user groups in joomla - joomla

I have to type of registration in my website (employers and job seekers)
I want to hide some modules on (joob seekers) type
but in the access type of my template joomla i have 3 type (public register special) and administration panel user groupe i cant find the 2 types of registration (employers & job seekers)
i fond just this Access Control Levels in this web site
How can i use this 2 type of registration in an access type ??
How to create a new 2 user groups (employers & job seekers) in joomla 1.5 ??

I have to maintain about a half dozen Joomla1.5 sites, and have had great success with noixACL


How to assign custom usergroup during registration with Joomla 3.x?

I'm just new to Joomla and I'm developing an (joomla 3.x) application where Organisations can register and set up a group, and 'Citizens' can register as a member of this group. (the solution Groupjive is unfortenately not suitable with respect to my specific design goals). Citizens can be member of one or more groups but can also be no member at all.
My specific development questions:
How to assign a new custom user group during registration? E.g., with respect to the standard registration process, where in the Joomla code are users assigned to the user groups, e.g., where in the code are the values saved in the #_usergroup_map table? I looked at the register.php model and controller files com_users but could not find the specific code there
If I would develop a plugin for assigning a new custom user group during registration (I believe that is the best approach?) which plugin method should be used?

Content for Registered User on Joomla 2.5

I am working with Joomla 2.5 and I need to set a page each language to be visible only to registered users.
Now that's what I have done already:
I created 5 new pages with restricted access (Registered), one each language
Created 5 new menu items, linking to single articles with restricted access (Registered)
Created a module to display the above menu with restricted access (Registered)
Everything works fine, so the menu items link to the correct pages, except that I get the module also for Public users.
Where am I wrong?
You need to create a guest usergroup which is not a part of the registered user group. Then you should set your default usergroup for not-logged in users as guest instead of public. You can do that in the options of the user manager page. That should do the trick.

Joomla JEvent - Different calender category needs different access

I'm using the extension JEvent to manage a calender in Joomla.
There are 2 categories:
Party events
Training events
I need 2 registered users, who only have access to only one category.
party-organizer -> Party events
and trainer -> Training events
How do I do this? Thank you.
I don't know JEvent(s) but normally on extensions, which are running on actual versions of Joomla (1.6+), if they support categories, permissions can be set per category. Means you can assign the two users to different user groups and set the permissions on the category for each user group. Do the same with the access level.
I suggest to read the Joomla ACL tutorial

Joomla custom user groups

I have a Joomla website and there are two sections to the site. One section is for the public and the other is for retailers which have to be approved. What I need is to create a group of users which are the only ones who can access the retailer section of the site. These users don't get any editing/publishing/administrator roles; they're just registered users with special access. I've tried several extensions but had no luck with it. Does anyone know how this can be done?
You don't need groups: you just have to make sure to disable the "self registration" option (from admin control panel: Global Configuration -> system -> Allow User Registration = No)
Also, you'll have to configure each article/menu to have Access Level "public"/"registered".
You can register new users from the admin control panel and only they will be able to view "registered" content.
Read this :-
Search about access control list.

Umbraco how to create account related pages?

I would like to create some pages related to a member account in umbraco 4.
In webforms, an account folder is created and in it are the account related pages, such as Login.aspx, ForgotPassword.aspx, etc...
Now, these pages are not actual content pages, but are more of the adminitrative type.
I've created user controls for the login, register, etc.
Should I create a document type in umbraco for each page type, and put the respective user control in each template ? what is the recommended way to do this in umbraco ?
On the content manager, just right click on the page or node you want to protect, right click on and select "Public Access".
In there you can apply permissions to individual users and/or roled based. The Roled based one will require for you to have "Member Groups".
That is it. All the security is kept on the "\App_Data\access.config" file; you can review it for more details on how they are achieving this.
