Server Side Sorting using Mongoose (mongodb + node.js) - sorting

I am trying to sort based on a function. I am currently doing the following, and it works.
var _criteria = ... some search criteria
var _pageNumber = ... the page num I want to see
var _nPerPage = ... the number of documents per page
var _sort = {}; = ... the column name I am sorting on
_sort.order = ... asc or desc sort
.execFind(function (err, docs) {
Now I would like to sort based on some function that takes in a user input:
var sortFunc = function(x){ return (x - doc.score); };
// where doc.score is an attribute of the document I am searching on
// and x is a user provided value
and I can't find a way to do this. I tried to eval this function as follows:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mdb = mongoose.connect(uri);
var myfunc = function(x){ return x; };
mdb.connection.db.eval( myfunc, "asdf", function (err, retval) {
console.log('err: '+err);
console.log('retval: '+retval);
but I get the following error:
err: Error: eval failed: db assertion failure
retval: null
Any help on this would be awesome.
Thanks a lot

I think you need do like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connection.on("open", function(err){
mongoose.connection.db.eval("function(x){ return x; }", "asdf", function (err, retval) {
console.log('err: '+err);
console.log('retval: '+retval);
This can work on my PC. You must ensure that the connection is available.


How to add custom success message in Mocha tests?

I have a loop inside a test case where I repeat a part of the test for each data sample.
How can I add a custom sucess message indicating that specific data, representing a test case, was sucessful?
For instance, my code is like:
it('Should not allow saving bad data: ', async function () {
let badData = TestDataProvider.allData.invalid;
for (let i = 0; i < badData.length; i++) {
let d = badData[i];
let res = await'/data').send(d);
let object = null;
try {
object = JSON.parse(res.text);
} catch (e) {
object = {};
console.log('Verified case: ' + d.testDesc);
I want the "Verified case..." message to appear as successful test runs and not console messages in reports.
The testDesc attribute holds test description like: "Missing field a", "Invalid property b", "Missing field c".
I solved the problem creating dynamic tests:
const allData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('data.json'), 'utf8'));
allData.invalid.forEach((badData) => {
it('Should not allow saving with: ' + badData.testDesc, async () => {
let res = await'/data').send(badData);
let d = null;
try {
d = JSON.parse(res.text);
} catch (e) {
d = {};

(AWS) Getting RDS state via Lambda

I've been trying to retrieve the state of an RDS instance via Lambda in RDS, and I keep coming up short because I can't parse the response. I know I'm totally missing something here that's obvious. Here is the code:
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var rdsparams = {
DBInstanceIdentifier: 'mysql1'
module.exports = (instanceId) => {
var rds = new AWS.RDS();
var params = {
DBInstanceIdentifier: instanceId
var rdsResponse = rds.describeDBInstances(rdsparams, function (err,
data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else console.log(data); // successful response
var resultData = {};
rds.describeDBInstances(rdsparams, function(err, data) {
if (err)
return context.done(err, null);
var rdsarray = {};
var rdsarray = (data);
var ins = rdsarray[0];
console.log("Status: " + ins.DBInstanceStatus);
There's a lot going on with your code there!
The specific problem is that data isn't an array. Take a look at the response from the docs here:
The array of returned values is in data.DBInstances. So those last few lines might be:
var rdsarray = data.DBInstances;
var ins = rdsarray[0];
console.log("Status: " + ins.DBInstanceStatus);

Parse Cloud - Get user informations by objectId

I'm trying to get user lang from User class in Parse Cloud. lang is one of the columns in User class. I wanna get lang of the user. My entire Cloud Code is as following (it didn't work):
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('Order', function(request, response) {
var orderState = request.object.get('orderState');
var subtitleMessage = '';
var userLang = '';
var currentUser = request.object.get('user');
var userQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
userLang = result.get('lang');
if (orderState === undefined || ['nonApproved', 'approved', 'delivered', 'canceled'].indexOf(orderState) < 0) {
response.error("OrderState is null or not one the ['nonApproved', 'approved', 'delivered', 'canceled']!");
} else {
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
query.equalTo('user', request.object.get('user'));
where: query,
data: {
title: "MyTitle",
alert: subtitleMessage
success: function() {
error: function(error) {
useMasterKey: true
The answer from Jake T. has some good points. Based on his answer and your comment on the question, you could try something like this:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('Order', function(request, response) {
var currentUser = request.object.get('user');
currentUser.fetch({useMasterKey: true}).then(function(user) {
var userLang = user.get('lang');
// send push notifications based on userLang here
}).catch(function(error) {
// handle any errors here
Verify you actually have a User object shell from request.object.get("user"); And, if you do, you can just call currentUser.fetch() instead of performing a query, unless there are other objects you may need to include.
Since you used a query, the result is an array, even if there is only a single object returned (or none, it would be simply []). So, you're doing Array.get("lang"), which shouldn't do anything. Try if( results && results.length > 0 ) user = results[0];, then you should be able to access user.get("lang");
You should have ACL / CLP's set up for your User class. Ideally, these should not be accessible by people who are not the user or master. So, if that is set up properly, your solution may be passing {useMasterKey:true} as an option to the query / fetch.

Get Data from Promises

I am trying to use promises to retrieve job data as well as user relation data associated with the job. I have a function that returns promises but not job data. How do I get the job & employee information from the returned promises?
Logically I want to:
1) Query Parse to get array of jobs
2) For each job, query Parse again to get the employee relation information
3) Create local object that contains job & employee details
4) Add each job object to local array
5) Load table with array of objects once all information has been retrieved from Parse
I can do steps 1-4 but I can't figure out how to wait until all information has been retrieved from Parse to refresh the local table.
function getJobPromises (){
var promises = [];
var Job = Parse.Object.extend("Job");
var query = new Parse.Query(Job);
query.equalTo("company", company);
query.notEqualTo("isDeleted", true);
query.limit(1000); // raise limit to max amount
query.find().then(function(results) {
// Create a trivial resolved promise as a base case.
var promise =;
_.each(results, function(result) {
// For each item, extend the promise with a function to add it to the job array
promise = promise.then(function() {
// Return a promise that will be resolved when the job details have been added to the array
var object = result;
allJobDataArray = promises;
return Parse.Promise.when(promises);
}).then(function() {
// Every job has been retrieved
console.log("All items have been returned. Refresh table...");
The function that does the relational query to get the users associated with the job
function getEmployeeName(jobObject) {
var employeeNameArray = [];
//Query to get array of employees for the passed in job
var rQuery = jobObject.relation("employee");
return rQuery.query().find({
success: function(employees){
//Get employees full name for each job
for (var i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
var objEmployee = employees[i];
var fullName = objEmployee.get("fullName");
error: function(error){
It is now working thanks to #eduardo
I have a public array to hold the job objects.
var jobObjectsArray = [];
In the getEmployeeName function I am creating the job objects and adding them to that array
function getJobPromises (){
var promises = [];
var Job = Parse.Object.extend("Job");
var query = new Parse.Query(Job);
query.equalTo("company", company);
query.notEqualTo("isDeleted", true);
query.limit(1000); // raise limit to max amount
query.find().then(function(results) {
_.each(results, function(result) {
return Parse.Promise.when(promises);
}).then(function(allJobDataArray) {
// allJobDataArray should be actually an Array of Array
function getEmployeeName(jobObject) {
var employeeNameArray = [];
//Query to get array of employees for the passed in job
var rQuery = jobObject.relation("employee");
return new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
success: function(employees){
//Get employees full name for each job
for (var i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
var objEmployee = employees[i];
var fullName = objEmployee.get("fullName");
var objAllJobs = new Object();
objAllJobs["jobId"] =;
objAllJobs["location"] = jobObject.get("location");
objAllJobs["startTime"] = jobObject.get("startTime");
objAllJobs["employee"] = employeeNameArray;
error: function(error){
There was a few incorrect uses of the promise concept. I will go through them, but first here is the final code:
function getJobPromises (){
var promises = [];
var Job = Parse.Object.extend("Job");
var query = new Parse.Query(Job);
query.equalTo("company", company);
query.notEqualTo("isDeleted", true);
query.limit(1000); // raise limit to max amount
query.find().then(function(results) {
_.each(results, function(result) {
return Parse.Promise.when(promises);
}).then(function(allJobDataArray) {
// allJobDataArray should be actually an Array of Array
function getEmployeeName(jobObject) {
var employeeNameArray = [];
//Query to get array of employees for the passed in job
var rQuery = jobObject.relation("employee");
return rQuery.query().find({
success: function(employees){
//Get employees full name for each job
for (var i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
var objEmployee = employees[i];
var fullName = objEmployee.get("fullName");
return employeeNameArray;
error: function(error){
"" should be used only if you have a value that you want to return as a promise. Something like:"my value").then(function(foo) {
console.log(foo) // "my value"
So if your "getEmployeeName" function is returning a promise, which means that this "rQuery.query().find" returns a promise, you don't have to create a new promise or use the "", it is already a promise and you can push it to the promises array.
Another problem was that you were not return anything in the "getEmployeeName" method callback. Take a look into my version, I'm returning "employeeNameArray".
My version will only work if this "rQuery.query().find" method returns a promise. If that is not the case, you can create a new promise using its callbacks like this:
function getEmployeeName(jobObject) {
var employeeNameArray = [];
//Query to get array of employees for the passed in job
var rQuery = jobObject.relation("employee");
return new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
success: function(employees){
//Get employees full name for each job
for (var i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
var objEmployee = employees[i];
var fullName = objEmployee.get("fullName");
error: function(error){
Please notice this "new Promise()" depends on the browser support of Promise, I don't know if Parse has an equivalent. Anyways you can use it with a polyfill that implements the necessary code if the browser has no support.
More about standard promises:
Hope this helps.

queryformat and Railo

Apologies if I'm haven't found it in the documentation yet...
Q: How do you change the queryformat for an ajax call in Railo?
Here's my component:
component {
remote function Read() returnformat='json' {
svc = new Query();
obj = svc.execute();
local.result.Prefix = obj.getPrefix();
local.result.qry = obj.getResult();
url.queryFormat = "column";
return local.result;
and here's my JavaScript:
(function() {
var local = {};
local.type = 'POST';
local.url = 'AJAX.cfc';
local.dataType = 'json'; = {}; = 'Read';
local.Promise = $.ajax(local);
function done(response) {
function fail(xhr,status,response) {
What I'm getting back is:
response.qry.DATA[] // 57 arrays, each of length 4
But ColdFusion returns this, which I've grown fond of using (being able to use the column names instead of the array position):
response.qry.DATA.TABLE_CATALOG[] // An array of 57 elements
Use ReturnFormat="plain" on the function, and pass true for the 2nd argument of serializeJson()
serializeJson(Query, true)
That will give you a JSON object that is serialized by Column, so you can just return it.
