How do I download an Xcode project From SVN? - xcode

I have been given SVN access to a repository which is in the form of svn://xxx/repo-name/trunk
How do I download the source code onto my local hard drive?
I have tried using the terminal on Mac with the following command:
#svn checkout svn://xxx:portnumber/repo-name/trunk
This does not seem to have helped.
I have also tried to use the Organizer in Xcode to setup the repository with no luck.
Also: if the project gets downloaded, is it saved in the root directory on my hard drive?


R studio can't find GIT repository on UNC drive, but I can GIT BASH there

I've got a git repository (an R studio project) on a drive (\ds\folder...) that worked fine. However, the admin of the hospital I work at updated my Windows version, and now when I open the project I see this in the terminal:
You can see that my repository is located on a network drive.
In Windows I'm able to just go to the directory of the project/repository, and Git Bash there, which gives me the following Bash terminal:
How can I get R Studio to also change the directory to the drive that my project is on? I've read on some solutions that involve mapping a local drive to the network drive, which I thought were hard to follow. I'm really not looking for a solution that would require me to do that manually every time I use the repository, because I do that daily.

Converting safari web extension from git repo not successful

I'm trying to convert a chrome web extension to a safari extension.
My environment is a Big Sur VM with XCode 12.5.1.
When I clone the extension's git repo ( and try to convert it with "xcrun safari-web-extension-converter skribbltypo" (from the parent folder), it only spits out the error "Unable to parse manifest at file:///..." (the path points correctly to the repo folder where the manifest lies within).
Web research tells that the issue either may be the folder being a zip (I unsuccessfully tried many ways of downloading the repo as zip, unpacking it, unpacking a signed crx,...) or the path not being correct (I also dragged the folder to the terminal and the file:/// path is correct), with no success.
Does this have to do something with the VM i'm running?
I can't believe I've done it wrong in so many ways.
I'd be glad if someone could try the process.
Thanks in advance.

Trying to commit XCode project to Github, but Github sees legit source tree as submodule

I'm trying to archive an XCode source tree in Github. Here's my current process for doing so:
Go to Github and create the private repository that will contain the code. Tell Github that it's an Objective-C application (so it creates the right .gitignore file).
git clone
cd xcode-repo
unzip ~/
git add .
git commit -m 'initial archival import'
git push
Visit for the repository.
Observe that the directory created by the unzip command now appears as a submodule.
I observe that the subdirectory referenced above does not contain a subordinate .git directory. I can't find any signal when searching for this on Google, Bing, or Stack Overflow. Anyone experience this before, and if so, what did you do to resolve the issue?
Thanks for any help folks can offer.
UPDATE: I thought I'd mentioned this earlier, but I either erased it for some reason, or just plain forgot. Apologies for my oversight! I am on a Linux computer, attempting to archive source code developed before I arrived on this project.
It's easier if you reverse the process. Instead of creating a repository in GitHub and cloning it, create your Xcode project first. When you create the project, there's a checkbox to create a local git repository.
Select that checkbox. After creating the project, put the project on GitHub.
If you're using Xcode 9, you can add your Xcode project to GitHub without leaving Xcode. Go to the source control navigator, select the Remotes folder, right-click, and choose Create Remote on GitHub. You can see screenshots and more detailed information in the following Stack Overflow question:
How to connect Xcode 9 and GitHub?
And the following article:
Xcode 9: Adding Your Project to GitHub
Since you're not on a Mac and don't have access to Xcode, you would be better off starting with Step 4. Unzip the Xcode project. Call git init to create a local repository for the Xcode project. Then go to GitHub, create the remote repository, and follow the instructions GitHub gives you to get the local repository on GitHub.

Xcode project - sync remote repository from github to Mac

I am working on a project at work and would like to work on it at home as well. I synced the Xcode project to a remote repository to github from my work's mac. I am wondering how I can get a copy on my home's mac and sync it so that I will be able to push commits and pull?
A simple
git clone https://....yourRepositoriy/ongithub
You have to run this with git installed from the Terminal
Should work and copy all files to your local machine

Can not check out SVN project with error working copy is too old

I try to check out the repo to a new computer but Smart SVN on mac os x claims that working copy format of ~/ProjectPath is too old '0'.I tried everththing that i found on the web.I upgraded svn to 1.7.6 and i also downloaded the lastest version of smart SVN but it really did not help.
svn upgrade says the following
svn: E155019: Can't upgrade '/Users/ilker/Desktop/CallingCard_v2.0' as it is not a pre-1.7 working copy directory
and svn cleanup says
svn: E200030: sqlite: no such table: wcroot
the only difference that i have on this machine is that i have mac os x 10.6.8 while other clients have at least 10.7.I think but it should not matter.
Did you try the svn checkout command to get a new working copy instead of trying to svn upgrade your current one ?
I have faced the slightly different situation that resulted in the same error.
I made checkout on a server that had almost 0% space free. The checkout downloaded the parent directory from SVN but not the content. When I freed disk space and made check out the issue was still there.
When I deleted the parent directory and made checkout again the issue disappeared.
So you may try deleting the checked out content and checkout again.
