How to use ncalc in a wp7 app? - windows-phone-7

i am new to wp7 programming and c# and i want to use a mathematical parser for my app.
I found ncalc that everyone says it works great for windows phone,
but i don't know how to use it inside my app.I have downloaded the binaries and i added them in my app but when i use a simple expression like this:
Expression e = new Expression("2 + 3 * 5");
Debug.Assert(17 == e.Evaluate());
it gives me a bunch of errors.Someone who have used ncalc could tell me how he made it work?
I searched the internet but i couldn't find something.Please help me...

I'm actually having a similar issue (trying ncalc) and basically it seems like you can't use a .Net runtime with the windows phone/silver light project. You'll need to get the source code and recompile under a windows phone class library project.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get this working yet since ncalc source code uses another dll antlr3.runtime with the same issue. Running in circles. If i find another way or anyone has any ideas or links please post.
stack overflow link on the same issue by someone else


Windows 10 Mobile: Accessing device log (like logcat on Android)

I'm trying to find a way to view the device log of a Windows 10 Mobile Device.
I have already searched my way through various forums but it seems to be very new topic not many have come across so far.
So my question is:
How do I do this?
I'm looking for something vaguely equivalent to Android Studio's Logcat.
I know my way around in Visual Studio, I hoped there would be some way to do it via the debug console, but as far as I know that thing is limited to the current app you are developing.
Any help would be nice. I'm kind of lost here.
Currently there is no equivalent of Logcat.
But I can advise you some alternatives:
1) Visual Studio Console: you can display information from the code directly on the Visual Studio console. To do it just add below line to the fragment of your code:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("This is information to be displayed on the VS Console...");
You can also change the color of the font:
a. For example for errors you can set it to be RED:
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
If you need some more complex solution you can try Microsoft HockeyApp.
With this tool you can measure performance of your app. Not only bugs but also how many users use your app (they can even contact you to report errors).
Third solutuion here is to use this official Logging APIs samples avilable on GitHub:
Hope this wil help you.

What is the best source of windows form applications?

I want to learn windows form applications but ı didnt find a source.I need help.Yesterday ı found some sentence which one textbox1->text=.... or x=converto.Int32 something like theese.Also my knowledge of win app is 0.Can anybody suggest a source please?
For Windows Form Application Development your best source for information would be MSDN. Here's another link for Getting Started with Windows Forms
Hope that helps.

Auto-update with Windows Phone 7 and PhoneGap

I'm thinking of developing a Windows Phone 7 application using PhoneGap and have a few questions around functionality available. I haven't developed a WP7 application before nor used PhoneGap so forgive me if some of the answers to these questions are obvious.
Does PhoneGap support the capability to update HTML/JS/CSS/Images hosted by the WP7 app? I imagine it's possible to easily download new content, but whether one can update or extend the existing files PhoneGap is using for the application is not clear. Given that the application functionality will be primarily driven by HTML/JS, I assume it's possible to download updated HTML/JS asynchronously and update the content on the device. In effect, this would be tantamount to updating the application without downloading a new version of the application through the MarketPlace. Assuming this is possible, what are the chances that an application which does this will pass the application verification process?
Are there any specific restrictions/guidelines that one should pay more attention to when developing an application using PhoneGap? I doubt there are but it would be helpful if anyone has any specific advice in this area.
Any help would be appreciated.
1) The short answer is yes.
The long answer is that you will need to do some native (in this case C#) dev to make that happen. I don't know the specifics of PhoneGap, but I know you can call C# methods from the JS. So you would call a method to download the data and store it in the IsolatedStorage, and then maybe have a callback to the JS to let it know it's done. Otherwise, there may be a way to download the image in JS and pass it to the code behind, but unless the PhoneGap guys have specifically catered for this scenario then I highly highly doubt it.
1.2) Yes, this will pass cert just fine. It is not up to MS to determine how/why/when/where you get your content. They don't make any money out of you updating an app, so they won't care whether you work out your own content delivery system.
2) Maybe not exactly the answer you are looking for - but if you make an app in PhoneGap, or any other non-native way, the app-gods will strike you down. To put it simpler, PhoneGap and everything like it is crap. Not the actual framework (I'm sure they put a lot of work into it), but the results. Seriously, the moment you run a non-native app you can tell how terrible it is. I don't know how to stress this enough. It's really worth developing it natively to every platform.

Control used in people hub app

I want to implement some thing like in people hub native app. I want to open some pop same like they using to select contact alphabetically. can some one tell me how should i start for that.
Try the long list selector from
In depth here -
First question, why build an app that already exist nativly? Secondly your question is far too broad to answer properly, we cant tell you how to build an app.
I recomend going through the tutorials on the app hub to get you started. Here is also a free book that might help

Trying to get excel 2003 into already made windows form

What my problem is is that I have a project that is in full design mode swing right now. I built it using the Windows form..
Anyways, on one of my forms..that I already started building (very painstakingly)..
Minds have changed and now what needs to be on that form is either a full excel 2003 workbook..or at the very least..excel worksheet.
The problem is that I have not been using studio 2008 for long..and coding experience shows the same.
Can someone please tell me how the heck I can put a worksheet or a workbook on that form without starting my whole project over using office forms?
Please..go slow with this newbie because i really don't know anything and Jargon is confusing me even more :(
I think you're looking for this:
