Resharper: Code snippets with tab+tab - visual-studio-2010

In VS, to use snippets (for example auto-implented property) I typed "prop", then hit TAB twice.
However R# (I'm using R#6) inserts the snippet after ONE tab, causing me to always mistype something.
Is there an option somewhere, where I can set it to use two tabs?

Unfortunately there's no way that I'm aware of that would let you reassign deployment of ReSharper live templates to two tab hits instead of a single hit.
However, until you've got used to the single-tab deployment, you can Shift+Tab to go back to the previous template hotspot, which prevents messing things up.
Another option would be to selectively turn off ReSharper live templates that conflict with Visual Studio snippets that you're used to deploy on a regular basis.
To do that, go to ReSharper > Live Templates, and in the Templates Explorer, under Live Templates, either deselect "Predefined templates" altogether or expand this category and turn off selected templates - in your example with "prop", you should turn off ReSharper's "prop" and propg (the latter is under "Imported Visual C# snippets")


Visual Studio 2017: Disable Intellisense for CodeSnippets

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, Version 15.3.3
I looks like IntelliSense has some new features for code completion. On of this feature is, that a field name is automatically suggested when a type is written.
SpacePosition s.. // starting with s, Intellisense suggest "space", "position" and "spacePosition"
I like this feature in general but not for code snippets. Using a code snipped I have the problem, that the name of a literal is automatically replaced by IntelliSense after pressing tab (which is used for navigate to the next literal).
In my example I want to name the property "other" and then jump the the next literal inside the snippet. But because of IntelliSense, the property name is replaced by "spacePosition".
Is there any way to disable the IntelliSense feature inside code snippets?
I found a solution for the same problem in Visual Studio Code:
stackoverflow article but not for Visual Studio
Disable the name suggestions in Tools/Options/TextEditor/C#/IntelliSense. That's what is causing this nonsense. Seems MS realized later that they flipped coders up by adding that feature that changes old behaviour greatly without giving them a way to disable it. Now there is such a checkbox.
I nearly uninstalled this studio because of this lol. Not sure, may be it's a good feature, but i'm too used to Tab code snippets around, that I'm better without it.
How to: Manage Code Snippets
To access the Code Snippets Manager
1.) On the Tools menu, click Code Snippets Manager. Shortcut Ctrl+K,Ctrl+B
How to: Change snippet behavior
To change snippet behavior.
1.) Go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > IntelliSense > Snippet Behavior
2.) See images.
Now there has no such option to disable this intellisense feature inside code snippets, but you can try to click 'Esc' key after type 'other', then click 'Tab' key to jump to next literal, please check the following:
This actually works correctly in Visual Studio 2019 for classes if it is a class that is valid for the current context (i.e. Doesn't exist in a namespace not in the current class namespace or in the using statements for the file).
Here is my example snippet
Snippet Definition
Snippet Use
And here is an example where I use two different classes as the second snippet, one that is a valid class name and works to use tab to autocomplete, and one doesn't work because the class requires adding an additional namespace using statement that is currently missing from the file:
So I see two options.
Use the sucky to cancel any auto-complete logic.
Ensure you have the proper using statements. You can even add using statements to your snippet using the imports declaration:

VS 2012 Intellisense suggests treeChild instead of true

My intellisense almost always goes for "treeChild" when I start typing tr, instead of "true". It's a really small thing, but it's kinda annoying since I will sometimes accidentally press return and it puts treeChild into my bool.
Any ideas why this is or how to get rid of it?
I never even used treeChild. Or looked at it.
In VS 2012, IntelliSense can pre-select the members that you have recently selected in the pop-up List Members box for automatic object name completion, during your current session in the IDE. You can check this: IntelliSense for Most Recently Used Members
To turn off this default behavior, go to Tools-Options-Text Editor-C#-IntelliSense and uncheck the option “Pre-select most recently used member” as below, then click ‘OK’ to save this modification.

Disable HTML element tooltips in Visual Studio

I was wondering if anyone has had any luck disabling the HTML element tooltips in Visual Studio 2015. I find them to be a real annoyance, especially when dragging/ctrl+dragging text around (they get in the way most the time). Here's a screenshot the feature in action (updated):
I Googled and was only able to find the post where the feature was announced, but no mentions of how to disable it. I checked my Visual Studio preferences and have "Auto list members" and "Parameter information" disabled for the HTML text editor.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Update (10/16/2015): I think this issue may be related to the Web Essentials package. I disabled the package and was able to make the tooltip show up, however, I don't currently have a computer with a default Visual Studio 2015 install to test my theory on. I updated the screenshot to reflect the actual tooltip I'm getting (the original one was the screenshot included in the linked blog post).
Try this:
Go to: Tools > Options... > Text Editor > HTML > General
In the 'Statement completion' section you will see an 'Auto list members' checkbox, uncheck it.
However, I'm not sure if the feature above reffers to an in-design html editing or will only affect in specific html development environment (editing an html file for example), so I'll give an additional solution:
Go to: Tools > Options... > Environment > Keayboard
Here, find the command Edit.ToggleCompletionMode and assign the keyboard shortcut that you desire.
Then just use it when you wish to toggle the auto completion of members (including html members I supose).
Sorry If I confussed what you want, because with the absence of auto completion it will remove existance of tooltips but I don't know if you need auto completion suggestions or not.
Anyways, for tooltips you could try doing the same procedure I explained in the images above but with the "Parameter Information" checkbox and/or the corresponding keyboard shortcut, Edit.ParameterInfo. Because seems that html element tooltips are treated as parameter info.
This was annoying the Hell out of me as well & I found that ElektroStudios' solution wasn't suitable in my case. I'm fairly sure that they are VS-native (definitely not Web-Essentials or ReSharper).
For VS2015 at least, the offending tool-tips are located within the file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Web Tools\Schemas\1033\HTML\html.loc
Deleting the contents of this file has "disabled" the tool-tips for me, although I can't say whether this will be a permanent fix.

VS2010 Intellisense behavior change (not fixed by ctrl-alt-space)

All of a sudden I've lost automatic Intellisense in my projects. And now I'm doubting I ever had it because it's something I just took for granted.
Now, if I type in System. nothing pops up automatically until I hit ctrl-space.
I've tried the suggested "ctrl-alt-space" to toggle intellisense Completion Mode, but that only adds or removes a search box at the top of the Intellisense window, which I still have to bring up with "ctrl-space"
Am I crazy? Isn't the default mode of Intellisense to popup suggestions after you type in object. ?
It is a setting, it could be turned off if you recently played with an add-on that you subsequently uninstalled. For example. Tools + Options, Text Editor, All Languages. Ensure the "Auto list members" checkbox is ticked.
If you are using C#, go to Tools -> Text Editor -> C# -> IntelliSense. Make sure "Show completion list after a character is typed" is checked.

Customizing toolbar items in VS2010

Has the menu & toolbar customization functionality in VS2010 been reduced?
I can't seem to be able to select an icon for an added command, nor set it to be icon-only. Previous versions of Visual Studio supported this functionality and even allowed the creation/editing of custom icons.
Is this something that has suffered as a result of the move to the WPF-authored UI or am I missing something?
Seems like this functionality was cut from Visual Studio 2010. This post has some info in the comments: Customizing Visual Studio 2010
Specifically - "Unfortunately assigning or editing icons to commands through Customize dialog is not possible in VS2010. It is one of the features got cut for lack of time. This is however something we'll consider adding back in next version."
The reply also has a longer explanation of a workaround.
As noted in the link mentioned in the answer from #Gordon Mackie JoanMiro, the REASON for the reduced functionality is that the VS Shell team migrated the entire UI (shell and command system) from Win32 to one based solely on WPF. This was a gargantuan task, I would imagine. However, a couple workarounds are now available:
You can export previously saved settings from VS 2008 and import them into VS 2010. That includes command bar customizations (as noted by #Don)
A more recent blog-post contains detailed instructions for using a new extension to VS2010 (available on Visual Studio Gallery) that allows users to change the images on the command UI. (Note that the old drag&drop customization interface is still not supported in this new extension.)
If you have custom icons, any attempt to make ANY changes to the tool bar will result in the custom icons disappearing and being replaced by text when you restart VS2010.
The only way I found to get my custom icons without text into VS2010 is to open VS2008, set up all of the tool bars the way I want, including custom icons, then export the settings (Tools| Import and Export Settings). Then open VS2010 and import those settings. Tedious, I know, but it allows me to have a down arrow icon that searches for the next instance of the word my cursor is on.
I have been trying to customize VS2010 toolbars/keyboard and what took a few minutes in previous versions takes hours now. The new system looks real pretty but is useless in practice. Apart from the fact you just can't do (like change the appearance of buttons as mentioned above) the things you can do are extremely time-consuming and annoying.
Why is it every new version of VS loses something really useful? Other examples:
VC++5 introduced a new HTML help system. Pressing F1 on a function name used to immediately show help for that function. After VC++5 getting context help became annoyingly much slower, and is still very slow (and inaccurate).
VS.Net (aka VS2002 or VC++7) had a useless bookmark system compared to VC++6. VS2010 bookmarks are better but not perfect.
VS.Net removed the search state buttons "whole word", "case sensitive" etc. These were possibly the most useful buttons ever as they quickly allowed you to see why a search may have failed.
I found a great extension: CommandingImage
It does not have an icon editor, but you can create your images as 16x16 png format (for transparency) and import it (I recommend Paint.Net)
Dave, here's how to add toolbar buttons:
1) in the IDE, find the down arrow looking thing on the far right of a toolbar and click on Add Remove Buttons, Customize
2) in the Customize window select the Menu Bar radio button then select the appropriate menu bar that you want to add a button to
3) click the "Add Command..." button
4) select the appropriate Category and Command button that you want to add, then click OK.
The command button you selected will be added to the menu bar you selected. You can move the button up or down.
I think this is what you are looking for.
Good luck!
