Convert Website Project to Web Application Project via Visual Studio 2013 [duplicate] - visual-studio

I am managing an old web application which still has legacy code from Framework 1 (would you believe it), currently on Framework 4.0.
As and when I need to fix or upgrade a web page, I convert it to a web application web page by clicking "Convert to Web Application".
VS 2013 doesn't appear to have the same menu item. Am I missing something?

It's been moved to the 'Project' menu towards the bottom after selecting the project or folder:

Open your .sln file i.e. solution file
change the below lines
1) From ,Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
to, Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
2) From, TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.5"
To, TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.0"

MSDN has a walkthrough on converting manually.


Windows Service Template for Visual Studio 2017

The Windows Service Template no longer displays by-default for new projects in Visual Studio 2017....and the installer has no 'search' capability.
All this AZURE stuff is great, but I still gotta do normal 'on-prem' work too...and I hate maintaining 2 versions of Visual Studio.
Any thoughts here?
Just checked here. I see project "Windows Service (.NET Framework)" under the Windows Classic Desktop folder under Visual C#.
(Visual Basic has a similar entry.)
Only some templates are shown in parent folders, for more specialist templates you need to be more specific.
But also the search finds both.
NB I selected ".NET Desktop" workload on install, which I see you have not.
Check the .NET desktop development option in the installer, then click Modify.
VS2017 --> New project --> Visual Basic or Visual C# --> Windows Classic Desktop --> Windows Service
Also check out this recent post (currently dated 2017-3-30) from MS to do it without the project template:
How to: Write Services Programmatically
The key points are as follows:
Create a new project
Add "System.dll" and "System.ServiceProcess.dll" as References
Create a class inheriting from ServiceBase and create a Program.cs with Main exactly like the template project does
If you are talking Windows Template Studio Universal then You have to install the extension in Visual Studio.
Go to Tools menu >> Extensions & Updates >> Online >>then search for Windows Template Studio
OR go to

Visual Studio 2013 Missing Convert To Web Application

I am managing an old web application which still has legacy code from Framework 1 (would you believe it), currently on Framework 4.0.
As and when I need to fix or upgrade a web page, I convert it to a web application web page by clicking "Convert to Web Application".
VS 2013 doesn't appear to have the same menu item. Am I missing something?
It's been moved to the 'Project' menu towards the bottom after selecting the project or folder:
Open your .sln file i.e. solution file
change the below lines
1) From ,Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
to, Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
2) From, TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.5"
To, TargetFrameworkMoniker = ".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.0"
MSDN has a walkthrough on converting manually.

Can't open EDMX-file in designer

It opens as XML file only.
In MS VS 2010 Ultimate + SP1.
I need to open it in model-designer.
What can I do??
On the file in the solution explorer try
Right Click > Open With > ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
I've came across the same problem in Visual Studio 2015,i tried to open the file with
Right Click > Open With > ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
and the option is not there.From there i realized my installation of Visual Studio 2015 must be without some components, so i went back to setup and installed Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools and Microsoft Web Developer Tools.Finally it worked ! The options are there when you open from solution and the file can be opened
Components that i added
Adds references to the System.Data, System.Data.Entity, System.Core, System.Security, and System.Runtime.Serialization assemblies to the project, if they do not already exist.

VS 2010 Error: ...csproj Cannot Be Opened

I'm trying to launch a project created by someone else in my local environment. I'm currently using the following products:
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate version 10.0.40219.1 SP1 Rel
Windows 7 Ultimate
But when I double click on the .sln file I get the following error:
C:\Users...\Desktop\ContactManager\ContactManager\ContactManager.csproj : error : The project file 'C:\Users...\Desktop\ContactManager\ContactManager\ContactManager.csproj' cannot be opened.
The project type is not supported by this installation.
Please help me load my project. :)
Thank you,
Turns out that I just needed to install MVC version 3. I guess the project that I was trying to open is using MVC3 and my machine only had 2 as you can see in my environment list above. I'm glad I was able to fix this BUT give me a better error message for crying out loud. Sheesh. ;)
I've come across this before. In my case, I had installed Microsoft SQL Server and, more importantly, BIDS. Whenever I would open a project that was created in VS2008, the VS version selector would identify this as a 2008 project and BIDS would try to open it (and this error would occur). What I did as a work-around is I would right-click on the .sln file and use the "Open With" to select VS2010. If that also works for you, you can change your defaults for what opens .sln files.
Another way to test this is to open VS2010 and then use the "Open Solution" menu option to open your solution. If this method works, you know the issue is the default program that is opening your .sln files.
In my case project needs to have MVC3 so at first i checked i have MVC3 template in Visual Studio 2010 (service pack 1 installed). I downloaded MVC3 installer frowm following link:
After installing my issue get resolved.

How to Manually Start Visual Studio Conversion Wizard

I want to convert my .NET Website that is currently in .NET Framework version 3.5 SP 1 to 4.0. Now you get a conversion wizard when you open a VS 2008 solution in VS 2010. The wizard will convert the solution to 2010 and at the same time can convert the projects to .NET 4.0. I already converted my solution to VS 2010 but did not at the time convert to .NET 4.0. Does anyone know how to start the VS Conversion Wizard manually? According to this article it should start when you open the solution, that is not the case for me.
Thanks for your help!
The wizard converts solutions and projects from previous VS versions to the current one. It will not open again, because you already converted it to VS2010.
To change to .NET 4.0:
Right-click on the project in your Solution Explorer, and click "Properties".
Switch to the "Compile" tab.
Click the "Advanced Compile Options..." button.
Change the Target Framework to ".NET Framework 4."
AFAIK, The wizard doesn't do anything that switching target type in the project won't do. You might not get the option to back up, but you're already doing versioning, right?
To amend the Framework target, i went to the property pages of the site > build tab > updated the target framework. It re-built the web site successfully for me.
