Tell Xcode to not use autolayout on project - xcode

Can I tell Xcode 4 that I do not use autolayout in a project?
At the moment, autolayout is on for every new xib created, which means I have to turn it off manually after creating one, and I don't want that.

That's a problem with Auto Layout. You can't set it off in the entire code. You need to get it, as G.H. made.
Right now it's not perfect, but I suggest you to start taking a look at the documentation. I also suggest you to watch the WWDC 2012 sessions videos, that cover this really great feature.


Are there any visual differences between WKWebView and UIWebView?

I wanted to migrate away from the deprecated UIWebView in Xamarin Forms iOS, and I read online that WKWebView is now the default in Xamarin Forms 4.x, and I was currently in 3.6.0.x.
So I decided to update hoping that the Webview would automatically update for me, but I realized there is no way to tell because I don't know what, and if there even is a difference in how the webviews look. I've looked online but can't find any side by side pictures of the same app/interface using WK vs. UI. Is there a difference at all?
The only difference I saw after updating, was that on one of the pages, the loading icon wouldn't disappear whereas it did after a couple of seconds in UI.
Welcome to StackOverflow! :)
The easiest way to answer this question is simply going to be to test it. To my knowledge, both UIWebView and WKWebView use the exact same underlying WebKit code/engine to render HTML content. There may be differences due to separate defaults and properties that one has vs. the other, but for the most part, they should be identical. But you shouldn't take my word for it! If you can, give it a try.

How to adjust project layout for multiple phones using auto-layout?

I have finalized my project and my mistake was that I left auto-layout to be done at the end, now I'm stucked in it and can't find anyway through to finalize my project.
My project layout was made based on Iphone 7 plus "xcode 8" and has 7 viewcontrollers. when I try to put constraints, the whole project collapse.
Anyone can support with any best practice that can help ?
It doesn't matter what device size you are viewing in xcode. Its default for all size classes. If you want to make different layout for specific size class than you use variations. Check this tutorial

How to fix: disabling size classes in Xcode 6.2 trashes storyboard UI but keeps guides

[EDITED] After spending a couple of days on a iPad app (utility s/w for myself; not for release), I accidentally clicked on disabling size classes in Xcode (6.2). I only want to turn off Auto Layout temporarily so I could figure out why my popover scene was not rendering.
Now, all the UI elements are gone but the guidelines for both the main scene and the popover scene are still around. History seemingly shows nothing that will bring back the UI elements. I closed the Xcode project and opened it again, but only the red guidelines are visible.
Has anyone run into this? Any idea how to fix this? [EDIT] I'm referring specifically to the UI elements and getting them all back -- else I'm going to have to spend a couple of hours reconstructing and positioning them. I browsed StackOverflow and Google Search but I've not seen any relevant suggestions.
First, when disabling auto layout it will disable the size classes as well.
I would suggest that you update your Xcode to 6.3. Then that will probably be gone.
Hope that helps :)
regarding the comment
First off I would print the frames of the UIElements to see whether they are still on the screen. (Using `println("(button.frame)")
Then, if they are not there, change their frames / centres) to somewhere on the screen.
If they are in the bounds, check their sizes to make sure they are large enough to be visible. If they are then make sure they are not hidden and their alpha is 1.
In storyboard you can open the side-bar and then change the element's position in the Attributes inspector as shown here:

Xcode 4.2 and new Tabbed Application Project

Can anyone help with Xcode 4.2 and the new tabbed application project? With Xcode 4.2, i create a new tabbed bar application, and it works as desired. However, it seems that instead of creating a new window and main.xib file that contains the tabviewcontroller, it sets everything in code within the appDelegate.
its easy to work with the tabbarcontroller via code and i have no problems setting up other tab items, however, i feel that my iOS development skills (they are new) are missing something as i would NOT even know if it was still possible to work with the tabviewcontroller graphically now in the way this project template has been setup.
Is there a way to work with the tabviewcontroller graphically? would i have to create a new main.xib file and link everything up to that? i'm still not strong enough in my skills to work out all the minute details but if that is the path that people suggest, i will look into it and try to figure it out.
I only want to work this out so i can fully understand whats going on now with Xcode 4.2, I have no unrelenting desire to only work with the tab bar controller graphically, but am curios as to why i cannot find it (or if i should)... just trying to get my head around how these things should be working.
You should use the Single-View Application template.
HEre you can add graphically that control

Port storyboard to iOS4

I'm a fan of Xcode's new storyboarding, but I'm annoyed it won't work on iOS4. I understand why it won't work, because it relies on new classes added to the iOS5 framework. However, it would be cool to be able to port a storyboard back to iOS4 somehow. A tool that outputted xib files for the individual stories, and code generation for segues.
If anyone knows of anyone else doing something in this area, I'd be interested in using it, since my app needs to support iOS4, but I'd like to move forward with Storyboarding. Can i have my cake and eat it too?
Nope you cant. Ended up gutting the storyboarding and going back to individual xibs.
