Joomla JEvent - Different calender category needs different access - joomla

I'm using the extension JEvent to manage a calender in Joomla.
There are 2 categories:
Party events
Training events
I need 2 registered users, who only have access to only one category.
party-organizer -> Party events
and trainer -> Training events
How do I do this? Thank you.

I don't know JEvent(s) but normally on extensions, which are running on actual versions of Joomla (1.6+), if they support categories, permissions can be set per category. Means you can assign the two users to different user groups and set the permissions on the category for each user group. Do the same with the access level.
I suggest to read the Joomla ACL tutorial


Joomla 3: How to set different user permissions?

I currently have a Joomla site that has 5 different departments of people accessing the backend content. Basically, everyone's looking and poking at other departments contents. So how would I set a different account for everyone and allow them to only modify their own content? E.G.
The salt department can post whatever articles they want, but they cannot modify the sugar department's article.
Does Joomla have this kind of ability or any extensions out there?
That is pretty simple on Joomla 3 system.
Firstly, you create 5 different User Groups in Joomla under Users menu.
Go to Content > Article Manager > click Options button on the top right side > Permissions Tab
In the Permissions Tab, click on each User Group and you have tons of permission to tweak such as: Create, Edit, Edit Own, ...
Hope it helps.
If you haven't configured it yet, the key term to look for is ACL (Access Control List).
Basically you need to create 5 users groups (which are not Super Users).
Here is an article to get you started:
Joomla ACL: Configuring back-end ACL

One website multiple stores in magento

Please help me on this.
How can i create mutiple stores in with a single installation of magento. It's not like what you are thinking.
Suppose my website is, In the tech store it will be or the flower shop it will be with
the help of sub domain. The shops order will be in their store's
admin. they will not share any data but they will share customer's
login. So that a customer can log in every store with same id and
pass. I will use a static page for the mother store. So that customer ca n easily visit the stores. The sub stores
will be children. The stores won;t share any data even admin. Just
customer information and login.
Please help me how can i do that. Thanks in advance
Try this..
Creating multiple store in a single website
You can do it in several ways:
create many websites
create many stores on one website (then you will have store switcher)
create many store views (then you will have Language switcher)
you don't have any restrictions here, but just need to set Base Url for each website/store/store view.
I would like to recommend you a #1 way and create websites. as later you maybe would like to show some of sites in 2 languages
here I did the same:
and also some store can have dedicated domain
but will be placed on same admin
the only issue is that Magento CE not support admin separation per store. which mean - each admin will see data from all stores. But I know how to resolve it ;)
In Magento Multistore are created with
--one website and many stores or
--Multiple websites with each having one or more then one store.
Setup will depend on what all you want to share and what you do not want to share.
Domains can be subdomains( or same domain( or totally different individual domains.
To share customer across stores you need to create one website but mulitple stores within that website.

How to Create a Custom Registration form and Approval Process in Magento?

We are setting up a new Magento site and will allow clothing designers the ability to sell their products in our store. We've already created a separate user group with appropriate permissions for Designers. However, we need to create a custom registration form for use by them, and an accompanying approval workflow. Can someone provide links to guidelines in creating such a custom form and workflow? Is it advisable to create a separate store for each designer, or create user defined attributes to assign a designer to their products in the main store catalog? Also, given that we will have a separate and changing commission percentage for each designer, what custom module logic must be used to apply these commissions correctly? Specifically, what Magento objects must be leveraged to produce such a commission process?
Thanks much for your help and guidance.
Here are 2 examples that should help:
Magento – Custom email contact form with notification system
Contact Form in Magento

Joomla custom user groups

I have a Joomla website and there are two sections to the site. One section is for the public and the other is for retailers which have to be approved. What I need is to create a group of users which are the only ones who can access the retailer section of the site. These users don't get any editing/publishing/administrator roles; they're just registered users with special access. I've tried several extensions but had no luck with it. Does anyone know how this can be done?
You don't need groups: you just have to make sure to disable the "self registration" option (from admin control panel: Global Configuration -> system -> Allow User Registration = No)
Also, you'll have to configure each article/menu to have Access Level "public"/"registered".
You can register new users from the admin control panel and only they will be able to view "registered" content.
Read this :-
Search about access control list.

Joomla 1.5 user group questions

Does it affect the way joomla authenticate users if I add a custom user groups in the Joomla 1.5.15 and does it make it less secure?
I'm planning to add a custom group using the table jos_core_acl_aro_groups as described at
But someone told me that if I add a new user group and the group_id is greater than 25 (this is the ID of the Super Administrator), that new group will have the same access as the super admin in the default joomla core files without changing anything just the additional user group. Is this true?
Don't you have a local instsall of Joomla to try this?
Anyways, it's not true because it can't be, why should the group_id define the access rights? That would be a terrible ACL implementation. But please try it, before you actually use it live.
In Joomla 1.5 you can make user groups but they will have one of the existing role patterns. In Joomla 1.6 (alpha) there will be full flexibility in defining your groups, roles and granular ownership settings for each article, module, etc.
There are several extension you can find at:
Which enhance the core ACL functions. Give them a look and you'll probably find the solution without hacking the core files.
