Where is Git Repository in Aptana Studio 3? - windows

I am trying to use SmartGit as a GUI to manage local and remote Git repositories.
I do all of my local coding / edits in Aptana Studio 3 and use the Git version control that is installed with all of the defaults in that IDE.
What I want to be able to do is to import / browse the Git local repo that Aptana is making by using SmartGit and to use SmartGit to upload / browse / merge with a BitBucket Git repo.
But I cannot find the "local" (Aptana) repo files...
Crazy question and I have done all kinds of Google searches, SO searches, and file system searches trying every trick I can think of to find "needle" in "haystack" but all to no avail....where is the repo folder on Windows 7 Aptana Studio 3?

If you're referring to the location of the bundles, by default they are located in:
%USERPROFILE%\Aptana Rubles
The Aptana installation itself is located at:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Aptana Studio 3


Connect VS code with TFS on mac

How to connect Visual Studio Code on mac with Team Foundation Server(TFS).
Or any other way to connect with tfs?
This are the steps to effectively connect a TFS (TFVC) Repository to your VS Code on Mac:
Install Visual Studio Code for Mac (currently here: https://code.visualstudio.com/download).
Install the TFS extension for VS Code: Go to the Extensions tab in VS Code, Search for TFS and install.
Install TEE-CLC. Follow this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPNaEIVZfr0&feature=youtu.be.
Now you need to have a local TFVC Workspace on your machine. If you don't have one (as it was my case), you need to create it. The following steps are partially extracted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/21785438/2816119.
Create a local folder where you are going to download and locally store the source code.
Open a Terminal window.
Create a local workspace from your terminal window with the following command:
tf workspace -new MyWorkspace -collection:<<<http://full.URL.of/your/repository>>>
Map your repository folder to your local folder with the following command:
tf workfold -map '$/your/repository/folder/path' /your/local/folder/path -collection:<<<http://full.URL.of/your/repository>>> -workspace:MyWorkspace
If everything went well, you'll see a new sub-folder ".tf" in your local folder.
Open your local folder with VS Code. If everything went well you'll se after a few seconds the TFVC icons in the bottom bar:
To get the source code you'll need to go to the Source Control Tab -> Ellipsis (...) button -> Sync.
Once you press it you'll see a progress bar moving in the Source Control Tab and you'll see how the source code is downloaded to your local folder.
Now you can use your TFVC repository as described in their guides.
If something is not clear or you have questions please let me know. I'll try to help you :-)
Get the software
tee-clc (can be installed with HomeBrew), which depends on
Java 6, 7, or 8 (see How to install Java 8 on Mac -- as of this writing, Java 9 will not work.)
Create a workspace using tee-clc ("tf")
Tell tee-clc to remember your credentials (in OSX's Keychain) by adding this line to your .bash_profile. Then close and reopen your terminal or just paste the same command.
Accept the EULA.
tf eula
Create a workspace.
tf workspace -new MyCoolWorkspace -collection:https://my-server.example.com/tfs/DefaultCollection
Map a path on the server to a local folder.
tf workfold -map '$/Path/To/Folder' /path/to/your/local/folder -collection:https://your-server.example.com/tfs/DefaultCollection -workspace:MyCoolWorkspace
Get the code and store your password. Make sure you type your actual username; if you enter your_username here it may get stored in the OSX Keychain and tee-clc is really dumb about replacing it later.
cd /path/to/your/local/folder
tf get -login:your_username
If it works, it will download your code to that folder. You can also use the other commands.
Use the Azure Repos Extension on VS Code
Get the Azure Repos extension.
Add the following settings (CMD+,):
"tfvc.location": "/usr/local/bin/tf",
"tfvc.restrictWorkspace": true
Type which tf in Terminal to find out what the value for location should be. I'm not sure if "restrictWorkspace" is necessary. I got it from a comment on Github while I was troubleshooting.
Finally, open the folder containing your code. From the command palette (⌘+⇧+P) type Team: Signin. If that works, you can start using the other features in the plugin.
VS Code ships with a Git source control manager (SCM) extension. Most of the source control UI and work flows are common across SCM extensions.
More details please refer this tutorial:Using Version Control in VS Code
Note: VS Code will leverage your machine's Git installation, so you need to install Git first before you get these features. Make sure you install at least version 2.0.0.
You can connect to TFVC using the Visual Studio Team Services extension since version 1.116.0 (2017/04/12).
Note: You need Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 2 or later.
Check the below link. It is working fine for me
How to use TFS on a Mac
Steps to be followed:
Step 1: Install Eclipse
Step 2: Download and install the TFS everywhere plugin
Step 3: Checkout your solution using the eclipse to a local folder
Step 4: Open the solution in Visual studio and make the code changes
Step 5: Open eclipse and commit your changes.

xcode support TFS(Team Foundation Server) for version control on mac OS? & How to setup TFS on xcode?

My project just on my local no git or anyelse.
So can i use TFS with xcode on Mac OS? If yes, how to setup TFS on Xcode?
Yes, you can share your Xcode projects in TFS using both a Git repository and a TFVC repository.
Share your code in Git using Xcode:
Clone Git repository from TFS
Move your code into the local Git repository.
In Xcode, commit your changes locally.
Push your changes to your team project's repository.
Share your code in TFVC using Xcode:
Download and configure Git-tf
Add Git-tf and the Java runtime to your path.
Go to the root of your local repository.
To share your Git repository in TFS, configure the connection and check in your code.
After you commit changes to your local Git repository, and you're ready to share them in TFS, check them in.

Multiple versions of Git on my Windows PC?

On my Windows 8.1 PCs I have VS 2013, which has its own Git stuff baked into it. Per the "suggestion" made by the VS IDE, I installed the Git command line tools (the full Git package). This got me version 1.8.3.msysgit.0. Then I installed GitHub for Windows, which installs its own "local" version of Git (on my PC it's version 1.8.4.msysgit.0).
So now I effectively have 3 different versions of Git on my PC:
The equivalent version baked into VS 2013 (if I ask it to perform Git operations for me)
The 1.8.3 version I manually installed, with nifty Whindows shell integration so I can click on a file or folder in a repo and bring up git gui or git bash for that repo.
The 1.8.4 version baked into GitHub for Windows
And, I would assume that these Git versions will change over time as I install updates to these tools.
My question is: As I use these three different tools to fiddle with my repo, am I at risk of them not agreeing on the repo internal structure?
I just can't wrap my brain around the fact that my Windows box doesn't have a unique, single installation of Git that all three tools use. Rather, each tool has its own concept of the Git version, but I'm using all three tools on the same repository.
As I use these three different tools to fiddle with my repo, am I at risk of them not
agreeing on the repo internal structure?
No. The main internal structure (pack format) won't change so much it would become incompatible with older git 1.8 versions.
And you can have as many different version of Git on your computer: they are portable archives, that you can unzip anywhere.
The only limitation is in term of feature (like for instance, pushing to shallow repo, which is only possible since git 1.9.0)

How do I download an Xcode project From SVN?

I have been given SVN access to a repository which is in the form of svn://xxx/repo-name/trunk
How do I download the source code onto my local hard drive?
I have tried using the terminal on Mac with the following command:
#svn checkout svn://xxx:portnumber/repo-name/trunk
This does not seem to have helped.
I have also tried to use the Organizer in Xcode to setup the repository with no luck.
Also: if the project gets downloaded, is it saved in the root directory on my hard drive?

Using hardlinks when cloning a Mercurial repository under Windows

I am using Mercurial under Windows XP (using the TortoiseHg distribution) and I want to use NTFS hardlinks when cloning a repository. Out of the box Mercurial does not do this. I have read that a win32file python extension needs to be enabled. So far I have been unsuccessful in making this work (adding a win32file entry to the extensions section in mercurial.ini does not seem to work). Is there a simple way to enable it?
I think you'll need to install full Python and use the Mercurial source install. While TortiseHG's py2exe-compiled installation of Mercurial can load mercurial extensions just fine, it's my understanding that it won't let you swap out core python modules.
