How to add custom success message in Mocha tests? - mocha.js

I have a loop inside a test case where I repeat a part of the test for each data sample.
How can I add a custom sucess message indicating that specific data, representing a test case, was sucessful?
For instance, my code is like:
it('Should not allow saving bad data: ', async function () {
let badData = TestDataProvider.allData.invalid;
for (let i = 0; i < badData.length; i++) {
let d = badData[i];
let res = await'/data').send(d);
let object = null;
try {
object = JSON.parse(res.text);
} catch (e) {
object = {};
console.log('Verified case: ' + d.testDesc);
I want the "Verified case..." message to appear as successful test runs and not console messages in reports.
The testDesc attribute holds test description like: "Missing field a", "Invalid property b", "Missing field c".

I solved the problem creating dynamic tests:
const allData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('data.json'), 'utf8'));
allData.invalid.forEach((badData) => {
it('Should not allow saving with: ' + badData.testDesc, async () => {
let res = await'/data').send(badData);
let d = null;
try {
d = JSON.parse(res.text);
} catch (e) {
d = {};


Vonage browser to browser audio call return some error

I am using Laravel, and trying add browser to browser audio calling. I am using Vonage (Tookbox) API for this, but I am getting some error.
here is my code:
async function audioCall() {
var publisher;
var targetElement = 'publisher';
var pubOptions = {publishAudio:true, publishVideo:false};
publisher = OT.initPublisher(targetElement, pubOptions, function(error) {
if (error) {
alert("The client cannot publish.");
} else {
console.log('Publisher initialized.');
// Setting an audio source to a new MediaStreamTrack
const stream = await OT.getUserMedia({
videoSource: null
const [audioSource] = stream.getAudioTracks();
publisher.setAudioSource(audioSource).then(() => console.log('Audio source updated'));
// Cycling through microphone inputs
let audioInputs;
let currentIndex = 0;
OT.getDevices((err, devices) => {
audioInputs = devices.filter((device) => device.kind === 'audioInput');
// Find the right starting index for cycleMicrophone
audioInputs.forEach((device, idx) => {
if (device.label === publisher.getAudioSource().label) {
currentIndex = idx;
const cycleMicrophone = () => {
currentIndex += 1;
let deviceId = audioInputs[currentIndex % audioInputs.length].deviceId;
This code return an error on console:
Uncaught SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and the top level bodies of modules
I believe the issue is that you have
device.kind === 'audioInput'
and I'm pretty sure device.kind comes out like 'audioinput' (all lowercase).
That would make audioInputs empty (try to console.log it to verify) and gives you the error because there is no device.
device.kind.toLowerCase() === 'audioinput'
Hope it works out.

Jasmine: Expected spy <function> to have been called error

In my angular application, I am trying to write a test case for following scenario but getting error 'Expected spy reinvite to have been called.'. Im testing on "jasmine-core: ^2.5.2 and "karma: ^1.3.0". I have written similar test cases and they passed without error.
In my controller file:
function reinvite() {
var emailsToReInvite = $$scope.settingsData.userSettingsDetails, function(user) {
if (emailsToReInvite.length >= 1) {
var invitation = { invitees: emailsToReInvite, listId: listId};
invitation = JSON.stringify(invitation);
function success(response) {
if([0].code == 214){
$scope.showReinviteSuccess = true;
$scope.showReinviteSuccess = false;
And my spec file:
describe('settingsModalController', function() {
var controllerUnderTest = "settingsModalController";
var controllerResolver, rootScope, injector, $scope, inviteCollaboratorsModalDataService
inject(function($controller, $rootScope, $injector){
controllerResolver = $controller;
rootScope = $rootScope;
injector = $injector;
$scope = rootScope.$new();
inviteCollaboratorsModalDataService = injector.get('uiCommon.inviteCollaboratorsModalDataService');
it("should send re-invitation mail to selected users successfully", shouldReinviteSelectedUsers);
function shouldReinviteSelectedUsers() {
var $q = injector.get('$q');
$scope.settingsData = {
userSettingsDetails: [{email: ''}]
var data = {
messages: [ { code: 214 }],
invite: {
invitation: $scope.settingsData
var response = { data: data };
var mockResult = new $q.defer();
spyOn(inviteCollaboratorsModalDataService, 'reinvite').and.returnValue(mockResult.promise);
controllerResolver(controllerUnderTest, { $scope: $scope });
$scope.showReinviteSuccess = true;
What am i doing wrong or what am i missing? Thanks in advance.
Ok, so i missed one variable to add in $scope.settingsData in my spec file which was why my spec code was not parsing into the first 'if' loop of the controller. Got it working by adding 'reInviteChecked: true' in:
$scope.settingsData = {
userSettingsDetails: [{email: '', reInviteChecked: true}]

channel.on not recognized as a function in Twilio API

I have the following function in a ReactJS app that is supposed to initialize the Twilio services that I am using. However, it seems like the Twilio channels are not being accessed correctly. Here is my code:
componentDidMount() {
let chatClient = this;
method: "GET",
url: 'get_twilio_token',
data: {device: chatClient.device},
success: (data) => {
let accessManager = new Twilio.AccessManager(data.token);
//let messagingClient = new Twilio.Chat.Client(data.token);
let messagingClient = new Twilio.Chat.Client.create(data.token).then(client => {
client.getUserChannelDescriptors().then(channels => {
let channelsHash = {};
console.log('inside callback of messagingClient2') => {
channel.on('messageAdded', () => {})
channelsHash[channel.uniqueName] = channel;
This function throws an error message saying TypeError: channel.on is not a function in the line channel.on('messageAdded', () => {}).
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
getUserChannelDescriptors() returns ChannelDescriptors not Channels. To get Channel you have to call getChannel for the descriptor:
This is how I've done it
async function getChannels() {
// Initialize the chat client
this.chatClient = new Chat(this.state.twilioToken);
await this.chatClient.initialize();
// Get channel descriptors
this.chatClient.getUserChannelDescriptors().then(paginator => {
let channels = [];
let channelsBulkFetch = [];
if (paginator.items.length) {
channels = paginator.items;
// Loop through all channels and call getChannel() for each cahnnel
for (let i = 0; i < paginator.items.length; i++) {
// Loop through each channel detailed object and perform various operations => {
// Do whatever you want with channel object
channel.on('messageAdded', this.messageAdded);
And for sorted channels with respective to last message timestamp
async function getSortedChannels() {
// Initialize the chat client
this.chatClient = new Chat(this.state.twilioToken);
await this.chatClient.initialize();
// Get channel descriptors
this.chatClient.getUserChannelDescriptors().then(paginator => {
let channels = [];
let sortedChannels = [];
let channelsBulkFetch = [];
if (paginator.items.length) {
channels = paginator.items;
// Loop through all channels and call getChannel() for each cahnnel
for (let i = 0; i < paginator.items.length; i++) {
* Additional part for sorting
sortedChannels = channels.sort(function (a, b) {
// Turn strings into dates, and then subtract them
// If channel doesn't have any message consider the dateDreated for sorting
return new Date(b.lastMessage ? b.lastMessage.timestamp : b.dateCreated) - new Date(a.lastMessage ? a.lastMessage.timestamp : a.dateCreated);
// Loop through each channel detailed object and perform various operations => {
// Do whatever you want with channel object
channel.on('messageAdded', this.messageAdded);

Server Side Sorting using Mongoose (mongodb + node.js)

I am trying to sort based on a function. I am currently doing the following, and it works.
var _criteria = ... some search criteria
var _pageNumber = ... the page num I want to see
var _nPerPage = ... the number of documents per page
var _sort = {}; = ... the column name I am sorting on
_sort.order = ... asc or desc sort
.execFind(function (err, docs) {
Now I would like to sort based on some function that takes in a user input:
var sortFunc = function(x){ return (x - doc.score); };
// where doc.score is an attribute of the document I am searching on
// and x is a user provided value
and I can't find a way to do this. I tried to eval this function as follows:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mdb = mongoose.connect(uri);
var myfunc = function(x){ return x; };
mdb.connection.db.eval( myfunc, "asdf", function (err, retval) {
console.log('err: '+err);
console.log('retval: '+retval);
but I get the following error:
err: Error: eval failed: db assertion failure
retval: null
Any help on this would be awesome.
Thanks a lot
I think you need do like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connection.on("open", function(err){
mongoose.connection.db.eval("function(x){ return x; }", "asdf", function (err, retval) {
console.log('err: '+err);
console.log('retval: '+retval);
This can work on my PC. You must ensure that the connection is available.

Firefox, Mozilla validator error

I am getting this one error when I use the Mozilla validator:
This is the JS file:
const STATE_START = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START;
const STATE_STOP = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP;
// Version changes:
// It used to get the lists from a PHP file, but that was putting too much of a strain on the servers
// now it uses xml files.
// Randomizes the servers to load balance
// Mozilla editor suggested no synchronous file gets, so changed it to asynchronous
// Added one more server to help with the updates (
// Edited some redirect code that some idiots were spreading FUD about.
var xmlDoc = null;
var quickFilter_100_count_redirect_url='';
var countXmlUrl = 0;
//var xmlUrl = '';
var xmlUrl = new Array(4);
xmlUrl[0] = '';
xmlUrl[1] = '';
xmlUrl[2] = '';
xmlUrl[3] = '';
xmlUrl.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random()})
var realXmlUrl = xmlUrl[countXmlUrl];
var notificationUrl = '';
var root_node = null;
var second_node = null;
var timervar = null;
var mafiaafireFilterUrl = '';
//Calling the interface for preferences
var prefManager = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
var quickfilter_mafiaafire =
// get the domain name from the current url
var urlbar = window.content.location.href;
domain_name_parts = urlbar.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1].split('.');
if(domain_name_parts.length >= 3){
domain_name_parts[0] = '';
var dn = domain_name_parts.join('.');
if(dn.indexOf('.') == 0)
return dn.substr(1);
return dn;
// send ajax request to server for loading the xml
request_xml:function ()
http_request = false;
http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (http_request.overrideMimeType) {
if (!http_request)
return false;
http_request.onreadystatechange = this.response_xml;'GET', realXmlUrl, true);
xmlDoc = http_request.responseXML;
// receive the ajax response
response_xml:function ()
if (http_request.readyState == 4)
if(http_request.status == 404 && countXmlUrl<=3)
realXmlUrl = xmlUrl[countXmlUrl];
if (http_request.status == 200)
xmlDoc = http_request.responseXML;
var urlBar = window.content.location.href;
//check if url bar is blank or empty
if (urlBar == 'about:blank' || urlBar == '' || urlBar.indexOf('http')<0)
return false;
//1. get domain
processing_domain = this.get_domain_name();
//Couldn't fetch the XML config, so returning gracefully
if(xmlDoc == null)
return false;
root_node = '';
// Parsing the xml
root_node = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('filter');
second_node = '';
second_node = root_node[i];
if(second_node.getElementsByTagName('realdomain')[0].firstChild.nodeValue == processing_domain)
mafiaafireFilterUrl = '';
mafiaafireFilterUrl = second_node.getElementsByTagName('filterdomain')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
timervar = setTimeout("quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl()",1500);
//window.content.location.href = second_node.getElementsByTagName('filterdomain')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
//timervar = setInterval("quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl(quickfilter_mafiaafire.filterUrl)",1000);
// This function is called for showing the notification
// Firefox default notification interface
var notificationBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox();
notificationBox.appendNotification('You are being redirected', "", "chrome://quickfilter/content/filter.png", notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, [{
accessKey: '',
label: ' click here for details',
callback: function() {
// Showing the notification Bar
window.content.location.href = notificationUrl;
var qucikFilterRedirectCount = '';
//Read the value from preferrences
qucikFilterRedirectCount = prefManager.getCharPref("extensions.quickfilter_redirect_count");
if(qucikFilterRedirectCount % 15 == 0)
// Disable for now, can comment this entire section but this is the easier fix incase we decide to enable it later
//window.content.location.href = quickFilter_100_count_redirect_url+"?d="+mafiaafireFilterUrl;
window.content.location.href = mafiaafireFilterUrl;
window.content.location.href = mafiaafireFilterUrl;
qucikFilterRedirectCount = parseInt(qucikFilterRedirectCount)+1;
var quickfilter_urlBarListener = {
QueryInterface: function(aIID)
if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) ||
aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
//Called when the location of the window being watched changes
onLocationChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aURI)
// This fires when the location bar changes; that is load event is confirmed
// or when the user switches tabs. If you use myListener for more than one tab/window,
// use aProgress.DOMWindow to obtain the tab/window which triggered the change.
//Notification indicating the state has changed for one of the requests associated with aWebProgress.
onStateChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aFlag, aStatus)
if(aFlag & STATE_START)
// This fires when the load event is initiated
if(aFlag & STATE_STOP)
// This fires when the load finishes
//Notification that the progress has changed for one of the requests associated with aWebProgress
onProgressChange: function() {},
//Notification that the status of a request has changed. The status message is intended to be displayed to the user.
onStatusChange: function() {},
//Notification called for security progress
onSecurityChange: function() {},
onLinkIconAvailable: function() {}
var quickfilter_extension = {
init: function()
//Initiating the progressListerner
gBrowser.addProgressListener(quickfilter_urlBarListener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT);
//Load the block list xml form server
uninit: function()
// Remove the progressListerner
// window.addEventListener("load", function () { TheGreatTest1.onFirefoxLoad(); }, false);
// this function is Called on window Onload event
window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
}, false);
window.addEventListener("unload", function(e) {
}, false);
Can you tell me how to squash that error please?
It looks like the offending line is setTimeout("quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl()",1500);
The setTimeout function can take a string (which then essentially gets eval'd) or a function (which gets called). Using a string is not recommended, for all the same reasons that using eval is not recommended. See
In this case, the simplest fix would be to change it to setTimeout(function() { quickfilter_mafiaafire.redirectToAnotherUrl(); },1500);
