Deploying CRM solution - dynamics-crm

Using the crm 2011 sdk samples I've written a C# routine in Visual Studio to deactivate all active records in a custom entity. Now I'd like to wire this routine to a custom button on ribbon (figured that one out using RibbonDiffXml) However I'm unsure how to go about deploying. Am I creating a dll to register with the plugin registration tool? Any guidance would be appreciated!

As I see it, you have two options:
Rewrite your code to use the Organization Service from JavaScript. You can put the code completely inside the button this way. However, this requires manually constructing the SOAP calls to the API. The SDK has a walkthrough for this.
Include your code in a plugin, create a custom entity that you can register this plugin against, and create an instance of that entity from the JavaScript that will fire when clicking your ribbon button. This is detailed in an answer to a similar question.

Here are even more alternative solutions:
Create a workflow plugin and trigger that workflow (that runs async in the background). Triggered manually, on an event or from a javascript.
Create a javascript but use the REST API or even better, use the CrmRestKit to deal with the REST-part and keep your scripts clean and easy to read and maintain.
Create an ASP.NET page (or silverlight control) that displays a dialog that shows a progress bar while the process is running.


Replicate the share email to microsoft teams function

I am currently investigating a way to share emails from our desktop application. Written in c# using .Net framework 4.7
We would like to use the same dialog that gets initiated when you use the "Share to Teams" button in outlook passing in the .eml file. The user would be responsible for selecting which people or channels to share to.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
We can succesfully build a simple url share using their launcher concepts, but this is pretty limited to the browser and doesn't support files
And there is nothing mentioned in their deep-links section on msdn to achieve this
If you're building your own desktop app experience anyway, why not use Graph for this? For instance, see . You'd need to do your own Search box, but you can do that on Graph also - here for instance is a channel listing endpoint (this example is for within a specific Team):

Is it possible to target Office Add-Ins in the Ribbon based on AD Properties?

I am trying to build a new add-in command (button) to add to the Home tab in the Outlook ribbon. This is easy enough to do, but my organization also wants to target the button based on properties in one's Active Directory profile (specifically department). Is this possible? Thank you so much!
This is pretty straightforward with desktop office add-ins (like VSTO). All you need to do is basically to get information about the currently logged in user organizational unit from the active directory, and then show/hide/modify buttons depending on this information.
From the tags on your question, it looks like this is NOT what you are looking for (please correct me if I am wrong)? The fact that you added "office365", probably means that you are interested in javascript (cloud/browser/store) solution?
For javascript-based add-ins, the part where you get the user department from its profile was impossible until recently. Now you may check out the Single-Sign-On API (added last year). It provides you information from user's Azure active directory profile, meaning that your organization is supposed to be part of it.
Another difficulty could be, dynamic display of the related buttons (showing/hiding/enabling/disabling) (I may be wrong, but it looks like it is still not supported for javascript). You can try to create a workaround for that by building a custom task pane instead (you can do whatever you want on your task pane)
--- update ---
In case of .NET VSTO add-in, you can get user groups using:
Then you can control which buttons/controls to show/hide by providing callback function(s) in your code and in your ribbon interface definition file (you need to define Ribbon using XML, not with UI designer). There are callbacks available like getVisible, getLabel, etc.

Custom form in Outlook Task is not syncing

My partner and I created a custom task form to be used in Outlook using the developer mode to do that, and we published it to the Organization Forms Library for anyone to open. We're running into issues that I personally can't seem to find on how to resolve:
Custom forms aren't syncing correctly.
When I complete out the custom form, and I assign it to someone else they might be missing details like the dates I picked from the date picker, and text within the text box are gone too. It's very odd that sometimes some would get all the details that an end-user would input but that's like a 1/8 chance. I feel like there's a disconnect where it just won't behave like any other task. Cache mode or no cache mode doesn't matter it seems. When the person assigns it back with changes made on their end, those changes aren't seen on my side. I just have the same original details that I made when I first made it. We're on Exchange Server 2010.
Looks like a custom form was not published correctly to others in the organization. Try to create a new Outlook item on other machines with your custom forms to make sure they were deployed correctly.
Note, message forms default to separate layouts for composing and reading. Many people find their first message form doesn't look right when they receive an item created with it. That's simply because they forgot to click the Edit Read Page button and customize the Read layout!
You may find the Customizing Outlook Message Forms article helpful.

Selenium IDE and telling it to record actions

I am trying to make a little application to allow to record actions within a Flash and Silverlight application. In such manner that you can compile your interactive application in test-mode and then be able to click on elements which then passed the action to Selenium IDE which then adds this command to the testcase.
I am curious if this even possible and how I can achieve this in Firefox?
There is a new plugin for Se-IDE called 'Flex Pilot X' which works with External Actions exposed through Flex Pilot. Adam Christian (who wrote it) demonstrated it at the SFSE meetup last month; which was recorded and viewable at

What about task lists and other web parts in Sharepoint?

I have the Ajax working on a custom web part written in Visual Studio and it works fine.
Question: I created a task list on the site and added it as a web part to the default page.
I would like that web part (task list) to also refresh asynchronously. I have opened it in Sharepoint designer, but I really don't know how to apply Ajax to it. Any suggestions, pointers towards blogs, demos, etc would be really appreciated.
I'm going to have to add a refresh button so it has a child control to trigger the refresh, which is fine. I just don't know how to get started.
