editing using the MVC 3 WebGrid helper? I've done a lot of searching on the topic, but haven't found much in the way of suggestions. Also, I'm not in the position of using other 3rd party or open source grids.
Thanks in advance!
There doesn't seem to be a solution for inline editing with the WebGrid, but given that it's open source and you seem to have a specific requirement I suggest you write some inline editing functionality. You could then contribute this back to the community and end up helping other developers with this requirement.
Mike Brind has an article on creating a popup edit from WebGrid
If you don't have the time or inclination then I strongly suggest either;
Telerik MVC Grid
You can add inline editing capability to the WebGrid quite easily. I have written an article about it here: http://www.mikesdotnetting.com/Article/202/Inline-Editing-With-The-WebGrid

TabContiner with razor

I have a question. Is it possible to work with AJAX Control Toolkit in razor views?
I need to use TabContainer or similar (it could be a HTML Helper)
I know I can use it in aspx but I'm using Layouts on my project... so maybe a partial view is the solution, I really don't know.
I have a question. Is it possible to work with AJAX Control Toolkit in razor views?
Not recommended. The AJAX Control Toolkit consists of server side controls which depend on ViewState and PostBack which are notions that no longer exist in ASP.NET MVC. So referencing the AjaxControlToolkit assembly inside an ASP.NET MVC application is like attaching a caravan on a Lamborghini.
As an alternative you might take a look at jQuery UI which has many useful widgets such as Tabs.

in telerk mvc grid, editing and inserting scenarioes with AJAX binding of complex objects

In Telerik documentation we must use server binding when binding complex objects.
How can we activating Insertion and Editing mode in Telerik mvc grid with ajax binding of complex objects?
how we can customize the whole of insert form and edit form
ie. drawing drop down lists for properties of reference types
thanks in advance
How about using server edit template for that, is it applicable? I crawled the online MVC demos on their site and hit upon this one.
I found a solution.
I am using Client Edit Templates for this scenario but there is a problem in the ScriptRegisterar I think, the problem related to registering Telerik DropDown javascript files.
I made initial solution which is to add a line of code to the ScriptRegisterar to explicit register the javascript file "telerik.list.js"
OR add a dummy Telerik DropDown list in the same page where you want it to appear in the grid, and you have to hide it using css.
This is a bug in the final version of telerik 2010.3.1110
Telerik has released the hotfix for this bug in the version 2010.3.1111
check the link and download the hotfix:
