Trying to get excel 2003 into already made windows form - visual-studio

What my problem is is that I have a project that is in full design mode swing right now. I built it using the Windows form..
Anyways, on one of my forms..that I already started building (very painstakingly)..
Minds have changed and now what needs to be on that form is either a full excel 2003 workbook..or at the very least..excel worksheet.
The problem is that I have not been using studio 2008 for long..and coding experience shows the same.
Can someone please tell me how the heck I can put a worksheet or a workbook on that form without starting my whole project over using office forms?
Please..go slow with this newbie because i really don't know anything and Jargon is confusing me even more :(

I think you're looking for this:


is there anyway to embed an OLE object in Word under macos and use an external program to process the OLE object when double clicking?

we are developing a formula editor.
we want to insert our formula in Word (the formula image is normally displayed in Word) and edit again, just like xlsx files.
when double clicking, we want to launch our editor program to edit the formula and then replace it in Word.
we have already done that on Windows, but under the macOS, we are confused because we do not know how to implement them.
can you please tell me if that possible? is there a similar function implementation of office word under macos?
any advice or suggestion is welcome!
No, it is not possible because OLE is based on the COM technology which exists on Windows only.
As a possible solution you may consider creating an Office web add-in which can be installed on all platforms from web browsers to Mac OS. See Develop Office Add-ins for more information.
You can post or vote for an existing feature request on Tech Community where they are considered when the Office dev team go through the planning process.

Datalogic Falcon x3 development

I have been trying to begin development for a 'Datalogic Falcon x3+' device, and have had no luck so far even getting started.
The device currently has Windows 2006 C.E installed, and it has the most up-to-date firmware possible.
After doing research I found very little information on this device - specifically to develop for it, and all I have found is from the official website some old documentation and the SDK, which requires Visual Studio 2008. I could only find Visual Studio 2008 Express, and had no luck using the SDK.
I found a few posts relating to this device on SO, however there were no details pertaining to my line of questioning.
Does anybody know how to develop for this device? Is there perhaps any other IDE's I could use, or does anyone know how to perhaps make a simple application without use of the SDK?
You don't state clearly what kind of "development" you want to do. But a scanner is really just a replacement for a keyboard. That is, it scans a barcode and decodes it into a text string, then delivers the string <somewhere>. That text string could just as well have been hand entered by someone using a keyboard; the scanner just does it much more quickly and accurately.
So one solution, given in another stackoverflow topic, is to create a simple web form with a single input field to receive scanned data, then process the data on the back end (web server) with a PHP program, or any other CGI program of your choice.

How to get the Application.ProductCode in office for mac

I am building a small Excel VBA app where I would need to access the Application.ProductCode property. There is no problems on Windows, however I would need this script to also run on Excel for Mac, and there it seems that this property is not accessible. I receive the error message
"run time error '438':
Object doesn't support this property or method"
Does someone know a way to get access to this property in the VBA scripts?
Would there be maybe a way to access this information using the new excel javascript addins? I checked but I could not access this information.
Thanks for your help
I think this has already been answered, if I'm understanding the intent of your question correctly:
How can I generate GUIDs in Excel?
and you'll see the comment:
"Works perfectly on Excel for Mac, just have to change ; to , – Mirko Akov"

How to use ncalc in a wp7 app?

i am new to wp7 programming and c# and i want to use a mathematical parser for my app.
I found ncalc that everyone says it works great for windows phone,
but i don't know how to use it inside my app.I have downloaded the binaries and i added them in my app but when i use a simple expression like this:
Expression e = new Expression("2 + 3 * 5");
Debug.Assert(17 == e.Evaluate());
it gives me a bunch of errors.Someone who have used ncalc could tell me how he made it work?
I searched the internet but i couldn't find something.Please help me...
I'm actually having a similar issue (trying ncalc) and basically it seems like you can't use a .Net runtime with the windows phone/silver light project. You'll need to get the source code and recompile under a windows phone class library project.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get this working yet since ncalc source code uses another dll antlr3.runtime with the same issue. Running in circles. If i find another way or anyone has any ideas or links please post.
stack overflow link on the same issue by someone else

Integrating a custom gui framework with the VS designer

Imagine you homebrew a custom gui framework that doesn't use windows handles (compact framework, so please don't argue with "whys"). One of the main disadvantages of developing such a framework is that you lose compatability with the winform designer.
So my question is to all of you who know a lot about VS customisation, would there be a clever mechanism by which one could incorperate the gui framework into the designer and get it to spit out your custom code instead of the standard windows stuff in the InitialiseComponent() method?
I recently watched a video of these guys who built a WoW AddOn designer for Visual Studio.
They overcame the task of getting their completely custom controls to render correctly in the designer. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you need, but might be worth looking at. It's open-source:
I've also since discovered that DXCore from DevExpress is a tool that simplifies plugin development. The default implementation wouldn't let me dock as document (central) but regardless one can still easily generate a plugin with it that can compile a file on the fly and render the contents of it which may well do the job for me. :)
